We celebrate Valentine's Day, recently, we all even celebrated M S Dhoni's birthday but how many of us know about the World Population Day? Do we know 11th July is recognized as the World Population Day? This day was declared to be the one in 1989 by the Governing Council of the UN development program. The only aim of this day is to create awareness about the growing population of the world. But we are humans, we have a human tendency to avoid talking about things that we don't find right or favourable.

Do we know the time period required for the world population to reach 1 billion? It was 200,000 years. And the time required to reach 2 billion was simply 100 years. The best example to show how good we are at increasing the population is the time period when a hurricane killed 139,000 people in Bangladesh. It took merely 2.5 weeks for 139,000 new births post the hurricane.

On the other side, if we go through the statistics given by UNICEF on Nov 18, 2018, there are 153 million orphans across the world. And estimated 5700 more orphans are added everyday to this number. Shocked, right?

Also, we are very well aware about the speed of the depleting resources say it be water, food, shelter and the most important, money. (Read Wrytup: Why the value of money has increased) More the population, more the need of the resources. But what about the quantity of the resources, they aren't increasing.

Today we are 7.7 billion across the world and 136 crores in India that is the 2nd largest populated country.

I think it's time when instead of giving birth to a new child, we should start giving a new life to the existing orphans. This can only help us to save us from all the increasing issues caused due to population explosion.

Read my other articles here👉: #wrytup

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Profile of Neha
Neha  •  5y  •  Reply
If we look at the present situation of Chennai, we all are soon gonna die.
Profile of No Name Joe
No Name Joe  •  5y  •  Reply
Yes, We only have few years of resources left