We spend lots of efforts on impressing others.

But when it comes to ourselves, we often neglect it.

Our family, our friends, our near and dear ones, our close ones occupy so much of our time that in the end, we don't have time enough even for ourselves.

Self-love is often regarded as the purest form of love. In this fast-forward world where no-one has time for no-one, it is important that we learn to pamper ourselves.

So here I present 5 different ways to showcase warmth and intimacy to yourself......because why not?

1) Pat Your own back

A lot of times ee are in situations where we get crushed between different alternatives. After lot of frustrations, trials, and errors when we are finally able to get out of that situation, we notice that there's no-one to congratulate us for dealing wisely. No-one to say "Great Job! Bravo". This is the time when it's important to take a deep breath and remember the many obstacles you have successfully faced with a smile. Believe in yourself and pat your own back. Since others are too busy to!

2) Take yourself out on a date

A good candlelight set up, soft soothing music being played, a lavish dinner, vases with roses and lilies in them, scented ambiance and a beautiful date with a beautiful you, what more do you need?

3) Gifts

So you purchase gifts for your acquaintainces then why not your own self? Everyone loves gifts, so do you. Spend some of your hard earned money on buying yourself a gorgeous purse, gift yourself a spa treatment, fix a beauty parlor appointment or go for some sauna therapy. Make yourself happy, your soul deserves it!

4) Yoga

Ok, ok so we have all heard the cliche lines that meditation increases the mental well-being many times. But have you ever tried it out?? If not, then begin right now. It's the best thing you can gift yourself. In today's hectic world, simple breath-in and breath-out can create magic! So many mouths can't lie after-all!

5) Gardening

Besides the fact that the color green soothes our eyes and helps improve the longevity of our vision, gardening has many other benefits too. Plants are living beings, they do so much for us- from providing shelter to giving us delicious fruits, isn't it necessary to repay them? Water them, love them and spend some time with them. It will give your brain the much-needed satisfaction after a tough day combined with blessings from these lush emerald pious souls! What more does a mortal human need?

Pursue a hobby, listen to your favorite tracks, go out for a walk or simply sleep and give yourself a much needed rest. We all read of different detox diets and drinks, why not detoxify and heal your soul? Why not showcase a little bit affection to yourself??

Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder, behold your beauty within your eyes and in no time you will become beautiful!

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Profile of Vishal Jain
Vishal Jain  •  4y  •  Reply
Different and awesome thoughts 😁