Everyone knows that the quality of food that we eat directly affects our health. It is established fact that the type of food we eat has a bearing on our health. Two kinds of food are their one is the organic food and other is the genetically modified foods. Organic food is the product of a farming system which avoids the use of man-made fertilizers, pesticides; growth regulators and livestock feed additives. Examples of organic food are fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, dairy products and eggs, meets and poultry etc.
Pros of organic foods
·no pesticides are used while growing organic foods
·Organic crops do not use hexane (Hexane is a neurotoxin used in common vegetable oils like soybean, canola, and corn.)
·The nutritional value is typically higher inorganic foods.
·Safer meat
Cons of organic foods
·Organic food is more expensive to buy than non-organic food.
·Not all food stores have a wide selection of organic foods.
·Higher bacteria levels
On the other side genetically modified food can be defined as organisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which thegeneticmaterial (DNA) has beenalteredin a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination. Examples of GMO are corn, soybeans, cotton, potatoes, papaya, squash etc., One common example of GMO is the when you see abnormally large strawberries or blueberries at the food store.
Pros of GMO Foods
·it costs less then non GMO foods
·Enhanced taste and quality
·reduced maturation time
·new products and growing techniques
Cons of GMO foods
·GMO crops may cause antibiotic resistance.
·In rare cases, cancer is found because of the altered chemicals in food products
·GMOs are a new food source to humans which causes allergic reactions to some people.
Some researchers say that whether a food is produced through organic, conventional or bioengineered (GMO) agriculture, they are equally nutritious and healthful.The good news is GMO, organic and conventionally grown foods all contribute valuable nutrients to our diets. List of genetically modified crops in India
·GM soybean (50%)
·GM maize (30%)
·GM cotton (14%)
·GM canola (5%)
·Other (1%)
It is more important to eat a healthy diet than to pick and choose on the basis of GMO or organic food. Take a stand against poor farming and harvest practices and encourage a sustainable future for your children and grandchildren, and shop organic if you can.