Belief acts as an energy saving shortcut in the life of human being. If a person has a strong sense of belief for something then no one can change his belief even if you show that person facts still he will not consider the facts, rather he will only rely on his vague belief. If a human being does not believe about anything then his mental satisfaction will get affected as belief is the only feature which keeps the person in hope. Let’s take an example, suppose a mothers is son is in army and in the coming holidays he is to come home but he didn’t came. And there is no news that why didn’t he came or where is he. After few days other people will start concluding that her son is dead but his mother has a strong belief that her son is alive and he will definitely come one day. Now suppose that if she didn’t believed that her son is alive, i think she would not be able to live her life. It’s that small belief that is giving her hope to wait for her son to come home. Now let’s take it upon ourselves, if we have a strong belief in something that we can do this, then our body and brain will automatically work in the direction of converting that belief into reality. But on the other side if the person does not believe in himself then no power on earth can motivate him to fulfill his goals. If you don’t have a huge amount of belief in yourself, then there is no wayyou can expect anyone else to believe in you. If you are an employee your boss will not believe you unless you believe that you can do the work very well. If you are an entrepreneur, you can’t expect an investor to believe in your ideas if you don’t even believe in yourself. Now these motivational lectures are meant to motivate us so that we can do work to our fullest. But I think so if we do not believe in ourselves, no motivational lecture or speech can influence us to do that work. Having no belief in yourself can block our mind to learn anything motivating. So, the primary step of success
Believe in yourself
Everythingyouhave in your life is a result of your belief inyourself and the belief that it's possible.