Superfoods are called by the name because they are packed with an abundance of nutrients in them. They help in increasing consumption of more nutrients in fewer portions thus getting us an adequate amount of balanced nutrition without overeating.

They are rich in vitamins and minerals and are excellent to increase the overall value of the food if we introduce it in our diet.

Let's get to know 5 superfoods to include in our diet to stay healthy:

1.Green leafy vegetables-

They are super rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and fibre. They help to reduce chronic illness and diabetes.

Some of the green leafy vegetables are spinach, methi, kale and amaranth leaves.

2. Berries-

Berries are traditionally used to increase intake of vitamins in our food. They are super-rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Some of berries names are raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and cranberries.

You can just add some in your breakfast cereals to relish it.

3. Green tea-

It is an antioxidants powerhouse. It has anti-inflammatory properties and other medicinal value. One of the antioxidant in green tea is EGCG which helps in preventing chronic diseases such as cancer, heart ailments and diabetes.

Consume it after 30 minutes of food to improve digestion.

4. Eggs-

It is one of the healthiest breakfast options for people. A variety of dishes can be prepared with it in less time.

You can boil some whole eggs and sprinkle it with salt and pepper after peeling and eat it in breakfast if left with no other options or if you are getting late to work.

It is rich in vitamin A and B, iron, calcium, and phosphorus.

5. Legumes-

Widely known as pulses all around the world, they are super rich in protein and fibre. They help to maintain weight and support the ability to lose weight. They also give a feeling of fullness by consuming little quantity thus prevents overeating.

