Mornings are a way to start afresh day leaving previous days worries and working towards something fruitful. It's all about acting in present and not regretting in the past day.
But some of us are really cranky in the mornings and it takes till lunchtime to get back to form but till that time our half-day of productive hours is lost. But we can follow some morning rituals to start our day with great energy and enthusiasm.
Below are some tips and tricks to make you feel energized in the morning and increase our productivity-
Stretch your body- when you get up or feel lazy in the bed but have to get up for work just stretch your arms and legs in the bed itself. It will energize you and increase your blood flow throughout. This thing you can continue for two minutes more after coming out of the bed by doing side bends or directing your hands and legs. Also, try bending down with knees straight with hands towards feet.
Make your own bed as soon as you get up as it gives you a sense of accomplishment even if it's a small task. Sense of accomplishment motivates us to better.
Have a cup of warm water with honey and lemon, tea/coffee or just warm water to get yourself going.
Take a brisk morning walk for two to five minutes at least in the morning sun. It's the most refreshing and easy exercise in a short span of time. This promotes wakefulness and makes the brain alert.
Workout in a gym if your schedule permits it or just do some simple exercise at home for at least 10 to 15 minutes in the morning.
Eat a good nutritious breakfast like eggs, oats, fruits, nuts, smoothies without adding sugar or simple plain Indian breakfast made without much oil and spices.
Consume some chia seeds with water as a drink to increase metabolism.
You can also try having a glass of water in a copper vessel or glass stored overnight in the early morning. Avoid using copper bottles as its mouth is narrow and it's difficult to easy rust in the bottom with use.
Try writing down the things you need to do in the whole day and this will help you attain it in the day itself.