Sick With The Exam Fever. Some Tips

Mayank Gosai
Feb 17, 2019   •  3 views

Examination is the most dreaded word that leads to stress and anxiety among the best of students and parents. Examination is a lifelong process.

A child who writes exam right from junior to grade nine is often afraid of the board exams. Why do such phobias exist of the words?

why is the board exam not treated like any other School exam?
Over the years the paper pattern has changed, the theory based papers have become application based but the formal evaluation pattern persists. This has given rise to very hard competition leading to a rat race.

The evaluation is based on marks rather than aptitude and skills of the students

Students shift between school and coaching classes and compromise their socializing and play time for studies, this is where the students get anxiety and stress with fever

they feel the competition white others they feel like proving themselves better than others.
Many times students feel pressurized because of the Expectations of the parents, family members , teachers themselves I do not want to let anyone down and show clearing the board exams with flying colours is now of Paramount importance.

Whenever a student is unable to cope up with exa, gets worried keep thinking too much about the results and exams leads to a adrenaline secretion in the body which causes anxiety and nervousness

Here are some suggestions to help you reduce your stress during examination

1. Listen to soft music
listening to music create a positive and productive environment and helps you elevate and encourage you it boosts your brain power

2. Take a quick walk
many students feel as if they should spend their entire time before exams with their books open and their pen in action. However researchers proved that taking a walk can boost your memory and brain power.

3. plan your study routine
study routine is not a surprise but discounts should be self gifted with care. Proper study routine can make you more productive and motivated

4. Try to get enough sleep
quality sleep has its benefits which can never be underestimated sleeping help sleeping helps your brain to assimilate new knowledge into long memory number.

5. eat healthy and light food when you eat unhealthy and heavy food it makes you feel clumsy and sleepy which can interfere in the exam preparation

6. Give your mind space
meditation is the most effective way to take a break and see your stress from a different perspective.

practicing meditation is another way to maintain Physical health and reduce exam stress

If you still find yourself stuck in a negative thought loop then try to detach from it. Try to stay and remain logical about the worst things Adopting these tips should be tried it will help you.

