Mugged-Up Book Worms @ Doctors & Engineers

Mar 29, 2019   •  3 views

In INDIA,the students are forced upon by their parents,relatives and even neighbours to become a doctor or engineer.The passion of the child is never cared for.Having the courage to find ,pursue your passion will lead you to where you want to end up.Some students might be the only child in the house,he/she couldn't be able to find his/her passion.They should be helped out and not to be told you should become a doctor or engineer.

Your cousin got into IIT so you should get into atleast government Eng. colleges in and around your locality.This is what that is happening.After striving hard,getting admission in some govt.collegeand then by final year he/she might be having 10-15 pending papers.After writing those papers and getting a pass mark he qualifies as an engineer.Then he/she would be begging for a job at all the interviews he /she gets to know about.After getting that job ,Life is finished .

Doing something you like and something you don't throughout your life matters. Doing the same uninterested job throughout your life would be so cruel.At that time you wouldn't be left with another option.Get up in the morning,Get ready ,Go to work place,Work hard for something you don't like to work for,Get back home ,Get some rest.Live like that upto 58 years or even 60 years. You missed out the most important,enjoyable and beautiful period of your life.

His child scored so and so ,my child should score more than that child.This turns up to be a bigger problem in India and only India.

You have only one life ,feel the pulse ,find your passion and pursue it.Only the you can leave a mark for the coming generations.

