Worry and anxiety are the most dangerous thing in the human being which slowly kill us from inside. Most things in life are beyond our control. We should not judge any situation by its face value. Learning to detach ourselves from a situation that is outside our control is an imperative skill to learn for personal growth. Not every situation of life is in our control then why Worry? If we can do anything about it and if the situation is in control then just find a solution for it, why Worry? This is a very good solution to cope up with an unpleasant situation in life.
Whatever situation may come our way first analyse it: Is this in my control? If yes, you can do something about it. If no, then you cannot do anything about it. Therefore in both circumstances, why worry? Life is all about ups and downs. We cannot run away from the worst situation of life. The another best way to cope up with extreme worry and anxiety is through meditation. Through meditation, we become the best version of ourselves.
Problems are part of life not apart from life. It's important to know how to deal with it or be calm in that situation. Otherwise, worry and anxiety can lead to a serious health issue. Why worry technique is best and simple to understand without lots of explanation. Anyone can understand it with ease and can practically try this technique. The only aim of this technique is to explain whatever may be the situation in life worrying is not its solution.
Life takes us through a good situation as well as the bad one. Every situation of life is not in our control some are out of control. We can't control the thinking of other people towards us, we can't control the unwanted phase of our life then why we worry about these things. We just need to explain ourselves that nothing is in our control then why to worry and overthink about it. One best example is when a student exam paper goes bad he overthink and worry about it knowing that he can't do anything about it now. It also affects the next paper as he is not able to concentrate on it because of the previous one. Just calm yourself and try to explain why to worry when nothing is in hand. It takes time to control our thoughts but when we explain ourselves it becomes a little easy and after that use why worry technique to fix our problems in life.