You are a true friend if you love your friend when they can't even love themselves.
Everyone goes through something which is difficult and seeing that experience from a positive aspect can be tough it sometimes take days, months or even years. But when you do get over, when the healing process begins it is of the best feelings.
Now, you know that good feeling or rather a proud or liberating feeling you get when you heal from a situation you never thought you would, probably a heartbreak or a failure but it's a GREAT feeling when you see your friends healing from that situation. Like, there was time when they were completely hopeless, feeling they are alone or they are never enough for someone or they are not capable of doing something but you were there you saw how much potential they have, how much love they still have to give to others, how kind and good-hearted person they are and just because of their one bad experience they lost all hopes. At that time you were supporting them, helping them to see what bomb-ass person they are, but they were just blinded by their own sadness. You try to make them laugh, keep motivating them but nothing seems to work. And they start thinking that they deserve it or it's somehow their fault.
So after this time, after dealing with that experience when the healing begins and they start to get out of that situation, when they gain the confidence, when they get their self-esteem back, it's not just them who got themselves back but you also. You got back your friend. You saw them in their terrible time and now you are seeing them healing, growing from that situation, learning the lesson for which that bad experience was meant.
Your heart smiles when you see your friends getting up to the next level. It's a feeling no one can express. And if you don't feel like this when you see someone making their life better then I am sorry you don't love them. You are not their friend. Because friends are supposed to be by each other's side, don't matter what situation they are going through and helping, supporting them when they get out of it.
Anyone can be your friends when you are all happy and cheery but someone who is with you in your sad days, dull days that prove this person is not with you because of a certain situation but because they love you, despite the situation you are in. Everyone deserves to have someone in their life who is like this. Who loves you for you.