Refugees Are Our Collective Concern

Khushar Nandwani
Jul 06, 2019   •  1 view

Refugees, Who?

Refugees are people who are forced from their home countries by conflict or repression or something else, and who must find new homes and new lives abroad. They all face a trauma during a process of leaving their homes and going and set telling in some other country. The current refugee crisis is global. The coverage has focused heavily on the refugees arriving in Europe, and especially Syrian refugees. Refugees are fleeing from countries and arriving in wealthy countries including UK and Australia.

There is also a distinction between the words refugees and migrants. Calling someone a ‘refugee’ can be way of describing people who are forces to leave there land due to some conflict or repression and calling someone a ‘migrant’ can be way of describing a person who moves from one place to another without being forced in order to find work and better living conditions.

This system started long time back in Germany during the holocaust. Hitler who was coming to power and became a dictator in 1933. He had the mindset that they lost the humongous war just because of the JEWS. As they were the ones who did not help the country in the world war 1. During the great depression they were the ones who were enjoying all the privileges whereas Germans in the state became refugees, some did but some were not ready to face this trauma and dies due to Hitler’s ruthlessness.


There are currently some 43 million uprooted victims of conflict and persecutions worldwide. More than 15 million of them are refugees. The refugees face a lot of problem like religious conflicts between the citizens of the different country and the refugees.

Although agencies like UNHCR can address some of the humanitarian needs of refugees living in the country, the underlying causes of these conflicts require a political solution. Without a resolution, the refugee members grow and the duration of their exile lengthens. At the same time, an increasingly misappropriate burdenis placed on developing countries that already host 4/5 of the world refugees.

The trying to cope up with so called ‘mixed movements’ in which migrants, refugees and victims of trafficking travel alongside each other. These groups have different profiles and motivations for moving, and may thus have a different status under international law.



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