Humanity needs to rediscover.

In this war-struck world where it seems that the present is clearing the path for a dark and dystopian future, a glum and ghastly world is what we are building for ourselves where forces of felony, anger and malice enslave the minds of millions, where corruption rules triumphantly and where the hopes of hundreds are twisted and destroyed by dismal warriors wielding swords of sorrow and drills of despair. Humanity needs to rediscover itself to free itself from hate, from anger and intolerance, from superiority, greed and from selfishness.

Its time for optimism

Terrible happenings have become breaking news items that sizzle in the cauldron of calumny and one wonders-what's cooking? Media dishes out disaster after disaster about war torn hot spots to gun violence in the schools and streets of so called developed nations. World episodes are a pot-boiler of sorts that further feeds a ferocious future. It is time to awaken an appetite for optimism and positivity. Too many crooks have spoilt the broth and we need now a soup to nourish the soul with core flavors of goodness mingled with the milk of human kindness - an antidote to the bitter future of just desserts! Let us device a dish to energize a common future.

A common future is one where we humans can put aside our differences and untie to undo the damage we have inflicted upon our planet, where humans are able to help each other and think about not only themselves, but others. A recipe that works to instill one with basic values so that he or she will have a stronger moral consciousness and will be able to work together for a common future

The Recipe....

First, a bowl must be hewn from the rocks of reason and a spoon carved from the bark of brotherhood. The bowl should be filled upto a quarter from the water of the clear river of rational thoughts and must be placed upon a fire stoked with feathers of forgiveness. Five tablespoons of understanding must be coupled with a serum of sensitivity and the powerful antidote to the evil disease of judgment acceptance and compassion should be added and be left for simmer. Next, must come peace: a subtle yet powerful mixture of serenity and calmness with harmony and a dash of love and joy. Generosity hospitality and awareness need to be mixed a third of a spoon each to ensure that the future is one of people with clear and strong moral consciousness. This mixture should cause humanity to accumulate, and now one must inculcate a forgiving nature with the help of empathy, toleration and affection.

Love should be added abundantly and perseverance, friendship and happiness will complete the recipe which should be garnished with curiosity, adventure, courage, honor and honesty to taste. If brewed correctly one should obtain a clear potion with flashing darts of colors and images below a colorless surface. Symbols may briefly flash above the potion which hint at the nature of the brew and its effects.

The elements of the recipe need to be further reinforced in all spheres of life, be it school, social or private. Each one of us should strive to create an atmosphere of learning and fun at school rather than the stifling surrounding of crippling and unhealthy competition.

Common future

These values should be the paramount priority in the school curriculum so that it becomes a center growth for both the mind and the heart. It is high time for us to stop reacting and start acting. Let us start appreciating and recognizing our differences and use them not as a reason for hates division but as an opportunity to unite. Always remember to have a positive outlook for everything as positive actions coupled with positive thinking results in success. Media, which plays a crucial in shaping our thoughts should offer us an unbiased palette of information, spreading positivity and optimism to increase the basic simplicity culture so that we may be able to glimpse the world in positive way, filled with wonder and excitement at the world we are building for ourselves.

Once consumed the results are nearly instantaneous, though behavioral changes may occur for a longer period of time. The potion shall aim to awaken and instill the mentioned values and inculcate a strong moral consciousness, which will allow each one of upto lead a life full of respect and love for each other and to build for a future filled with fantasy, wonder and magic: ONE COMMON FUTURE

