How Can Children And Young People Can Come Together To Build A Peaceful Society?

Khushar Nandwani
Jul 06, 2019   •  4 views

“peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by complete understanding”

-Albert Einstein

Youth - the only hope

Today in the 21st century when development of technology and skills is growing rapidly, we find the world is passing through an environment full of tension, violence and declining value. The so called ‘Modern World’ has become highly fragmented, less peaceful and unsafe for both present and future generations. In such a hopeless condition, where terrorism has become the largest threat to mankind and where politics has become the corrupt and mean way of making money, the only hope left is the ‘youth’.

The youth constitute the the richest wealth of the world. It is the youth’s decisions that can shape their future and the society’s as well. Currently, when the greatest need is to create a culture of peace and a conflict free environment, the safest and the most trustworthy hands for our society are of young people and children. But the question that comes here is that, are all children capable enough to work for the society? Certainly not.

Unfortunately despite the world’s wealth and riches there are hundreds of children who, still can’t afford ot go to school. They can definitely not change their conditions, but if someone can do something, then it is the political associations. Instead of misusing their power and snatching away peace from their countries they should exercise in such a way that it not only benefits the present but also secures the future of the youth.

Education - A lethal weopon

According to me education is the most powerful weapon one can use to change the world. But the saddest part is that, in some countries children are deprived of even the most basic right to education. What we need to ponder upon right now is that if children are not aware of the ill happenings in their society then how can we expect them to come together and bring about a revolutionary change?

It’s nothing but illiteracy that leaves today’s youth with no other option but to join crimes lim – terrori

Sadly the present scenario of the youth and children isn’t at all pleasing. The uneducated ones are still struggling for their rights, while the educated youths has not been able to come out of their narrow minded attitude towards certain groups of people. It’s time that we star following some great leaders of the history like, the father of the Indian nation, Mahatma Gandhi who rightly said, “be the change, you wish to see in the world”. Nelson Mandela the leader who fought against the apartheid and discrimination, dreamt of Africa which was in peace in itself. The young and the children should never forget the significant sacrifices that these great men have made for the society and I am sure that their sacrifices will never go in vain if the youth today, become bolder and together strive hard to from the kind to of society they want to live in.

“if you want to end the war then instead of sending guns, sned books. Instead of sending tanks, send pens and instead of sending soldiers, send teachers.

Malala Yousafzai



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