Wake up to the new face of modern India.Youth will lead the future of the country and the only thing they need is the right platform to equip them.We understand that the power of youth can be utilized in constructive and developmental activities around the globe. There are nearly 600 million Indians aged 25 or less and they will be richer and consume more than any previous Indian generation. It's a group of young people that will change India and affect the world by virtue of its sheer size. The numbers speak for themselves.This is a young island in an ageing world.India's youthful population holds the promise of an economic "dividend" in coming decades. With an expanding workforce India has the potential to sustain strong economic growth and deliver prosperity.Young Indians are already making their presence felt in the world economy as workers, students and consumers.

“Youngistan,” the Land of the Young. And just as the demographic reality of India’s youth bulge hasn’t passed soft drinks corporations by, neither has it escaped the attention of India’s political hopefuls. Politics is another priority for many young Indians, with those aged 15 to 34 showing a comparatively strong interest in politics. "Youth in India buck the global trend of declining interest in politics. In the run-up to the elections, national and regional parties alike have been anxiously reworking their campaign strategies to appeal to youth – or what the media now chummi lyrics refers to as Young India. Wooing the plugged in generation might seem like a very contemporary way of tapping into Young India, but strategies for appealing to youth are not entirely new, and nor are they limited to websites, YouTube or the blogosphere.

Youth is the key to India’s rise as a global force in knowledge production and innovation.Things are very different to the India I knew and grew up in.India then was not very sure of itself, but the new India is much more confident and much more ready to take on the world. They want to play with the best.India's prospects are bright despite challenges such as chronic poverty, corruption and inadequate infrastructure.There has been a shift from resigned to striving. Resignation is out of the question now. If you go out on the streets and into the markets you can feel the energy of an aspiring society. Incomes are going up, people do have more money than before, and others can see it and want it. Everybody's digging for that pot of gold. Few years back people felt they had to run out of India if they could, but that's no longer the case, we have great opportunities here now.

The aspirations of Indian youth are contributing to rapid urbanisation.  Despite modern education, modern dress, access to the internet and so on urban youth are very deeply rooted in family values.They still give a lot of importance to the family. It is still their primary social network.

