Do You Want To Cut Fat Forever?

Kaushiki Jain
Jun 24, 2019   •  29 views

With world getting commercialised and people believing more on advertisments and their favourite glam friendly people, we often find ourselves juggling between living a fat free life and goals to turn slim and sleek.

Fast life and hectic work schedule gives us less space to take out time for anything but also to devour on something healthy and this we end up eating burgers and cheesy pizzas and thusputting our goals to shed extra kgs for tomorrow that certainly never knocks the door again.

Well nothing comes free! Certainly be it getting slim and lesseninv your tummy and extra curve at your butt, right girls? So here are three easy-breasy diets and drinks that would take just few precious seconds.

1- Cucumber and lemon have always been the ferocious enemies of Mr. Fat and scorching heat adds cherry on cake. This summers say a big no to cold drinks and goals rather grab a bottle, pour some water, slices of cucumbet, lemon, orange and 3-4leaves of mint, keep in fridge for some time and drink it throughout the day. It will keep your hydersted, will cut down fat and give a spotless skin.

2- If there is no time for yoga or gym, then go run, jog, brisk walk or even stretch. This does not require any time table except to be practiced after two hours if the stomach is full.

3- Fruits are certainly costly but did you know the sandwich that you had last night or the Marconi that you devouyr every Tuesday morning is costlier than the fruits? Hell yeah! Avoid munching namkeen and bread in between, take to banana, apple or seasonal fruit. Try sipping some lemon tea instead of normal one. You will ceraltsunly feel light and happy.

One more brownie points to keep:

Try taking some time out for yourself, spend some time in an open air, early in the morning, if can't do meditation, try to take deep breaths in a garden or a balcony around 5:30 or 6:00.

Hope you enjoyed the article. See ya next tan!

