Feminism, critics, egoistic, dumb, complicated, immature, clever, useless, and many more comments geted by girl.

If she is confident that means she has not manner, if she has lack of confidence that means she must be narrow minded.

Thousand of reasons came when the topic is about to women or female cumunity, that is reality of Indian society.

The problems faced by women...

1. Molestation, rape, abuse, owner killing..

That's not very new or fresh topic in India, it's happen in every day at every place, but the question rise is what we do for our daughter? What we need to do? As a Indian we have some responsibility. As we know that women needs more love and care. She like to live in secure atmosphere, she really needs your respect. If she work on any high position, then everyone ask about her upbringing. She has talent, she has intelligence, she has abilities, but people's just rise question about her character? That's shame on people who can't respect their female friends or relatives. These all happen because we live in male dominated society where no value of women ambitious, in Indian we worship women on only 9 days, but torture every days, hats off the fakeness, the essence of their double face can't be hidden.

Child abuse, molestation, girl haressement and many more thing came out on our mind when we read some blogs or newspapers or anything else, but it is a feeling for while, no one interested to do some well ware work for them. In the free India it's very complicated to stop those things, but we must do for our cute princess, they also have to right to live with respect.

Apart of these negative part we have some positive side also, we can emprove those sides and give a secure life to our princess.

2. Criticizes by owns..

It's very hard to accept your flaws, sometimes it's hurt so much that people think about revenge or hurt them back. But sometimes people make joke of them who has minor flaws, housewives are one of underrated role in India, she do 24×7 works without any pays, she just want is little love, and respect, but we failed to give them, it's our problem not them, it's not her duty to do its her love.

3. Earn trust of her own parents..

In India its very important to be a good girl of your parents, be good sister of her brother, be good friend she should kept your secrets. But it's really unfair that you must be earn trust? Sometimes it's sounds stupid, but the bitter truth.

4. Underrated talents..

If she is dumb then no problem it's natural. But if she is genius, if she has some good talent then it's hurt male ego, barely men's ready under female boss, I want to ask them that if you have abilities to do then please do it and left her behind and steal her position.

How to aware our daughters?

This time you can't trust on anyone so that your responsibility that you ensure your daughter life. To follow those point you can give a secure life to them.

1. Be friendly with you daughter and her friends.

It's very important that you and your daughter share a healthy bond, she should share her insecurity, her feelings its necessary to know that what happen in her life. By this you can be on touch with her personal life, and can guide her on her tough times. At the age of 14-18, the chances of getting emotional aatchment are common, but it's your responsibility that you be with her, guide her, understanding are important aspects for them. Play a role of best friend on her life, be her elder sister its your responsibility to give her secure and safe life.

Ask her about school /college life, share your school /college experience.

2. Don't ignore the sign of danger..

Almost, whenever be something happen the sign get first, but most of girls ignore that so please don't ignore, but be prepared and stay safe, on public place you sometimes you interact with unknown people, it's nice to have kindest nature, but to have kind nature and have dumb nature there are major differences between both. If they try to know about you or your friends, or any of other people, don't tell them quickly its not safe for them nor you. Stay smart, play smart move.

3. Carry weapon..

Sometimes it's seems funny but your nails are your beat safety guard, if you don't have papper spray, use anything you have like pens, safety pins, scarf, stole, beads anything you can use for your defence, know one thing that your confidence is your best friend, so don't afraid if your best friend with you.

4. Get in touch with..

Always charge your phone, share your location with your parents or trusted one. It's very stupid move if you share your current location on social media, it's like to give invitations to problem. So stay away from this.

5. Don't need to trust everyone..

To be a girl it's not need to trust everyone or trust blindly to someone, that doesn't mean you can't trust on anyone, first check the person, then trust on it, but you should never share your all personal things to everyone,

To emplay this point on your life you can live a safe life, your safety is always on your hands.



Profile of Charmy  Patel
Charmy Patel  •  4y  •  Reply
Good work girl!!
Profile of Wajahat Mir
Wajahat Mir  •  4y  •  Reply
I think it's not more as bad as it used to be. Check my articles as well you will like them