You May Rest In Peace Someday.

Jinny Rana
Mar 30, 2019   •  124 views

What does it mean to have truly lived?

And how does it mean to live 1,000 times over?
Which means, according to the truthfully spoken on signs, you may rest in peace one day with no regrets;

Unapologetically, being who you truly are.
Everybody is weird in their own way; someone to tell this truth, it’s not weird in being weird. One should not embarrass you if you have something that makes you unique from others; rather you must celebrate your individuality. The most influential source of peace and happiness is being comfortable in your own skin and not trading your reality. It will not be easy, but unfortunately, no price is too high to pay for the privilege of commitment being who you truly are.

Sincerely doing your best.
The distressed recap of life emerges from: “Could have and should have.” Determine that you want it more than you are afraid of it and all you see is what to do next. Hence, work is worth the result. Instead of complaining, suffer the pain of discipline or regret.

Embrace reality even when it hurts.
The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie. Give yourself space it may drive you mad but the truth will always set you free. Take a day, live simple, love wholeheartedly, speak the truth, work eagerly, appreciate what remains, do your best and let what it meant to be. However, letting go is always one step forward.

Walk a path that feels you alive.
Our worst battle is between what you feel and what you know. Work on creating a life that makes you feel right to yourself, not one that looks right to others. Make your life meaningful as it is your message to this world and step outside of the person you’ve been. Don’t let other's negativity or hate stop you.

Appreciate what you have at least once a day.
Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives. We born in a moment and will die in a moment make your life count it. We always take things for granted that deserve our most attention and gratitude.

How often do we pause and appreciate everyone and everything in our lives?
Look around and be thankful for your health, family, and friends. Dare to walk alone, if you desire to make a difference in the world.

Don’t be afraid of death, but be afraid of life you never lived just to take an action on what matters the most. Truth be told, the loss is what dies inside you while you’re still alive. Nothing lasts forever, live a life far beyond years and challenge yourself to do the same.



Profile of Pavan Raina
Pavan Raina  •  5y  •  Reply
Written so well and thanks for adding value in the topic of perception. A perception changes the outlook of one that changes the mankind, scientific research are born from it as an idea. The truth generally is naked as written and also known as bitter only when we have covered with illusionary energy of material desire. Fulfilling desire would be not bad but knowledge for knowing where excess starts is the awareness. The world has enough for everyone to simply survive and to be happy and keep smiling so less is needed but the greed of mind does not allow to see the larger picture to accommodate happiness of other instead like to create comparison to cause misery. The peace of mind gives the experience of happiness which is lasting with nature that can spread its fragrance and connect with a larger humanity which is a need of time.