This anime revolves around a teenager named Light Yagami who stumbles upon a notebook. A notebook which seems ordinary at first but possesess powers one can't even imagine. It is a death notebook that originally belongs to the demon Shinigami Ryuk. The book possesess a supernatural ability to kill peple. When you write the name of a person you want dead it kills that person. You can also specify the cause of death. When the teenager finds the book and discovers it's powers he uses the book to cleanse the world, to get rid of the evil.
It is about a culinary Institute named Totsuki Saryo that only lets the brightest and the most hard-working students enter it's halls, where there is no place for mistake. Soma Yukihira, son of a roadside restaurant chef, comes to this school and stuns everyone with his talent, with his recipes, with the mouth watering food he makes. Underestimated at first, he proves that being poor than the others doesn't affect his knowledge or cooking skills. It's about his journey through this institute and the friends he makes and how he transforms into a man, into a chef whose food becomes famous world-wide.
A young man Satoru who works part-time as a delivery guy at Oasi Pizza, possesess an ability called ''Revival". When he was a kid his father left him and his mother raised him single-handedly. Revival means he can go back in time to stop a situation from occuring. Once he has witnessed a situation and knows something bad is gonna happen he can go back in time to prevent it from happening. When his mother is murdered he is brought back 18 years to a time where the same killer had murdered two young girls and a young boy in his hometown. He must now track him down and prevent the worst from happening.