“With shortness of breath, I’ll explain the infinite; How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist”
From the beginning of our time and probably, till the end of it, the one question that would plague us all would most definitely be “How did our universe come to be?”. We look at the stars and yearn for a place among the astral life. For centuries, we have gazed upon the twinkling lights above with awe and curiosity and have even sought guidance in hopes of finding our way. According to the Big Bang Theory (no, not the show), our universe sprang into existence as a singularity around some 13.7 billion years. I could go on to talk about all the scientific linguistics around it, but I’ll cut you some slack. Experts say prior to the singularity, nothing existed, not time, not space – absolutely nothing. So where did the singularity even come from? We don’t know. We don’t know how or why it came into being or even where it is. All we know is that we’re inside of it and it is constantly expanding.
Thinking from a slightly philosophical parallel, we are all eventually made of celestial material, right? All the world, all of us born into existence from the very same essence. No wonder we feel attached to the night sky. And no wonder we feel attached to each other. It is a part of us, a part of who we are, who we will always be. Inside all of us exists a universe of its own. With its own nooks and corners, entire worlds colliding and coexisting. And yet we try to shelter ourselves from the world. We hurt, we break, yes. But we also rise. At every existing moment, we all exist as a perfect sense of dynamic parallels. Breaking apart and piecing together, just like the very stars we dream about. We often wonder and question our very own existence. We wonder where we are going, where we are meant to be. All we know is that we are here, and we’re meant to pass through this timeline. But the answer is, we’re already there. We have always been where we were meant to be. And when we leave, we return not to ashes, but to the stardust that gets trapped within. We exist not as you and me but as celestial beings speeding through time and space, slowed down enough to create this little infinity of ours, and then we eventually return back. The cycle continues and our souls that connected aeons ago, keep meeting in different timelines, different parallels to create newer memories, newer infinities.
So why hide the galaxies inside of us? Why not let it spill from every pore till we cease to exist as anything but stardust? Why do we aim for heaven when the galaxies cocooning our very existence surpass the ethereality of any out-worldly universe? Look for people whose souls connect with yours to form the most beautiful of night skies you’ve ever witnessed. Embrace the beauty that lies inside you and know, that the universe was made just to be seen by your eyes.