5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Harpal K Saikia
May 20, 2019   •  26 views

How healthy do we eat?

One of the most undesirable pleasure that we receive from eating in the street and galloping the junk foods is a toned and fat belly. Our body tend to accumulate the bad fats in our belly and thus is bulges out. A belly which is bulging outward makes a bad shape and apart from making us look bad, it has many other disadvantages.

In order to hide our fat belly, most of us tend to walk in a manner which eventually lead us to slouch and it causes a bad posture. Having a bad posture along with that belly is really a disadvantage to anyone of us.

Importance of exercise?

Therefore, following are the five major exercises which one can do regularly to reduce the fat percentage of your body:

1:Plank: Plank is one of the most widely performed exercises by most of the athletes irrespective of the sports that they play. Plank is a very well-structured exercise which involves the work of our core muscles and help us get a very strong core. It ensures enough tensions in our abs which allow us burn the extra calories fast and reduce weight. Beginners should try to stay in plank position for 1 minute whereas later on they can increase their timings.

2:Squats: Squats are usually said to muscle up our leg-muscles. But what squats can also do is increase our bac strength and enhance our core muscles. This helps us to get a strong lower back and thus you can always say ‘‘goodbye’’ to those love-handles of yours.

3:Running: Running is really helpful for your overall fat reduction. Running is such an exercise which involves all the body parts and helps you to lose those extra body fats really quickly. One must start interval running and high intensity running to get faster results.

4:Jump ropes: Jump ropes are one of the best tools to burn a lot of calories very quickly. A ten-minute jump rope is equivalent to jogging for twenty-five minutes. It helps reduce you scapula fats and get rid of fat chest as well.

5:Crunches: Abs crunches are one type of exercise that involves most you your abdominal muscles and help you get strong abs. We all have abs and they get hidden by our extra fat layers.Crunches helps in reducing those layers and make you slim with its regular application.

What one must always know about losing fat is spot reduction doesn’t happen. We all lose overall body fat and not a particular area. Therefore, do not get disheartened quickly if you do not see results very quickly. The one that comes late, stays long.

