Yoga is an ancient art which has been practised in India since ancient times. Indian sages lived healthy lives by practising Yoga and survived over centuries in those days when medical science was in infancy.
It is an integrated system of self-transformation whose ultimate goal is spiritual liberation or enlightenment, but which can also be used to attaining other benefits.
Throughout the centuries, many different schools or types of Yoga have developed. The main ones are:
Raja Yoga / Patanjali Yoga
Jnana Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
Karma Yoga
Hatha Yoga (including all it’s modern developments)
Kriya Yoga
Tantra Yoga (including Mantra, Kundalini, Laya, Nada, and Hatha yogas)
There are four core aspects of Yoga practice: body, breath, mind, and life. These levels are an alternative reading of the eight “rungs” of Yoga, codified by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.
1.Thin Body
3.Healthy Spine
5.Develop Intuition
6.Deep Relaxation
8.Cure Diseases
9.Mental Ballast
Yoga can give you much more than a flexible body. If you are ready to go deep, you will find a system of practice that can help you achieve mastery over yourself and great inner transformation. This is yoga for life!