
According to the World Health Organisation, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.


Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life.

What is the difference between health and wellness?

  • Health refers to the overall condition of the person's body, time, presence or absence of injury but wellness is the ability to achieve optimal health, to live life to the fullest.

  • We can't always choose the state of our health but on the other hand, wellness is a choice.

  • Wellness is a way for us to actively work towards better health


Difference between Health and Wellness- Source: Pediaa

Eight dimensions of wellness


Eight Dimensions of Wellness- Source: Pediaa

  • Emotional wellness- it is nothing but maintaining our emotions like fear, anger, happiness, etc in a balanced manner.

  • Environmental wellness- pollution, harmful noises in the environment affect our wellness. Thus, an environment should provide fresh air, audible noises to maintain good health.

  • Intellectual wellness- it is a way to expand knowledge by accepting new ideas and encouraging them.

  • Financial wellness- avoiding stress due to financial crisis. To achieve this, balanced and satisfactory finance is needed.

  • Social wellness- Proper balance in social community imparts social wellness.

  • Spiritual wellness- to make our life meaningful

  • Physical wellness- make yourself physically fit by exercising, diet.

  • Occupational wellness- One should attain satisfaction in his/her occupation.


Dimensions of Wellness- Source: google

Qualities and behaviours associated with dimensions of wellness

Physical wellness

  • Exercising

  • Eating well

  • Avoiding harmful habits

  • Recognizing symptoms of diseases

  • Getting regular checkups

  • Avoiding injuries

Emotional wellness

  • Believing in yourself

  • Ability to control self emotions.

  • Concern towards others feelings

  • Express their own feelings

Intellectual wellness

  • Good thinking capacity

  • Being interrogative

  • Cultivate new skills

  • Ability to crack jokes

  • Ability to do something innovative

  • Interest to learn or do something

Environmental wellness

  • Availability of natural resources

  • Environment should be maintained clean

  • Resources should be managed efficiently

  • Pollution and wastes should be reduced

  • Paper and other reusable substances should be recycled.

Spiritual wellness

  • Ability to forgive

  • Ability to make others happy

  • Ability to stay satisfactory

  • To show mercy

  • Spread love

Social wellness

  • Ability to interact with the social community.

  • Maintaining a good and healthy relationship

  • Cooperation with family and friends.

Health vs wellness in workspace


Statistics on Wellness in the Workplace- Source: GlobalWellnessInstitute

For employers, understanding health and wellness is important. The corporate community needs healthy employees. So, they are in a need to understand more about health and wellness.

I take this wonderful time to give some tips for the corporate employees to maintain their health in order to work more efficiently.

They can play indoor games like carrom, table tennis, chess, shuttle, etc in free time for relaxing. They can plan to go out for lunch with their colleagues. Take a nap to feel refreshed.

An efficient employer has to take care of his health in a more productive way in order to maintain his/her consistent efficiency in work. In addition, lower the risk pool, the more stable your healthcare costs will become.

Why health and wellness matters a lot?

It is not easy to be healthy. There are several factors affecting health. Some diseases are genetic, it can neither be eliminated nor be prevented. But wellness is not as unmanageable as health.

Wellness can be achieved by doing exercise, jogging, dieting. These factors help one to attain wellness. Wellness is actually nothing but a gateway to reach a healthy life.

Workplace wellness program


Wellness chart- Source: GembaAcademy

Transit options

Transit options are provided by the mobility company. They make collaboration with the corporate companies in order to provide transportation to them. They provide transportation to people from their workplaces to public transportation terminals( bus stop or railway station) and vice versa. It is meant to provide convenient mobility services for the employees. This kind of options comforts employees as well as the environment.

What makes this wellness program great?

This type of program will appeal to current and potential employees who value environmental responsibility.

Paramedical services

Google offers paramedical services, like massage therapy, to their team members while they are high stress. In fact, this program employs a free massage program in order to relieve stress.

Yoga classes

The wellness program imparts yoga classes twice a week. The most important requirement for practising yoga is the space to do it, and many companies are using their conference or break rooms to provide yoga classes for team members throughout the workday.


Yoga and Meditation- Source: JVBIUniversity

What makes this wellness program great?

Yoga and meditation is a very effective way for stress relieving. It handles the pressure and stress created by the targets of the start-up and many other big companies.

Lunch and healthy snacks

Offering lunch and snacks throughout the day is the best way to keep the employees attentive. The snacks should be made of natural products rather than artificial products. The lunchtime can also be extended from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, so that employees won't be in a hurry to have their lunch. They can even take a nap or visit the gym or relax.

What makes this wellness program great?

This becomes great because it involves interaction among colleagues. They eat their favourite foods and enjoy their meal. This makes more attentive to work. They also enjoy their work after eating their favourite foods. They get satisfaction to proceed on their work.

Health and wellness are similar. Wellness is a way to reach good health. Both health and wellness equally important to sustain good health.

