
Gitam Pathak

Genius, Writer, Actor, Comedian, Magician, Alien, Story teller, Motivator.


Gitam Pathak

Genius, Writer, Actor, Comedian, Magician, Alien, Story teller, Motivator.

About Me

I am made of atoms and molecules combined to cells, cells combined to tissues and tissues to organs. I am an extraterrestrial being and have come from a place called EARTH. I do experiments on humans. I dissect humans using fork and spoon and study them. "Humans beware👽👾".

About Me

I am made of atoms and molecules combined to cells, cells combined to tissues and tissues to organs. I am an extraterrestrial being and have come from a place called EARTH. I do experiments on humans. I dissect humans using fork and spoon and study them. "Humans beware👽👾".