Aplomb plays a momentous role in human life. In the absence of self-confidence, a person feels like a human without the soul. If you are not good at anything, but present yourself with self-confidence, no matter what you present, it will be appreciated by the audience. Confidence matters a lot.

Ex: When we receive the gift with a good cover decorated beautifully from outside, it gives us profound impression regardless of the gift.

Same goes with confidence, how we present yourself matters.

Knowledge without self-confidence has no use.

Ex: A student named "Rita" was a passionate student, she wants to become an IAS and was preparing for IAS ( Indian Administration Services). She cleared all her mains and prelims exam but when its time for her interview exam, she got blanked there just because of lack of self-confidence of speaking which ruined all her hard work and after that she lost her interest and lost herself.

This is how confidence works.

On the other hand, one of my classmate named "Seema", exactly like Rita she was facing the problem of lack of self-confidence. But the difference is she gives her best to gain self-confidence. She fears of speaking on stage, but regardless of this she continuously works on herself. She requested teachers to gave her a chance to speak up on stage. And by her continuous practice, she won the battle and finally gained self-confidence. And then came a time when she came to know as the best speaker.

Have you observed the discrepancy between Rita and Seema?

Rita lost herself due to lack of self-confidence whereas Seema hassle in order to proliferate self-confidence.

How to proliferate self-confidence?

The only answer to this question is 'implementation'. Unless you implement what you need to implement, it will not work. Like in the case of Seema she implement on herself, she risks herself by choosing to go on stage, which fears her the most. The most formidable task is to do what fears you and she did it.

On the other hand, Rita wants to proliferate self-confidence but she missed the most formidable task " implementation".

Now the question is how to "implement"?

It all exists in the mind. Someone said true " what you think you become". So there is a need to think positive towards implementation.

Now some will think about how to set up a positive attitude towards implementation?

Just one thing 'God's name", you can only get strenuous by God's grace. By God's name, we feel fervent. Nothing will give you reign other than God's name.

Secondly, expound yourself that "I can do anything". Forget that you lack self-confidence. Just expound yourself that you are the best. Then no one can stop you from reaching your destination, then you will be unstoppable.

