The New Bermuda Triangle

Hello everybody!! Hope you have started your weekend with a bang. So here is one more article on your doorstep from me. So hope you like it 😊.

Social Media is a place that we can enter at our own wish and will but can exit only at our death’s will. In fact, it is the biggest maze created by a human, for a human, with the wish of a human.

The era of the social media began in early 2010s and this era will continue till the Earth rotates, till humans are present on Earth. It is a switch that can never be turned off. It is the global warming that we can overcome only after trillions of anti-social media seeds are sown in the minds of people. Yes, social media has become the medium for billions of people in the world to express their views but only in the beginning.

Several people login on the social media platforms only to shout out their opinions on the various anti-social issues they have their thoughts against but within no time and no mind of the person, they start discussing the issues of their personal life and post pictures about their personal life with them being in a semi-conscious position because of their addiction to the social media. Some may be useful, some may not.

Everyone tries to show off their lives on the various platforms provided to them but they do not understand the repercussions they would face by a mis-post.

People do tend to get so addicted that they do not get into their heads that they are not operating those platforms but the platforms are operating them.

In my case, to be honest, I am at position where I am operating those platforms through my accounts as well as the social media platforms are operating me. I cannot stay one day without going through the platforms especially WhatsApp and Instagram.

I am like 90% of the social media driven population but I am happy that I can handle myself without social media for a significant period of time and I am sure there is at least 20% of the 90% population who are like me. I am a 90s born therefore, social media has not affected me to great extent because the 90s kids know how to handle themselves without social media in fact without any electronic gadgets.

I consider this as a boon as the 90s born and the early 2000s born were in the period of the great transition of the world from the traditionally modern world to the digital modern world as we people know that there is a life besides social media and we know to interact with people without any phone, even a landline.

Our generation might be the last generation to do so. The coming generation is already in the trap of the modern technology and the upcoming social media platforms.

Social Media is the New Bermuda Triangle which can only be escaped after a person escapes this world. So think before doing anything on social media as the next news may come that thousands of teens have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle and this Bermuda Triangle is not the one between different oceans.



Profile of Shuchika Biligere
Shuchika Biligere  •  5y  •  Reply
Good comparison
Profile of Gayatri Padmanabhan
Gayatri Padmanabhan  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you :)
Profile of Kashish
Kashish  •  5y  •  Reply
Good one...from Kashish(wrytin).
Profile of Gayatri Padmanabhan
Gayatri Padmanabhan  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you :)