May be you were right.

May be you weren't.

But you'll never know,

Foryou left before I could find out.

May be I was right,

May be I wasn't,

But you'll never know,

For you weren't there to solve the clues.

If only you had been there,

May be it would have been okay,

May be it wouldn't have been,

But you'll never know,

For you weren't there to make sure it was.

May be I was broken,

May be I was not,

But you'll never know,

For you weren't there to hold me together.

May be it was all okay,

May be everything was doomed,

But you'll never know,

For you weren't there to see me through.

May be I wasn't enough,

May be I was too much,

But you'll never know,

For you didn't give me chance to talk again.

May be I've become guarded,

May be I am not,

But you'll never know,

For you never locked the door behind you.

May be there is someone else,

May be there isn't,

But you'll never know,

For you weren't there when I needed no one but you.

May be someone has replaced you,

May be No one has managed to yet,

But you'll never know,

For you were the one to leave and not me.

May be they know my secrets,

May be they don't,

But you'll never know,

For all you've given me are promises broken so far.

May be I've got more scars,

May be I've got them healed,

But you'll never know,

For you didn't mind adding to them.

May be I need you again,

May be I don't,

But I'll never tell you,

For you've broken me once and I'm not letting you do it twice.

May be I still love you,

May be I don't,

But you'll never know,

For you left knowing what you leaving me will do to me.

May be I'm waiting for you,

May be I ain't,

But you'll never know,

For it's my secret to tell to the people I trust.

And now what does that tell you?

Isn't it a least bit hard,

To know the heart you knew inside out,

Isn't even recognisable anymore,

But you'll never know,

For you'll know for sure if I let you in and I ain't doing it again.

-Gayatri Balachandran.



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