Love Yourself
Love Yourself : Soul
Pt. [Self Love]
Loving yourself is a very important thing in your life. Love yourself because it isn't up to others to love you; it's a blessing when they do love you. When you love yourself,you allow yourself to let go of the expectation of others to do so. Love yourself because you've been blessed with the skin you're in, so wear it comfortably. You can't expect others to love you if you don't love yourself. Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes. We all struggle to like ourselves. My theory works like this: Self-Love is the answer for becoming successful and working towards our goals. Self-Love is the motivation we need to cultivate to try harder with our relationships and self-betterment. Self-Love will actually take us where we want to go in life. Without Self-Love, where are we? Stuck in that confusing muddle where we convince ourselves that we’re not good enough. We may hold onto that dream of “someday,” but we’re not actually convinced we’ll get there, because…we’re not good enough, and so, we don’t even try. How can we learn to love ourselves in a healthy, affirming way? How do we pull ourselves out of these self-destructive spirals?
1. You need to learn to be O.K. with the person you are. Validate yourself. Practice this by looking in the mirror and instead of seeing your flaws, strip away the negative voices. Anytime, they come, hear them out, but don’t agree. Let them just pass right by like a duck letting water roll off it’s back.
2. Once you’ve stripped away the negative voice and neutrally examine yourself, find and focus on the good. What are your talents? What are your good behaviors? What are the best relationships you have, and what do you do for those people?
Practice steps 1 and 2 daily in the mirror. It’s important to reshape your vision of yourself. Your emotional/mental health are worth that effort. You are worth seeing yourself as worthwhile.
3. Help someone else. Break your self-destructive cycle by putting forth service.Make it a habit to go out of your way for others. Search out their needs and fulfill them. This will help you look outside yourself while beginning to understand that you yourself are a human being. Treating others well, helps you change your perspective on their lives and yours.
4. Never give in to self-doubt or victimizing voices in your head. They are there for the sole purpose of hurting you, not helping you, and actively listening to them and letting them shape your mind, attitude, and behaviors, gives them power that they don’t deserve.
5. Do the things that are good for you. Take care of yourself. Your health is a factor in your happiness.
6. Immerse yourself in a new project. Do the things you love to do because having a purpose, not only puts you in a good mood, but gives you a reason to keep progressing. Take advantage of hobbies, learn a new skill, and invite a friend to work with you.