Loving others is good but Self- Love is the best.
If you don't have enough reason to love yourself, why would others love you?
Love yourself for being YOU.
Most of the people are so ignorant about themselves, they just put all their efforts and time in making others happy.

Self-love is so important for such people who work hard meticulously all the time in the pursuit of achieving something, to excel at something or to get out of a slumber or hell like situation. Whereas, the ultimate goal of life should be the ‘pursuit of happiness’. Happiness is something you're entitled to. You deserve every bit of it. No matter how busy you seem to be, don't forget to take some time out for yourself.

Self love and compassion for one's own self is the greatest thing in the world.

When we talk about self-love, we ain't talking about cheesy self-help books or pretty ‘selfies’ for the gram. It's rather more about self-care and being involved with yourself.

Self-love is the key for mental health and well being. It's not a luxury but a necessity.
It can build resilience in the face of adversity.
BECAUSE at the end of the day, ‘You're all you've got!’

Give time to yourself no matter how busy you are. Focus on your strengths and capacities and health, focus on how you look, on your likes and dislikes, focus on everything that is about YOU.

Pamper yourself. Why?
Because it is necessary. Talk to yourself. Listen to yourself. Don't be harsh, be kind on your inner voice. Ask yourself “What do I need?”

Nobody in this world knows you better than you yourself.
Imagine, when you're all broke at midnight and there's no one by your side, who's gonna pick you up? Who's gonna wipe your tears? You. You will carry yourself up, be strong, and cut the bullshit.

It's you. You are responsible for everything. You should take care of yourself. You can do that can't you?

Oh okay. I get it. You're stuck now. You don't know how to start loving yourself, or how to spend time alone? Do you?

Well, for you rescue, here are three things that you can do to start loving your own company.

Talk to yourself. Practice Yoga.

Here are some questions that I need you to ask yourself.
Have I made someone smile today?Am I employing a healthy perspective? Am I living true to myself? Am I waking up in the morning ready to take on the day? Am I thinking negative thoughts before I fall asleep? Am I putting enough effort into my relationships? Am I taking care of myself physically?

When you do this, you're in the process of self-realization.
You learn about your values, your importance and realize that you deserve to be loved no matter what.

In this moment of introspection, stay still, stop doing anything for sometime and just keep quiet.
When you keep quiet, you're able to think and question yourself.
Practice Yoga to keep your mind and body stable. Yoga helps you to attain a mental peace and harmony. Practise it daily to enhance your love towards you.

Celebrate your day!

Take a day off from work and spend time with yourself. Go to the saloon. Get groomed. Get a haircut. Get a massage done. Go for a movie, treat yourself.

Spend this entire day enjoying with yourself, explore your talents, learn what makes you happy and discover the things you can do alone.

Make a list.

Create a list, a vision board, or some other medium to store and display who you are and your hopes and dreams for the future. You can create or decorate your list however you’d like – use whatever you feel represents who you are and what is important to you. Reflect on this list daily and more often remind yourself that “You” are precious and can do anything.

People may come and go, things and places might change. But you are the one who'll remain constant. Your love for you will stay forever. So love yourself.

And if people say you're being selfish, tell them you don't care; being selfish is fine.

You are your own experiment. You are your own work of art!



Profile of Kriti Shrivastava
Kriti Shrivastava  •  3y  •  Reply
Great work 👍