Knowing yourself is an art of discovering something new about yourself. Before you know anything, you have to know yourself. So, answer the following questions with honesty and love. Go for it.

How would you answer these questions?

  1. How does your ideal day look like?

  2. What did you want to be when you were young?

  3. Who are you most inspired by? Why?

  4. Whom would you love to meet? What would you ask them?

  5. Which habit would you most like to break? Which habit would you most like to start?

  6. Think of a person you truly admire. What qualities do you like about that person?

  7. How do you like to relax?

  8. When was the last time you did something you were afraid of?

  9. What are you most proud of?

  10. What are you most afraid of?

  11. If life stopped today, what would you regret not doing?

  12. Who would you like to connect (or reconnect) with? Why?

  13. What qualities do you admire in others?

  14. What practical skills do you wish you had?

  15. Imagine you’re in your 90s. What memories would you like to have? What stories do you want to tell?

  16. What is your favorite book/movie/song? Why?

  17. If you could make one change in the world, what would it be?

  18. What do you love to do for, or give to others (not an object – something from you personally)?

  19. What excites you the most?

  20. What do you wish you did more often?

  21. Pretend money is no object. What would you do?

  22. What area of your life, right now, makes you feel the best? Which area makes you feel the worst? Why?

  23. Let’s jump forward a year. What would you like to have achieved in the past year?

  24. What piece of advice would you give to five year old you? Sixteen year old you? Twenty-one year old you? Right now?

  25. How do you want to be remembered in life?

While answering the above questions, you may have to go in deep thoughts and dream. That's how it works. If you answered all the questions then you have a clear vision of your dream. If you can't answer then Think Again, Dream Again.

Thank You for Reading...!!

Keep Learning, Keep Growing...!!



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