I have always been a person who would overthink every little thing that would happen. Stress and Anxiety can be your "enemy" and I go through alot of stress every single day. I'm sure we all do. Here are a few things I do on a daily basis.

1. Read a self help book.
The two books I've been constantly reading when I'm stressed and have alot of thoughts in my mind are, "The power of your subconscious mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy and "The power of positive thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale. The one thing that I love about self help books is that you don't have to necessarily stress about reading the entire chapter from the start to get to know where you are unlike any other story books. You can randomly open up a page and start reading. This has helped me alot last few months.

2. Take a break.
Taking a day off could be quite relaxing. Take a holiday from whatever you're doing, log out from social media, order a pizza, watch YouTube or Netflix and just give yourself your "Me time".

3. Stop Comparing.
We do this often. Comparing ourselves to other peoples life on social media and start feeling bad about everything. We often tend to see what they try to portray to us, not what actually is going on in their lives. No one would post anything about how sad their lives are.

4. Write
When you're stressed, you tend to think about alot of things going on in your life. You could write them down. Make a diary. Write down all the things that are going on in your life and start to think in how you could reduce your stress.

