There are two controversial topics “right to life” and “right to choice”. These can be chosen when we speak about suicides, abortions and euthanasia.
According to Christianity, God is the one who gave life and no one else has the right to take others’ life. It is totally against all these three, especially abortion. Yes, it is actually true the child formed in the mother’s womb is also a lie and it has its rights to live, but the problem is it cannot choose. So, the decision authority lies in the hands of the mother. A rape victim cannot accept her child. In that case she is left with just one option, that is abortion.
Euthanasia, also called as the painless killing can be defined as killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. It is a topic filled with controversy. It has a lot of morals and ethics associated with it.
There are two types of euthanasia, one is active and other is passive. Active is the one where the person is injected with some medicines which would lead to death. Passive is where the food supply is stopped which would lead to slow death. In India government has approved only passive euthanasia. Passive is allowed in countries like Switzerland, Belgium, etc.
A person is affected and he goes to a coma stage. Doctor tells that it is not curable. He is provided with liquid food , his excrete is taken using napkins. So here comes the situation where “right to life” and “right to choice” has to decided.
He is born on this earth and he has all rights to live but he cannot choose. He always wants a person to take care of him and it is not possible every time. So either the member or the doctor plays the role of choosing. They could let him live. But he would end up as a burden. They can kill him but it has certain ethics.
One such case was taken to Supreme Court and the court allowed passive euthanasia. It is difficult to take care of person who suffers from incurable disease. And sometimes when the disease is more painful the patient has to bear the pain. Killing a person is regarded as a sin but what would we do if a person really needs it?