We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 5 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Saqr: Falcon
Saqui: A kind soul
Saquib: Bright
Sar: One who is in pain
Sarab: A mirage
Sarabdeep: A lamp that gives light to all
Sarabdev: one who is omnipresent
Sarabjot: The brightest light
Sarableen: One who pervades all
Saral: Simple, straightforward
Saram: A sword that is sharp
Saramat: A well travelled man
Saramay: One who is very firm
Saran: African name meaning joy
Sarana: Injuring
Sarang: Spotted deer
Saransh: In brief
Sarantis: Greek word for forty
Saras: Moon
Sarasi: Lake
Sarasija: Lotus
Sarasvan: Indian name for Boys
Sarasvat: Learned
Sarat: Autumn
Sarath: Name of Lord Krishna
Saravana: Clump of reeds
Saravanan: A clump of reeds
Sarayu: Wind
Sarbajit: Who has conquered everything
Sarban: One who leads the caravan
Sarbananda: Extreme joy
Sarbani: Durga
Sarbesh: Name of Lord Shiva
Sarbojit: A winner
Sardaar: One who gives commands
Sardar: A commander
Sardis: A Biblical name, meaning prince of joy.
Sarendar: To surrender
Sareola: One who is walking towards getting healthy.
Saresh: One who is simple
Sarfaraaz: One who is well respected
Sarfaraz: The blessed one
Sargam: Musical notes
Sarge: Short from sargent, commander
Sargent: A military attendant
Sargis: One who protects
Sargon: He who takes away the protection
Sarhan: Muslim name for Boys
Sarikh: The one who redresses grievances.
Saril: One that brings essence
Sarim: He who is wise
Sarin: Helpful
Sarish: Equal
Sarit: River
Sarjant: A military attendant
Sarkar: One who oversees
Sarki: Chief
Sarkis: A shepherd
Sarmad: The eternal one
Sarminder: God of war
Sarna: Indian name for Boys
Sarngin: Name of God Vishnu
Sarni: The elevated one.
Saro: The good one
Saroj: Resembling a lotus
Sarojin: Lord Brahma
Saron: One who has a song
Saroop: The beautiful one
Sarosh: An angel
Sarras: One who carries water
Sarry: Arabic name for Boys
Sarsen: Born of Wednesday
Sarsour: A bug
Sartaj: Crown
Sarthak: Having meaning, purpose
Sarup: Having form or shape
Sarva: Lord Krishna, shiva
Sarvad: Name of Lord Shiva
Sarvadaman: Son of shakuntala-bharat
Sarvadev: Lord shiva
Sarvadharin: Lord shiva
Sarvag: Lord shiva
Sarvagny: All-knowing lord vishnu
Sarvahit: One who is useful
Sarvajit: One who conqueres all
Sarvak: Whole
Sarvambh: Lord Ganesh
Sarvang: Lord shiva
Sarvapalaka: Protector of all Lord Krishna
Sarvashay: Lord shiva
Sarvavas: Lord shiva
Sarvendra: God
Sarvesh: God
Sarveshvara: Lord of all, a name for lord shiva
Sarvin: One who is the best archer
Sarwan: Indian name means God
Sarwar: Promotion
Sarwat: A wealthy one
Sasan: Name of the founder of Sasani dynasty
Sascha: Defender of man
Sasha: A helper and defender of mankind
Sashang: Connected
Sashanth: Lord of all
Sasheal: Indian name for Boys
Sashmir: A peaceful defender
Sasho: Bulgarian diminutive of Alexander, meaning defender of mankind.
Sashreek: Prosperous
Sashriti: He who protects the wealth
Sashwat: Eternal
Sasi: Moon
Sasidhar: Name of Lord Shiva
Sasidharan: Name of Lord Shiva
Sasikaladhar: Lord Shiva
Sasmit: Ever smiling
Sasrutha: Personification of truth
Sassaba: The wolf
Sasson: He who brings joy
Sasta: One who rules
Sasuke: A helper
Saswata: Name of Lord Ganesha
Sasyak: He who is perfect
Sat: The true or everlasting
Satadev: God
Satamanyu: Lord Indra
Satanand: Lord vishnu
Satanika: Virata's son whose bead was severed by Drona.
Satatya: Infinite one
Satayu: Brother of Amavasu and Vivasu
Satbachan: The one abiding by the holy word
Satbir: A true warrior
Satchet: The joyful one
Sateendra: Lord of truth
Sateesh: He who rules hundreds
Satejas: He who is full or strenght
Satender: Name of Lord Shiva
Satesh: Ruler of hundreds
Satgun: One of true merits
Satgur: A true guide
Sathea: Compassion
Sathi: Partner
Sathindar: Indian name for Boys
Sathish: He who is kind
Sathvik: Name of Lord Shiva
Sathwik: Silva
Sathya raj: The truth
Satih: A sunrise
Satin: Real
Satinath: Lord shiva
Satinder: He who is protected by the true God
Satinderpal: Protected by the true God of heaven
Satindra: Lord shiva
Satipaldy: We bought this one
Satish: Ruler of hundreds
Satjeevan: One who lives a truthful life
Satkar: One who respects honour
Satkart: Name of Lord Shiva
Satkartar: Lord vishnu
Satkeerat: Praise the one who is true
Satkiran: Ray of truth
Satnam: One who accepts God
Satpal: Protector
Satparvan: the one who is accepted by the God
Satpati: Lord Indra
Satpaul: The one who abides by the truth
Satpreet: One who loves the truth
Satrajit: Ever victorious
Satria: A warrior
Satrughna: Brother of Lord Rama
Satruijt: Son of vatsa
Satrujit: One who defeated his enemies
Satsukh: Truly blissful one
Sattar: One who hides the faults of others
Sattat: One who is hiding
Sattvik: One who is polite, honest and virtuous.
Satuc: A diligent, strong minded and trusting individual
Saturday: A day in a week, Saturn's day
Saturn: Name of the Roman god of agriculture
Saturnino: Little Saturn
Satvamohan: Truthful
Satvant: Truthfullness
Satvat: Lord Krishna
Satveer: Lorn Vishnu
Satvik: Virtuous
Satvinder: Lord of virtue
Satvrninvs: The Roman God of Saturn
Satwant: One who is true
Satwat: Majesty or royal majesty
Satwinder: The true God of Heaven
Satya: Pramod Ganesh
Satya narayana: A true God
Satya prakash: Light of the truth
Satya pramod: True person ganesh
Satyaban: He who is truthful
Satyabrata: One who tells the truth
Satyadarshi: One who can see the truth
Satyadeep: The lamp of truth
Satyadev: Lord of truth
Satyajit: Victory of truth
Satyak: Honest