We have created a list of 3386 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter B. This is Page 15 out of 17 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Brak: One who is covered with spots or freckles
Braleah: A land or field situated on a hill side
Bram: One who is the father of many children
Bramha: Lord of Life, Lord for creation
Bramhaghosh: The sound of a prayer or hymn
Bramhanand: Supreme joy, Utmost happiness attained when enlighted
Bramhi: One of many names of Lord Saraswati
Bramley: The clearing of the broom
Brammel: Thorn bushes surrounding a tiny hole of water
Brammell: A broomwell, a well in the middle of a broom
Bramwel: Derived from the name of a place in Britain
Bramwell: A well that is present where the broom grows
Bramwyll: A well in a broom, A raven well
Bran: A raven, a black bird that resembles a crow
Brancen: A diligent, youthful, beloved and faithful person
Branch: An extension, prolongment or addition
Brand: One who is marked or enlightened by fire
Brandan: Sword, a weapon with a sharp blade
Branddun: One who hails from the beacon hill
Brandeban: A brilliant, systematic, versatile and assertive being
Brandeharz: A self centered, friendly and unique individual, pleasant
Brandeis: One who lives or dwells on a clearing that is burnt
Brandelis: A knight, one who serves the king
Brandelz: An alcoholic beverage, spirit
Branden: A hill that is covered with gorse
Brander: A fiery or sharp sword
Brandin: A hill that is covered with beacon, a fiery sign
Brandle: A person who is charismatic, charming and self made
Brando: Sword, a weapon used at the time of wars
Brandon: One who is a brave, vigilant person
Brandr: Sword
Brandt: Living on a burnt clearing
Brandyn: A broom hill, a hill covered with bushy growth
Branesh: Lord of Life
Branford: The ford of Brand
Brangian: refers to tiny gobble.
Brangu: A term for the crossbreed of beef cattle, between Brahman and Angus
Brangui: Crossbreed of two species of cattle
Brangwayn: A fair raven, raven is a bird that resembles crow
Branhard: A raven that is bold and strong
Branhui: A responsible, stable and generous individual
Branimir: Protection, harmony and peace of the world
Branislav: Protection of the glory or fame
Branko: Armor or defense
Brann: Raven, a black bird that resembles a crow
Brannock: A fiery sword, a fiery beacon
Brannon: A raven, a bird that resembles a crow
Brannt: Proud, having a high opinion of oneself
Branoc: Raven
Branok: Cornish name derived from Celtic word brano, which means raven, crow.
Branson: A burning sword, a fiery sword
Brant: A sword that burns, a fiery sword
Brantley: A fire sword, a burning sword
Brantly: Proud and gratified in whatever he does. It also means firebrand.
Branton: A settlement with thick growth of plants
Brantson: A reknowned person who fought for the British
Branud: A systematic, thoughtful and has individuality
Branui: An easy going, humble and cool headed person
Branwel: The name of a place in Britain
Branwell: A well of broom, a well of thick growth
Branxton: The town of Bracca
Bras: It is a surname
Brasen: The gift of God, God's gift
Brasias: A blunt, affectionate and youthful individual
Brassias: Smart, amiable and bold person, resourceful
Brastias: One of Sir Arthur's captains
Braston: A town of brass
Bratindra: Devoted to right deeds, Righteous and Wise Person
Bratislav: Glory of the brother
Bratomil: Gracious and dear brother
Bratoslav: Glorious brother
Bratya: To get rid of something or someone
Braulio: A meadow situated on a hillside
Bravecci: Inspirational, congenial, smart and innocent person
Bravicci: A practical and patient person with brave heart
Brawley: A meadow or a grassland located at a hill slope
Braxton: Settlement of the Brock
Bray: Border, or hillside
Brayan: noble and virtuous
Braychan: One who lives on the hillside
Brayden: A hillside that is broad and wide
Braydon: A wide hillside
Braylen: From a broad or wide hillside
Braylon: From a hillside that is wide
Brayson: One who is the son of Bray
Brayton: To create more light and colourfulness
Brazil: A conflict or disagreement on certain issues
Brbutska: One who is generous and virtuous
Breahha: A place name in old England, a town Breahha
Breaker: A wave that makes white foam on the shore
Breandan: One who is brave, not afraid of any sort of danger
Breck: Person having a spotted skin or a freckled skin
Breckan: One who has a spotty face, face filled with freckles
Breckin: Freckled face, spotted face
Bredbeddle: The Green Knight
Brede: Glaciers, a form of ice
Bredon: Sword, a sharp weapon used for killing
Breen: To be upset or sad about something
Bregan: Responsible and able individual, level headed
Breid: One who is born to achieve great depths and heights
Breine: One who is blessed.
Breki: Breaker
Brelan: A hill covered with beacons
Brelyn: A popular, desirable and dual natured individual
Breme: A man who lives near a swamp
Bren: A flame, a part of fire
Brencis: A crown, worn on the head of the ruler or king
Brend: Steep, sudden increase or decrease
Brendan: Prince, the son of a king
Brendann: The prince of the kingdom
Brenden: Brave and unafraid
Brendin: Prince, the heir of the king
Brendis: Celtic - Prince, A variant of name Brendan
Brendon: The king's heir, Prince
Brendt: The top of a hill, a hilltop
Brendyn: The prince of a kingdom
Breneon: A mountain peak, the peak of a mountain
Brenn: A prince, the successor of a kingdom
Brennan: Moisture, liquid condensed on a surface
Brennen: One who is brave and unafraid
Brenner: Someone who does the job of burning things
Brennon: Celtic - Prince, A variant of name Brendan
Brennus: Ruler, prince or king
Breno: Brazilian word for king.
Brent: A place located at a height
Brentan: A mountain or a hill
Brenten: The top of a hill or peak
Brentin: The peak or top of a hill or a mountain top
Brentley: A hilltop or a mountain top
Brenton: A hilltop or the top of a mountain
Brentyn: A hilltop that is very steep
Breock: A famous and mighty prince
Breri: A messenger
Breslin: Refers to family name or surname.
Bret: A form of the name Breton
Brett: From a surname Breton, meaning Brittish
Bretton: A man from Britain
Breunor: A brown man
Breuse: One who is a knight
Brévalaire: Brévalaire is Bretons form of Brendan, which means prince
Brevin: A modern name that is invented and has no specific meanng
Brevyn: A contemporary made up name
Brewer: One who brews. A surname
Brewnor: A well educated, bashful and respected being
Brewster: One Who Brews Beer, A variant name is Brewer
Brewstere: An occupationalsurname, meaning a brewer
Brexton: A fracklke-faced Boy
Breyer: A confident person with a strong sense of duty
Breyson: A son of the powerful woman
Brgala: A fragment, a piece of something
Brhadagni: A might of the fire
Brhadasva: A strong one with mighty horses
Brhadatma: One with a great and wise soul
Brhadgru: The great teacher or mentor
Brhadiksu: An insightful person
Brhadraja: The great king or emperor
Brhadvisa: The great protector
Brhajjana: An illustrious person
Brhaka: A mature, full grown man
Brhat: A tall and mighty man
Brhatka: An Indian name
Brhatsena: A comander of huge army
Brhita: One who is strong
Briac: One with force and strenght
Brian: A noble man from the hills
Briand: The old English form of Briand, meaning strong or hill.
Briar: One who is like a shrub or a small tree
Briauail: Dynamic, restless and a loyal companion
Brice: A speckled Boy
Bricen: A son of a noble
Bricheve: To recieve a blessing
Brick: He is like a brik
Brickman: A man made of briks
Brictric: Son of Alger, a powerful or strong ruler
Brictwen: The bright friend or companion
Bridge: A word name, a bridge
Bridgeley: A person who is from the meadow near the bridge
Bridger: He lives near the bridge
Brieg: Derives from the word, meaning bear, stone, disciple
Briek: The elf ruler
Brien: A high noble man
Brifard: Inventive, resourceful and optimistic personality
Brigacos: The high or mighty person
Brigbam: One whose home is near the bridge
Brigg: A man from the village that is located near the bridge
Briggebam: He lives close to the bridge
Briggere: His home is close to bridge
Briggs: Hisvillage is near the bridge
Brigham: One from the little village near the bridge
Brihadaswa: A name of the character in Mahabharat
Brihadeesh: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Brihadratha: A name of a powerful hero
Brihadyumna: A disciple of Sage Raibhya. Also means a King
Brihant: One who destroys the powerful one
Brihaspathi: Teacher of Devas, Guru of the God's; The Sun
Brihatbala: A darring, brave warrior from Indian mythology
Brihthere: The bright or shining army
Brihtiua: The brightness of a person
Brihtiue: The bright or the brightness
Brij: One of many names of Lord Krishna