We have created a list of 3386 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter B. This is Page 14 out of 17 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Bordoloi: A Surname found widely in state of Assam
Bore: He is like the north wind
Boreda: One of the woreds in Ethiopia
Borenya: One who is a great person
Borey: Country or great city
Borg: From the castle.
Borge: A helping person
Borghild: A war in the fortifications
Borgny: One who gladly helps
Bori: One who is a father of the warrior
Boris: One who is a snow lepard
Borislav: Battle glory.
Borislaw: A variant of Borislav, meaning famous battle.
Borisu: Snow leopard
Borivoi: Battle soldier
Borje: Old Norse - From the fortified Hill or Castle, A variant of the name Borg
Bork: One who is killed by a gunnar
Borka: He is a good fighter
Borna: He who is a yuthful man
Boromir: One who is a faithful jewel
Borre: He who is a great help
Borris: He who is like a short wolf
Bors: A name of the uncle of King Arthur
Bort: He who comes from a fortified place
Borut: Diminutive of Boris, meaning snow leopard
Borya: Battle or war.
Borys: One who is a short snow lepard
Borysko: A warrior, one who is capable of fighting.
Boryslav: One who likes fighting for fame.
Bosco: A name of Italian Saint
Bose: Master, A Surname found widely in state of Bengal
Bosel: One who comes from the forest at the wavy bank
Boško: God given
Bosse: Swedish - To Live
Bostjan: Short form of Sebastjan and means from Sebaste.
Boston: A place name, one who got the name after Boston, a city in Massachusetts USA
Bostyn: One who is name after the city of Boston, Massachusetts
Boswell: He who lives near the well at the woods
Bosworth: One who lives at the acttle enclosure
Bota: A remedy or compensation
Botewolf: A name that means Herald Wolf
Botha: Messenger
Bothe: A man whose home is in a hut
Bothi: Herald or begin.
Botho: A form of Botha, meaning messenger
Botild: He who is very commanding
Botolf: He is a herald wolf
Botolph: One who is like a herald wolf
Botolphe: A man who is like a herald wolf
Botond: A wawwior who wields mace
Botulf: One who is compared to a wolf
Botwe: The 8th born.
Botwolf: He who is wolf-like
Bou: A name for the herdsman, ox; powerful person
Boualem: A distinguished man
Boudewijn: To have bold and brave friends
Boudhayan: The Name of a Sage, One who is inspiring and stimulating
Boudhayana: someone who possesses the focus of Lord Buddha
Boudik: A stable minded person with a stron heart
Bouid: Learned, virtuous, vivid, knowledgeable
Boulos: humble and polite. it is the arabic form of the name "PAUL"
Boulus: humble and polite. it can also be spelled as "Boulos" and is the arabic variant of the english name "Paul"
Bouraoui: it is a last name which means that the person does not really conform to the social norms but rather is a happy go lucky person.
Bourey: Country or great city. A variant of the name Borey.
Bourke: Fortified Hill or a Fortified Settlement
Bourn: a small river.
Bourne: a small seasonal river
Boutros: means a stone or rock. It is the arabic form of the name "Peter"
Bouvier: means a herdsman
Bow: it means a small son. it is a diminutive of the name "Bowden"
Bowden: means a hill shaped like a bow or a dweller on top of a hill
Bowdoin: a messenger. it can also be spelled as "Bowden"
Bowdyn: variant of the name "Bowden"
Bowen: son of "Owen"
Bowie: yellow haired Boy or blond haired Boy
Bowman: an archer (family name)
Boyan: a warrior or fighter
Boyce: one who lives next to the woods
Boyd: one with yellow hair
Boyden: messenger
Boyko: To be afraid of or battle.
Bozeman: nickname for a wicked man
Bozhidar: Bulgarian form of Bozidar, meaning divine gift.
Bozho: A diminutive of Bozidar, meaning divine.
Bozidar: A divine gift. It is a derivation of the Greek name "Theodore"
Bozo: Divine
Böðvarr: Son of Thorleif.
Brac: free
Brace: name usually used as a surname.It is derived from the french word "bras" which means arms.
Bracha: A beautiful blessing
Brachtmar: A spontaneous person, God is an oath
Bracken: descendant of Breacán
Brad: broad clearing in the woods
Brada: An ukaranian surname, affectionate and compassionate being
Bradan: A person from the "broad valley", salmon
Bradburn: A broad stream, flowing with energy
Bradd: Broad clearing in the woods
Braddlee: Broad clearing in the woods, can also be spelled as "Bradley"
Braddock: A habitational name: a broad oak tree, signifies strength
Braddon: Broad hillside, has practical nature
Braden: One who is as sleek as a salmon
Bradene: One who is as sleek as a salmon, alternate spelling for "Braden"
Bradford: A person who hails from a broad ford
Bradfurd: An alternate spelling for "Bradford", from the broad ford
Bradhna: One who is mighty, the world of the sun
Bradi: It is used as a surname. The descendants of the family Bradach use this name.
Bradie: An alternate spelling for "Bradi", spirited being
Bradig: The name literally mean a person who hails from a broad valley, it's used as a surname.
Bradin: A person who is from a wide valley.
Bradlea: Alternate spelling for the name "Bradley", means a wide area in the woods.
Bradlee: It means a path in the woods or a field
Bradleigh: Another spelling for the name "Bradley", it means a field
Bradley: A broad clearing or field.
Bradli: Alternate spelling for the name "Bradley", broad wood or clearing
Bradly: A wide area in the forest
Bradney: Hailing from a broad meadow, a grassland
Bradon: From a broad grassland, hailing from a broad meadow
Bradshaw: A broad meadow, grassland or thicket
Bradwell: Hailing from a broad spring
Bradwin: A bearded friend
Brady: Free spirited and broad minded person
Bradyn: One who hails from a broad valley
Brae: A hill
Braedan: A hillside that is broad and spacy
Braeden: A broad and spacy hillside
Braedon: Broad, spacy, wide, large and big
Braedyn: The heir or descendant of Bradan
Braegd: Tall, elevated, high and lofty
Braelin: A person who is intelligent, bright and wise
Braenci: A quick, clever headed, humble natured person
Braeton: Hailing from a wide, broad valley
Brage: A famous, shining and popular king
Bragi: One who is considered as the God of Poetry
Bragwaine: A friend from the fortress
Braham: One who is considered as the father of many
Brahamdev: An angel sent by God
Brahamjeet: The triumph or victory of God against devil
Brahamjot: One who is in harmony or union with God
Brahamleen: One who is absorbed and extremely devoted in God
Brahampal: One who is the fosterer of the God
Brahampreet: One who loves the Supreme God with all his might
Brahamsarup: One who has the appearance of the God
Brahamvir: One who is the God's warrior
Brahim: Brahma, Creator of the Universe; Supreme Being
Brahita: Cherished, Rejoiced; Enjoyed
Brahma: In Sanskrit, it means "prayer". It is also the name of a Hindu God, also known as the "Creator"
Brahmaanand: Supreme joy, Utmost happiness attained when enlighted
Brahmabrata: Ascetic, A spartan who dedicates his life to attain enlightment of Knowledge
Brahmadatta: In Indian mythology, he is the king of a city named Banaras or Varanasi
Brahmadhvaja: One who is the warrior of God
Brahmadutt: Dedicated to Brahma
Brahmadya: Begins or originates with Brahma
Brahmagha: The month of God. The month in which prayers and functions of God are performed
Brahmagya: Knowledge of Brahma
Brahmajeet: God's Triumph, Victory of God
Brahmaji: Similar to Brahma
Brahmanand: Supreme joy, Utmost happiness attained when enlighted
Brahmanandam: Supreme joy, Utmost happiness attained when enlighted
Brahmapri: One who is the devotee of lord Brahma
Brahmastra: An indestructable weapon given by Lord Brahma
Brahmasu: One who is the son of Brahma
Brahmavid: Knowing the Super Spirit, A sage name
Brahmayuj: Make wishes through prayers to the God
Brahmayus: One who lives as long as Brahma
Brahmbhagat: A devotee of the Lord
Brahmcari: One who is dedicated for the worship of Lord Brahma
Brahmchet: One who is aware of God and believes in his powers
Brahmdev: God'S Exalted Angel,
Brahmdutt: Messenger of Brahma
Brahme: One who prays a lot
Brahmgyan: Knowledge of Brahma
Brahmjeet: God's victory against evil
Brahmjog: Uniting with the Supreme One, uniting with God
Brahmjot: One In Union With God, Light of Brahma
Brahmleen: Absorbed In God'S Love, Immersed in Love of God
Brahmlok: The devotee of God, one who believes in God and practices rituals
Brahmnaam: The name of God
Brahmpal: One who is under the protection of God
Brahmprakash: Enlightment by the light of the God
Brahmpreet: The love of God, the love of the Almighty
Brahmraaj: The kingdom of God, the palace of God
Brahmroop: A person who is God like, and is considered as the messenger of God
Brahmsroop: One who has an appearance like God
Brahmtej: lustrous and powerful like God
Brahmtek: Supporter and believer of God
Brahmveer: Warrior of God, one who fights for God against evil
Brahmvir: God'S Warrior, One who is Defender and Protector of God
Brain: The important part of the body, located in the skull
Brainard: A bold raven, a bold person who is compared to a raven
Brainerd: A bold raven, a bird that resembles a crow
Braison: One who hails from the Manor farm
Braith: Covered with many spots or patches
Braj: Place of Lord Krishna, Residence of Lord Krishna
Brajamani: A precious, beautiful jewel or ornament
Brajamohan: One of many names of Lord Krishna
Brajendra: One who is the Lord of kingdom Braj
Brajesh: One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as Lord of Braj land
Brajmohan: One of many names of Lord Krishna
Brajraaj: One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as King of Braj land
Brajraj: One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as King of Braj land