We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 10 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Shashi: Moon
Shashi varnam: One who is the color of the Moon
Shashibhushan: Lord shiva
Shashidhar: The moon
Shashidhara: A man who carries a Moon in his eyes
Shashikant: Moon stone
Shashikar: Moon ray
Shashikiran: Moon's rays
Shashimohan: The moon
Shashin: Moon
Shashipushpa: Lotus
Shashish: Lord shiva
Shashishekhar: Moon-crested
Shashrvat: He who is the Lord of SUn
Shashvata: A name for lord rama eternal
Shashwat: Ever lasting, continuous
Shasta: From the triple-peaked mountain
Shasunnahar: He is the Sun of the Day
Shasvat: One who is eternal and everlasting
Shaswata: A person that is perpetual
Shaswatik: A man who is forevelasting, eternal
Shat-manyu: Another name of Indra
Shat-padm: Hundred petaled lotus
Shataaneek: Another name of ganeshna
Shataayu: Hundred years old
Shatadru: Name of river
Shatarupa: Lord shiva
Shathar: A man who workis in the mines
Shatherian: A very quiet and introvert person
Shatichandra: Shatichandra is taken from the name Shantinath and means lord of peace.
Shatish: He who is the ruler of hundreds
Shatishay: He is superior to tohers
Shatjit: Conqueror of hundreds
Shatrughan: Lord nama's brother
Shatrughna: Victorious
Shatrujit: Victorious over enemies
Shatrunjay: One who overcomes enemies
Shattesh: King of mountains
Shattuck: A shad fish
Shauchin: Pure
Shaughn: The God is gracious
Shaukat: A poerful and digified individual
Shaul: A person who was prayed for
Shaun: God is gracious
Shauna: God's gift
Shaunak: Wise
Shauq: A man who has a deep interest in things
Shaurav: Bear
Shauri: Lord vishnu
Shaurya: Brave
Shavas: A person of power and valor
Shavaughn: The Lord's mercy and grace
Shavon: One who is open-minded
Shaw: Grove
Shawaiz: A man who speaks very melodiously
Shawal: A great man of high status
Shawar: Comet
Shawinook: The most fierce winds from the South
Shawna: God is gracious
Shawqi: A man who longs for things
Shawree: A cornstalk, a name given to a powerful Bear
Shay: Gift
Shayaan: Successful
Shayak: One whose weapon is an arrow
Shayam charan: Name of Lord Krishna
Shayamali: One with pretty feet
Shayan: A person who is worthy and deserves good things in life
Shayban: An aged, elderly and grey-haired man
Shayd: An infatuated person in love
Shaydan: A man who is high in status and rank
Shayde: One who is a deender of men
Shaydi: A Boy who sings for a living
Shaye: Supplanter
Shayer: He is a poet
Shaykh: One who teaches people
Shayla: A gift from God
Shaylan: A gift from God
Shaymus: One who holds the heel
Shayn: God is gracious
Shayne: God is gracious
Shazad: One with royal blood, a prince
Shazadi: He who is a prince
Shazeb: A king who is decorated
Shazib: He who is out of the ordinary
Shazil: A king
Shea: An admirable man, from the fairy fortress
Sheadon: Modern American combination name of names Shay and Don
Sheamus: One who supplants
Sheard: A gap between two hills
Shebaro: A gypsy boy of marriageable age.
Shedrick: Aku's command
Sheehan: Peaceful child
Sheen: A gracious gift of God
Sheena: God
Shees: A name of a prophet
Sheeth: Muslim equivalent for Biblical name Seth, meaning one who is fixed
Sheffield: Crooked field
Shefi: One who smells nice
Sheherbaraz: The exalted person of the realm.
Shehin: A falcon
Shehroze: A king of roses
Shehryar: An elderly king
Shehzaad: A prince
Shehzad: Prince, or offspring of a king,
Sheikh: A teacher or a chief
Sheil: Mountain
Sheila: One who is blind, pantron saint of music
Shein: Reflection. It could refer to mirror's reflection or reflection of either of the parent.
Shekhar: Ultimate, peak
Shekib: The patient person, one who has a great patience
Shel: A short form of shelby. sheldon
Shelby: From the willow farm
Shelbz: Willow farm
Shelden: A deep valley
Sheldin: A farm od the ledge
Sheldon: From the steep valley
Sheley: A wooded clearing on a ledge
Shelomoh: A form of Solomon, meaning peace.
Shelomon: He who brings peace
Shelten: He who is from a deep valley
Shelton: From the farm of the edge
Shem: Name of Noah's son, means renown
Shemar: God's guardian
Shemelyn: A name meaning a diligent and hard working labour
Shems: A planet or a Sun
Shemsuddin: Sun of the faith
Shemuel: He who is appointed by God
Shen: A spirit or something supernatural
Sheng: Chinesee name meaning victory
Shep: Short from Shepherd, occupational name
Shepard: Occupational name, hearder of sheep
Shephard: Occupational name, shepherd
Shepherd: English occupational name
Sheplea: A field of sheep
Shepleigh: One from the sheep meadow
Shepley: A meadow where sheep are
Sheply: Field where the sheep are
Shepp: Short from Shepherd, occupational name
Sheppard: Surname, occupational name, shepherd
Shepperd: English surname meaning shepherd
Shepply: He who has sheep
Shepry: A friendly and honest man
Sher: Persian name meaning lion
Sherab: Wisdom
Sherafgan: One who defeated a lion, a powerful one
Sheraga: Hebrew name meaning light
Sherard: He who is of glorious valor
Sheraz: Loving and caring man
Sherbahadur: As high as a mountain
Sherborn: A clear brook
Sherborne: A bright stream
Sherbourn: He who is from a clear brook
Sherbourne: He who lives near a clear stream
Sherburn: He who lives near a clear brook
Sherburne: A clear brook
Shereef: Honorable
Sheri: The plains
Sherica: One who rules them all
Sheridan: A seeker
Sheridon: He who is untamed
Sherif: Honorable
Sherill: Shire on a hill
Sherlan: A beautiful and beloved individual, joyous
Sherlock: Light haired
Sherlocke: He who has fair hair
Sherm: A shear man
Sherman: Sheep shearer
Shermann: Judge of a shire
Shermie: One who lives in a shire
Shermon: A shireman
Shermy: He who works with shears
Shernaz: The pride of a lion
Sherri: The plains
Sherrie: The plains
Sherrill: A dear man
Sherrod: A wild man
Sherryl: Charity
Sherwin: Swift runner, one who cuts the wind
Sherwind: A swift runner
Sherwinn: He who is as fast as the wind
Sherwood: A bright forest
Sherwoode: A forest full of light
Sherwyn: He who is swift
Sherwynne: A bright friend
Sherye: A man who is free
Sheryl: Dear one
Shesanand: Lord vishnu
Shesh: Cosmic serpent
Shesha: King of serpents
Sheshdhar: One who holds snake
Shevantilal: A chrysanthemum
Shevar: One who has treasure
Shevit: Hebrew name meaning comet
Sheyaam: The dusk or the dusky complexed person
Shi: He who will be sent
Shia: God is salvation
Shiann: An unintelligible speaker
Shibhi: Indian name meaning King
Shibhya: Lord shiva
Shibil: Young one in arabic