We have created a list of 2896 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter S. This is Page 8 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Sharleen: A woman who sometimes acts like a man
Sharleez: A lady who is beaitiful
Sharlena: A song, a carol
Sharlene: A woman who has her freedom
Sharleyne: A woman who is strong a free
Sharlie: A woman who is free
Sharlina: A woman who lives life freely
Sharline: She who loves fredom
Sharlyne: A woman who loves her freedom
Sharmain: A charming woman who is free
Sharmaine: A woman whose charms lie in her freedom
Sharman: A free woman with many charms
Sharmeela: She who enjoys her freedom charmingly
Sharmeen: Woman who is free and has many charms
Sharmila: Modest
Sharmistha: Wife of yayati
Sharna: A guarding and protecting woman
Sharnaz: A name that means "a pride of the King"
Sharnee: One who is from a little fertile field
Sharon: The plains
Sharona: A woman who is from the plain fields
Sharonda: A form of Sharon, meaning plain.
Sharoon: One who is from the plain fertile fields
Sharree: A darling woman
Sharren: A lady from the fertile valley
Sharrie: A very darling, sweet woman
Sharukina: Female version of Sharukin. It means true king.
Sharvani: Parvati
Sharvari: Night, lady
Shashibala: The moon
Shashikala: Phases of Moon, crescent, moon's arc
Shashini: A girl who is like the Moon
Shasmeen: A woman who is the most precious among them all
Shasta: From the triple-peaked mountain
Shastai: Pashto word for chrysanthemum
Shaswati: Eternal
Shatakshi: One with hundred of eyes (night)
Shatara: A woman who is industrious
Shataria: A good industrious woman
Shatarra: A good industrious person
Shataura: A woman who has an umbrella
Shatavia: A woman who is hard-working and productive
Shateira: SHe is porductive and hard-working
Shaterah: An energetic and productive
Shateria: A woman who works hard and is productive
Shatha: Aromatic
Shatierra: A woman who works a lot and hard
Shatiria: She works hard
Shatora: A woman who is a victor. A modern name
Shatoria: A combination of name Means To be your own master
Shatorria: A woman who is a vicotor
Shatorya: One who is God's gracious victroy
Shatoya: A combination of names, means woman is her own measter
Shaun: God is gracious
Shaune: The gracious and merciful God
Shauni: The gracious and merciful Lord
Shaunice: The giving and merciful Lord
Shaunna: God's gift
Shaunte: The grace of the Lord
Shaunteva: She has known God's mercy
Shavawn: The Lor's grace and mercy
Shaveena: A modern name, mening grace
Shavon: One who is open-minded
Shavonne: God is gracious
Shawanda: The God is giving and forgiving
Shawanna: She has known God's generocity and mercy
Shawdi: One who feels deep joy
Shawn: God is gracious
Shawna: God is gracious
Shawnell: A Gracious and giving God
Shawnette: A woman who is a beutiful and intelligent flower
Shawni: The Gracious and Giving God
Shawnita: Blue diamond
Shawnnah: The God's mercy is endless
Shawnte: The God's kindnees and mercy
Shawq: A woman who longs for things and people
Shaya: One who is worthy of the God's gift
Shayah: A woman worthy of God's gifts
Shayal: A dark skinned woman
Shayana: She deserves nice things in life
Shayatull: One who has the power to change, interesting person
Shayda: A woman who is in love
Shayden: She who will defend men
Shaye: Supplanter
Shayla: A gift from God
Shaylee: From the fairy place, a fairy princess
Shayleen: A girl who is from a fairy land. a magical place
Shayleigh: She is full of majesty
Shaylie: An admirable woman
Shaylynn: She is like a beutifu, Hawk
Shayna: Beautiful
Shayndel: She who is beautifil
Shayne: God is gracious
Shaza: A woman who wears parfume
Shazana: Urdu name meaning princess
Shazfa: A successful girl
Shazi: A fragnant one
Shazia: One who is exotical or rare
Shaziya: An exotical woman
Shazmah: Rare like the Moon
Shazmina: The one who is capable of too much love
Shazna: Inteligent and understanding friend
Shea: An admirable man, from the fairy fortress
Shealyn: Palace where the faires are
Shealynn: One from the fairy palace
Sheba: From sheba
Shebah: A given promise
Shebibah: A sponsor or a Godmother
Sheeba: One who gave an oath
Sheedah: She who is as bright as the Sun
Sheeftah: An infatuated woman
Sheela: One with good morals
Sheelagh: A Roman clan name
Sheelah: One of cool conduct and character
Sheema: A trait of habit
Sheena: God
Sheenaz: One who posesses great beuty
Sheeree: A dear girl
Sheetal: Cool
Sheeva: A charming woman
Sheeza: A restless person
Shefali: A sweet smelling flower
Shefalika: A flower
Shefrin: A well behaved woman.
Shehani: Magic
Sheherazad: A dweller in a free city
Sheherivar: Power at will. It's the name of an Archangel and the name of fourth day and sixth month.
Shehla: Dark brown, almost black, goat's eye
Shehna: The royal or something out of royality
Shehrbano: A name for a princess
Shehrnaz: A beautiful and cute woman.
Shehzadi: Persian name meaning princess
Sheigh: One who is seizing by the heel
Sheila: One who is blind, pantron saint of music
Sheilagh: A blind woman
Sheilah: A Roman clan name
Sheilaine: One from the fairy palace
Shein: Reflection. It could refer to mirror's reflection or reflection of either of the parent.
Sheindal: A beautiful woman
Shejali: A fruit
Shekiera: She who is thankful
Shekila: Good-looking woman
Shekilla: A very beautiful girl
Shekinah: God's manifested glory
Shekira: She who is grateful
Shela: She who is blind
Shelah: Request sheri from sharon
Shelanda: An attractive woman
Shelba: A settlement of willows
Shelbee: Forms of shelby
Shelbey: Forms of shelby
Shelbie: Forms of shelby
Shelby: From the willow farm
Sheldon: From the steep valley
Shelee: A form of Shelley
Shelette: She who is from the sloping field
Shelice: A charming, daring and majestic creature
Shelina: Hindu name meaning modest
Sheliza: One who is fair
Shell: English name, a shell
Shellah: A truly kind person
Shellby: Forms of shellby
Shellee: A meadow on a slope
Shelley: Meadow on the ledge
Shelli: Old English name meaning sloped meadow
Shellie: Meadow on the ledge
Shelly: Meadow on the ledge
Sheloa: American name meaning heavenly
Shelsea: Chalk or a limestone
Shelsee: American name meaning port
Shelsey: Landing place for limestone
Shelsie: London district, a name of a place
Shelton: From the farm of the edge
Sheluva: One who is elegant like a rose
Shelva: A graceful rose
Shelyn: Beloved woman
Shemeka: American created name
Shemunshi: Name of an Indian white rose
Shemushi: Intellect, understanding
Shena: God is gracious
Shenae: God is gracious
Shenandoah: Beautiful daughter of the stars
Shenaz: A bride to be
Shenden: She who tries to benefit others.
Shenice: God is gracious and merciful
Shenoa: Yahweh is merciful
Shenoah: A white dove
Shephali: A flowering plant
Shequela: A well shaped or a beautiful girl
Shequele: She who is thankful
Sheraine: A girl from the sandy ford
Sheral: Little woman
Sheralin: Woman who is beautiful
Sheralina: She who brings light
Sheralyn: She who is free
Sherbano: A princess
Sherece: French name meaning cherry
Sheree: She who is very dear, darling
Shereena: A dear woman
Shereka: She who comes from the east