We have created a list of 2896 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter S. This is Page 9 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Sherelle: A beloved woman
Sherene: Woman who is pleasant to be around
Sherese: Latin name meaning charity
Sherey: Gaelic name meaning foal
Sheri: The plains
Shericia: She who is dear
Shericka: A girl from the east
Sheridan: A seeker
Sherika: An easterner
Sheril: Darling woman
Sherileen: A free woman
Sherilyn: English name meaning coral
Sherin: A charming woman
Sherina: She who loves to sing
Sherine: From sharon
Sherise: Graceful beauty
Sherita: One who is the dearest
Sherly: She who sings
Sherlyn: She who is loved by many
Sherona: A costal plain
Sherra: Ruler of the people
Sherree: She who is very dear
Sherrey: A darling girl
Sherri: The plains
Sherrica: French name meaning cherry
Sherricka: Woman from the East
Sherrie: The plains
Sherrienna: She who is sweet and dear
Sherrifah: One who is high in status and rank
Sherrika: Girl from the East
Sherrilynn: One who is very dear and kind
Sherrina: She who sings beautifully
Sherry: White meadow
Sherryl: Charity
Sheryl: Dear one
Shesheba: Queen of snakes
Shevalini: A flowing river
Shevette: One who has intense charm and sting, humble
Shey: She who is courteus
Sheyda: A lovesick woman
Sheyenne: One who speaks a lot
Sheyla: Blind
Sheza: She sho brings light
Shezan: A beautiful girl
Shezmin: A flower
Shezreen: A particle og gold
Shiane: A serious, level headed and famous person
Shibani: Goddess Durga
Shichi: One who glows
Shidah: She who is as bright as the Sun
Shideh: The bright one
Shidqia: A friend or a righteous person
Shiela: Irish name meaning heaven
Shifa: Sweet
Shifana: God is gracious
Shifra: Improved
Shifrah: Good looking woman
Shigeko: A child that has everything it needs
Shihaam: An intelligent girl
Shika: A gentle deer
Shikeela: Well-shaped woman
Shikha: Flame
Shiki: The four seasns of the year
Shiklah: A name of a Marvel Comics charecter
Shiko: A woman made of stone
Shikoba: To be like a feather
Shiksha: One who educatias herself
Shila: Stone
Shilpa: Stone
Shilpi: A woman who is an artist
Shilpika: She is an artist
Shilpita: Well-proportioned
Shima: She who is a mother
Shimaa: A feeling of ectasy and joy
Shimantini: A Bengali name meaning "a woman"
Shimaz: A deeply beloved girl
Shimeka: A beautiful princess
Shina: A virtuous woman, having goodness
Shinat: Beautiful lady
Shiniqua: A woman who is a victor
Shinjini: Anklebelle
Shino: A woman who is like a stem of bamboo
Shinobu: A person that is very enduring
Shinogai: One with green eyes
Shinon: Japanese name of a type of flower, Aster tataricus. The meaning of the flower is remembrance
Shion: A person who remembers, one who does not forget
Shiori: To be a guide
Shipra: A holy river flowing thru ujjain
Shir: One who is a poet, a singer
Shira: Song
Shiralee: She who feels like a burden
Shirat: Song
Shirdokht: A brave lady.
Shireen: A gentle, swwet and pleasant little girl
Shirely: One who comes from the brightwood meadow
Shirenna: A cute name, given to a pleasant and noteworthy individual
Shiri: Song of my soul
Shirie: A tune, a tone, music
Shirilee: My song
Shirin: A sweet girl in Persian. Also, name of the characted from the Resain and Turkish legend
Shirin Bano: A sweet lady
Shirin banoo: A very sweet young girl
Shirina: A woman dark as a night
Shirle: A woman who is from the bright clearing near the wood
Shirleigh: She who comes from the bright clearing that is next to the wood
Shirlene: A form of Shirley
Shirley: Bright meadow
Shirline: One who is from the meadw shire
Shirlley: One who comes from the bright meadow
Shirly: A lady from the bright meadow shire
Shirlyn: She is from the bright meadow
Shirom: In Hebrew means "my song"
Shirra: The song that belongs to her
Shirrina: This is my little song
Shital: One who is cool and calm, cold
Shitala: The goddess of the smallpox
Shiuli: It means a flower
Shiva: She who is very charming
Shivagami: Follower of Lord Shiva
Shivakanta: Wife of shiva
Shivali: Another name for Goddess Parvati
Shivangi: She wh shared the body of Shiva
Shivani: Durga, parvati
Shivankruti: Creation of Lord Shiva
Shivanta: A part of Lord Shiva
Shivanti: Part of Lord Shiva
Shivanya: A part of Lord Shiva
Shivasundari: A name of Goddess Durga
Shivaun: The God is giving and gracious
Shivawn: The graciousness of thr God
Shivaya: A name of Lord Shiva
Shivika: A name that means palanquin
Shiyaaj: An endevavourus, hard-working woman
Shiza: She is a preset, a gift
Shlomit: Peace
Shmara: A battle ready maiden
Shobha: Attractive, beauty
Shobhana: A shinning, splendig woman who glows
Shobhita: Splendid
Shobhna: Ornamental, shining, beautiful
Shobika: A girl who is brilliant and beautiful
Shohrah: A famous woman who is well-known
Shohreh: She is a very famous girl
Shoko: A little child who is auspicious
Shokoufah: One who is blossoming
Shokouh: She is a splendid woman
Shokufeh: A blossoming woman
Shola: A blessed one
Sholah: A woman who is full of energy
Sholpan: Venus , the planet
Shon: The God is gracious
Shona: Fem, form of john
Shonda: A woman who is like a stone
Shondra: A gracious and merciful Yahweh
Shoneah: Irish name meaning God is gracious
Shoney: The God's graciousness
Shontae: The kindess and graciousness of God
Shontal: She is like a rock
Shontelle: She who builds with stones
Shooshan: Assyrian form of Susan. It means lily.
Shooshme: A high spirited, opportunist, legal and hopeful being
Shorty: One who is short, small in stature
Shosanna: She who is beautiful like a lily
Shoshana: Lily
Shoshanah: White lily
Shoshanna: White lily
Shoshona: She is like a lilly
Shouka: A kind of a deer
Shprintza: Yiddish name meaning hope.
Shraddha: One who is faithful, trusting
Shradhdha: Faith, trust
Shravani: Full moon of shravan month, a girl born in shravan month
Shravasti: An ancient indian city
Shravya: One whose vice is like a musical tone
Shreema: A woman who is highly spiritual
Shreeya: A name of Goddess Lakshmi. It means lucky.
Shrejal: A beautiful name, meaning best, first or foremost.
Shrena: A name of Goddess Lakshmi.
Shresta: One who is first, best, foremost
Shreya: Auspicious
Shreyaj: A woman who is very auspicious and lucky
Shreyashi: Good
Shri: Lustre
Shridevi: Goddess
Shrijani: Creative
Shrika: A sound of a small whistle and a name of bird
Shrikala: A name of the Goddess Laxmi
Shrikama: An Indian name that means Radha
Shrila: A woman who is a beauty
Shrilaxmi: A godess of money, a wealth
Shrilekha: Lustrious essay
Shrimayi: Fortunate
Shrina: A woman who is like a night
Shrivali: The name of Goddess Laxmi
Shrivalli: Goddess lakshmi
Shrividya: A name of Lakshmi and Saraswati
Shriya: An auspicious woman
Shruti: Expert in vedas, hearing
Shu'a: She is like the rays of the Sun light
Shu'la: One who is like a flame