We have created a list of 2896 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter S. This is Page 12 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Soleileia: An enduring and affectionate individual
Soleine: A woman with solemnity
Solenne: She is like a sunlight
Soleste: A woman who is heavenly
Soley: A girl who is like a sunshine
Solfrid: She is beuatiful like the Sun
Soliesse: She who is like a Sun
Solin: A beautiful flower garden or parterre.
Solita: A little loner. A little girl who enjoys solitude
Solja: A place name, a village in Finland
Sollemnia: One who is very religious
Solomia: Peace
Solomiya: Peace, a woman of peaceful nature.
Solveig: She who has the strenght of the Sun
Solveiga: Strength or the sun.
Solvej: A woman with the strenght of the Sun
Solvey: She is as strong as the Sun
Solvig: A girl who is strong like the Sun
Soma: No
Somadha: A woman who feels complete
Somaieh: One who is high above others
Somalakshmi: Lustre of the moon
Somapika: One who terminates things
Somatra: Excelling the moon
Somaya: A soft person, who has a calm nature
Somerild: One who is a traveler in the summer
Somila: Tranquil
Sommer: Summer, summoner
Somoche: A distinguished woman.
Somprikti: A Bengali name meaning saturation
Sompriti: One who is attached
Somritdhi: One of great prosperity
Somtochukwu: Praise God with me.
Sona: Gold, moonlight
Sonakshi: Golden-eyed
Sonal: Golden
Sonali: Golden
Sonaly: A woman made of gold
Sonam: Good
Sonary: A place name, one who comes from the Sonari district in India
Sonata: A girl who is like a music, a sonata
Sonbol: Ear of wheat, ear of corn.
Sondra: Defending men
Soneesh: A name of the Goddess Laxmi
Sonel: Lily
Song: A word name. One who is like a song
Songl: The last rose
Songya: A person who is wise and has wisdom
Soni: A golden ad pretty, but wise woman
Sonia: Golden
Sonicky: A clever minded and thoughtful individual
Sonika: The golden one
Sonisay: One who creates a good first impression.
Sonita: She who is like the ypung Sun
Sonja: Wisdom
Sonji: A woman of great wisdom and knowledge
Sonnagh: One who is like the Rampart's mound
Sonnet: She who is like a little song
Sonoma: A place name. One who is from the place Sonoma in California
Sonora: Loud
Sonrisa: She who is full of smiles
Sontee: A strong woman
Sonth: Spring
Sonya: Wisdom
Soo: A charitable, kind and noble person
Soo Ah: Soo means Water, Sore, Bank, Ah means Beautiful, Bud, Sprout, Elegant, Graceful
Soo Jin: Treasure, excellence and truth
Soo Min: Excellence and cleverness
Soo Yun: A perfect lotus flower.
Sook: She of pure nature
Sookie: She who is like the lily flower
Soon-Bok: Gentle and blessed, one with a gentle soul.
Sooria: To be like a red rose
Soovi: Soovi is a form of Sophie and means wisdom.
Sopa: An incredibly pretty girl.
Sophea: She who is a clever and wise one
Sopheah: She whohas the wisodom
Sopheap: One who is proper and gentle.
Sopheary: One who is attractive and beautiful.
Sopheia: A woman of wisdom and knowledge
Sophelia: One who helps with her wisdom
Sophia: She who posesses great knoledge and wisdom
Sophie: She is wise and clever
Sophina: A little wise one
Sophonisba: A name of the CArtagian pricess,
Sopio: Georgian form of Sophia, meaning wisdom
Sora: She is like the sky
Soraiya: He is a princess
Sorana: One beautiful as a dawn
Soraya: She is precious as a jewel
Sorborno: A beautiful and happy individual
Sorcha: She who is brigh and radiant as a light
Soreana: Strict and stern.
Soredamors: Name of Gawain's sister
Soreena: Soreena is a form Romanian name Sorina and means strict of stern.
Sorella: A sisterly woman
Soren: Stern
Sorena: A sternperson
Sorfina: One who is clean and neat
Sorina: A Sun-like woman
Sorinah: Sorinah is a variation of Sorina and means strict or stern.
Soroushi: Happiness
Sorsha: She is a woman who shines brightly
Sosanna: She is like a Lily flower
Sose: A woman who resambles a lily flower
Sosie: She is a lily flower
Sostrate: Safe army
Sotiria: She who brings salvation to people
Sotsona: One who is like a fox
Souad: She who is very glad
Souad or suad: She who has good fortune in like
Soudah: A person who is black, a black one
Souhayla: She is a star
Souhila: A woman who is soft to the touch
Soulmaz a persian: A woman who never wilts
Soumya: A decent and beutiful woman
Sourabhi: Fragrance, the celestial cow
Souraiya: One who is like a Sunlight
Souri: A girl who is like a red rose
Sousanna: A woman graceful like a lily flower
Soussan: She is as beautiful as the lily flower
Souzan: She has the grace of a lily flower
Souzanna: One who is noble like a lily flower
Sovann: He who is golden
Sovannah: He who is made of gold
Sovhona: One who posesses true beauty
Sovia: One with great wisdom and skills
Sowena: Success or achievement
Sowjanya: A girl who is tender, polite and has a kind nature
Soyala: A time of the winter solstice
Sozan: Glowing or burning
Spade: A word name. One who has a spade, a tool.
Sparghai: Ember or fire spark
Sparrow: One who is like a bird, like a sparrow
Spasenka: Rescue or save
Špela: Špela is a variant of Elizabeth and means 'oath of God.
Speranza: A woman who brings hope to men
Spezala: A woman who is incredibly talented
Splanna: Cornish word meaning brighter.
Splendora: A brilliant, bright woman
Spomenka: Croatian name for forget-me-not flower.
Spoorthi: One who is full of inspiration
Spoorti: A girl full of enthusiasm
Sprig: One who is like a spring
Spring: Springtime
Sprota: An elf woman
Sravanti: She who flows like a river
Sreedevi: A name of the Goddess Laxmi
Sreva: A good natured woman.
Sreya: Best woman of great beauty and excellence
Sreyleak: Perfect girl
Srijani: A person of great creativity
Srividya: She is a Goddess of Knowledge an Wealth
Srusti: Creation
Srutatfedhri: Having a renowned. father. Also the name of the mother of one of the three saviors of earth.
Srutayudha: The glorious battle or war
Sruti: Mohanto
Stacee: An upstandign woman
Stacey: One who shall rise again
Staci: Resurrection
Stacia: A short form of anastasia
Staciannie: A beautiful and upstanding woman
Stacie: Resurrection
Stacy: One who shall rise again
Stahyana: She who is from a beautiful clearing in the woods
Stallionjit: An victorious wild horse
Stana: The woman who always remains standing
Stanburch: Amusing, tidy and social person
Stangiva: Non chalant, adorable and friendly individual
Stanguie: One with good business sense and artistic abilities
Stangyth: A considerate, responsible and reasonable person
Stanilde: A woman who is from the lands of stone
Stanislava: A woman who achives fame
Staniue: An organized and affectionate being
Stanka: Standing In Glory
Stanuie: One who becomes
Stanze: One who is a steadfast woman
Star: Star
Stara: One who is old
Stark: A surname, meaning a family that is powerful and strong
Starla: A form of Star
Starlene: A star
Starley: A form of star
Starli: One who is like a star
Starlin: A person who is a beutiful star
Starling: One who is like a beautiful star
Starlynn: She who is the star of beauty
Starr: Star
Startina: A gorgeous and lovely lady
Stasia: A short form of anastasia
Stasya: Strength, fame or firmness
Stav: One who is like an autumn
Stavita: Praised
Stavroula: A name that means cross in Greek
Støen: Father who provides joy
Stefa: A woman with the crown
Stefan: Crown
Stefana: Crown
Stefani: Crown
Stefania: She who wears the crown