We have created a list of 2896 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter S. This is Page 11 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Silver: A precious metal
Silvestra: A woman of the forest
Silvi: A woman from the woods
Silvia: Wooded, forest
Silviana: She is a girl of the forest
Silviea: Silviea is a form of Silvia and means woman of the woods.
Silvija: One of the woods
Silwa: She who is of the forest
Sima: A treasure
Simah: One who is a great treasure
Simarleen: One who is completly absorbed in remembrance
Simarou: To be in the state of meditation
Simbala: One who comes from the Pond
Simbar: A girl with a white complexion.
Simbiat: A woman of bravery
Simcha: A feeling of joy and happiness
Simeona: She who hears, she who listens
Simhanada: The sound of the lion's roar
Simisola: A man who rests in wealth
Simona: A woman who listens
Simone: One who is heard. A French and English girl name, while its used as a male name in Italy
Simonette: She who is heard
Simonida: A woman who is heard by God
Simonne: One who listens well
Simra: One who is called
Simrah: A woman who is an entertaining companion
Simran: One who meditates
Simrat: One who remembers through meditation
Simta: A box to save money.
Simunka: To hear, to be heard
Sinapopla: A systematic, open minded and self sufficient individual
Sinasta: A person considered to be an expert
Sincerely: A word name, meaning to be candid, sincere
Sincerity: A state of honesty and truthfulness
Sinclaire: A name of a prayer, one who prays
Sindhi: One who is like a little cinders
Sindhuja: Name of the Goddess Laxmi
Sindokht: The name of Rustam's female ancestor.
Sindony: One who is from Sidon
Sindy: A woman belonging to the Mount Kynthos, from Mount Kynthos.
Sine: One who has felt the God's graciousness
Sinead: She who felt the gace of God
Sinhayana: Name of Goddess Durga
Sinhi: Lioness
Sini: A poetic name for the color blue
Sinikka: One who is like the color blue
Sinitalela: Little one from the ashes.
Sinja: Means merriment
Sinjini: The sound the anklet makes
Sio: A capable, a sting or charm, attracts life
Siobhan: God is gracious
Siofra: One who is like an elf
Siola'a: Sunflower
Siomha: One who is like a good peace
Sioned: She who felt the kindness of the God
Siopareet: A woman who inspires love
Siouxsie: A woman who looks like a lilly flower
Siqiniq: The sun
Sira: She who comes from Syria
Sirah: One who leads a traditional way of life
Siran: A girl who is beautiful
Siranush: She is a lovely girl
Sirène: She who is like a mermaid
Sire: A victorious woman
Sireda: A wise advice that brought victory
Sireen: She who is the wife of a man who is a companion of the Prophet
Siren: An enchanter, a woman who enchantes men
Sirena: Chamorro word for mermaid.
Sirikit: A woman with the qualities of a Queen
Sirin: A prophet's comanion's wife
Siriol: A woman of cheerful nature
Siriom: The sound of the great infinity
Siriporn: One who is gloriously blessed
Sirmata: A trusted, reserved and talented human
Sirvat: She who is like a beautiful rose
Sisel: She who is of sweet nature and appereance
Sisely: A woman who can't see
Sisi: She who is born on a Sunday
Sisilla: A woman without a sight
Sisley: She who can't see, a blind one
Sisse: She who has no sight, a blind woman
Sissel: A girl who is blind
Sissela: To be without a sight, to be blind
Sissinnguaq: One who resambles a squirrel
Sissota: A happy, creative and happy individual, soft hearted
Sissy: A little, dear sister
Sister: A word name. Means a female sibling
Sistine: A name of the Vatican chapel with Michelangelo's frescoed cealing
Sita: Wife of rama
Sitaara: One who is like a morning star
Sitara: A star
Sitarah: She who is like the star in the sky
Siteare: One who is like a star from teh sky
Sitembileq: To have trust
Sitesh: The Lord Ram's wife
Sithara: Star
Siti: A woman of noble qualities
Sitinorlaila: An exclusive, beloved and friendly individual
Sitka: A woman who comes from teh wester Alasca
Siusan: A woman who resambles a lily
Siv: She who is a wife. In Norse mythology Siv is Thor's wife
Sivakami: One who is the wife of the Lord Nataraja
Sivia: One with a hart of a deer
Sivya: One with a hart of a deer
Siw: She who is a bride
Siwa: A name of the Goddess of love and fertility
Siwan: She who knows God's kindness
Sixsipita: One like a Black Eagle
Sixtine: Sixth
Siya: A woman sho always wins
Siyana: One who provides protection
Siyanda: Zulu name meaning "we are growing together"
Siyasundari: Wife of Lord Shiva
Skadi: A name of the Winter Goddess, a frost giant
Skanawati: One who lives on teh other side of the swamp
Skky: From the heavens
Sky: Sky
Skye: Cloud
Skyla: The sky
Skylan: One who loves learning, an academic
Skylar: The isle of skye
Skyler: To be interested in education, a scholar
Skyli: A woman scholar, a woman who is an academic
Skylie: She who is a scholar
Skyrah: She who is an academic
Slane: She has good health
Slania: Health and wellness
Slany: To be in good health
Slatka: Sweet or sweetly flavored.
Slavenka: A Slavic woman.
Slavica: She who brings glory
Slavitsa: Glory
Slavka: She who achieved greatness
Slim: A thin, slender person
Slobodanka: Freedom
Sloka: One who is like a Hymn
Smaragda: A form of Esmeralda, meaning emerald.
Smarta: A name of the movement in Hinduism
Smera: Smily
Smilla: One who is always smiling a beautiful smile
Smita: Smiling girl
Smitha: One with a divine smile
Smiti: To bring people happiness
Smrita: A woman who meditates
Smriti: Memory
Smruti: One who is like a memory, a memorable person
Snana: One who jingles like the bells
SnædÃÂs: She who is a goddess of Snow
Snefrid: One who loves snow
Sneh: Love
Sneha: Love
Snehalata: A love vine
Snehi: A woman of a friendly nature
Snezhana: A snowy woman
Snigda: She who is of tender nature
Snita: A gentle, delicate and dual natured individual
Snjezana: The snow woman.
Snober: A name of a pine tree
Snowy: To be of snow, snowy
Snæbjörn: Snow bear
Snædís: Snow goddess.
So Young: Eternal, beautiful and prosperity
Soazig: One who comes from France
Sobeska: Appropriate glory
Sobha: She who is illuminated
Sobia: A well-dressed woman.
Sobìslava: A form of Sobeska, meaning appropriate glory.
Sobiya: A name of the Prophet
Socca: A food name, a kind of a pancake
Soch: A reliable and honest human being, thought
Socheata: Well born, well grown
Socorro: A helpful person. One who will help
Soe: She who dominates
Sofia: Means wisdom in Greek. A wise woman
Sofie: From the Greek name Sophia, it means Wisdom
Sofieke: One who is wise
Sofija: A woman full of wisdom
Sofiya: A wise woman
Sofiyko: Ukrainian form of Sophia, meaning wisdom.
Sofonisba: The God Ba'al has sheltered her
Sofy: She who is wise
Sofya: A woman who is wise
Soha: She is like a star
Sohalia: Of the moon's glow, Radiant and Shining like a moon
Sohnian: A happy, artistic and creative being
Sohvi: A woman of wisdom
Soila: A glow of the northen polar lights
Sojourner: One who stays for a while
Sokanon: One who is like a rain
Sokha: One who is peaceful and content with his or her life.
Sokhanya: A peaceful woman.
Sola: A woman who is alone
Solace: A feeling of comfort and peace, solace. An English word name
Solana: One who is warm and bright like a sunshine
Solange: She who is a religious woman
Solaris: One who is of the Sun
Solène: She who is religious.
Solbjørg: One rescued by the Sun
Sóldís: Sun goddess, or woman of the great hall
Soledad: Solitude