We have created a list of 2819 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter M. This is Page 15 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Muzakir: One who reminds people of Allah.
Muzdahir: One who is blooming, thriving and prospering.
Muzhir: A plant whose flowers are opening or have opened
Muzn: A variant of Mizn, meaning white cloud.
Mu'tazz: One who is proud, mighty
Myaing: Forest
Myat: Better
Mychajlo: God like
Myint: High
Mykhailo: Like God
Mykhaltso: God like
Mykola: Victory of people
Mykyta: A boy who has the capability of winning in every field, a winner
Myles: Soldier or dear one
Myo: Relative
Myril: Famous or of the sea
Myung: Bright and clear
Myung-Dae: Great righteousness
Myung-Suck: Foundation of ages