We have created a list of 2819 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter M. This is Page 14 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Moreshwar: The pleasing Lord. Also refers to the Lord Ganesha
Morey: A noble person who is a reason for pride
Morfarch: A sea-horse or a walrus
Morfran: Welsh - Great Crow, Celtic - Mythical Ugly Demon
Morgan: One who hails from the sea or around the sea
Morgann: A person who lives near the sea
Morgen: One who circles around the sea to defends it
Morggan: A variant of Morgan, White Sea Dweller; Great and Bright Sea; One who dwells near the sea
Morgian: One who takes care of the bright sea
Morgun: A variant of Morgan, White Sea Dweller; Great and Bright Sea; One who dwells near the sea
Moriddig: An outspoken, moral and grateful being
Morie: Latin - Swarthy, Dark Skinned; Moor; A variant of name Morris
Morirex: A moor, who works in the plains
Moris: Latin - Swarthy, Dark Skinned; Moor; A variant of name Morris
Morison: A dark-skinned person, one who work in open lands
Moritz: A person with dark complexion
Moriz: Latin - Swarthy, Dark Skinned; Moor; A variant of name Morris
Morkere: One who is darker in complexion
Morland: The land of moors, the wet land
Morlee: From the meadows of the grass land
Morleigh: Marsh Clearing, From the Meadow on the Moor; A derivative of name Morley
Morley: who belongs to the land of moor
Morly: A person with the dark skin
Mormarch: A lake from the uncultivated land
Moroccan: One who belongs to the land of God
Morocco: A land that belongs to the God. Name of an African country
Morolt: Name from Legends, Brother of Yseulte; Derived from Morogh which means Sea Protector
Moroni: The one who trick others
Morpheus: The shapes seen in the dreams. God of dreams in Greek mythology
Morrey: An un-cultivated land
Morrie: Land of un-cultivated soil
Morris: A dusky person, having dark skin
Morrisey: A dark colored person from the un-fertile land
Morrison: Who belongs to the un-fertile land
Morrissey: The land not having the fertile soil
Morrley: Marsh Clearing, From the Meadow on the Moor; A derivative of name Morley
Morrow: A warrior who fights in the sea
Morse: Latin - Swarthy, Dark Skinned; Moor; A variant of name Morris
Mort: A variant form of Morton, From the Town Near the Moor; Dead Sea
Morte: French word for dead.
Morten: The planet Mars, one who is from Mars
Morteza: The one who is chosen among many
Morticia: The one who take care of the funerals
Mortimer: A still water, motion-less water
Morton: One who is settled by the moor
Morty: A variant form of Morton, From the Town Near the Moor; Dead Sea
Moruarch: An moor land in the form of arch
Morvan: The name is a combination of elements mor "sea" or mawr "great" and uuan "assault
Morven: Gaelic - Child of the Sea, Mariner; Big Peak; Big Gap; Great; Fair Skinned
Mory: Mory is derived from the French word for mulberry tree.
Mosa: derived from the water
Mosaddak: One who acknowledges truth, confirms the truth
Mose: One who was drew out of water
Moseph: Delivered, one who is the best son; a blessed being
Moses: drawn f the water. The leader of Jews
Moshe: One who is pulled out of water
Mosheh: taken out of the water or saved
Moshon: A suitable word to describe someone in motion
Mosi: The first born child
Mosiah: Egyptian - Born of, Child; Drawn Out Of The Water; A variant of Moses
Mosiya: The child who born first to the parents
Mosley: The family name for the Lords of a manor
Moss: A person belongs to the peat land
Mosse: The one who is saved out of the water
Mossimo: The largest or the greatest of all
Mostafa: The one chosen among all
Mostaffa: The preferred one
Mostapha: The one who is preferred over others
Mostyn: The town of seedless plants
Moswen: The light skin toned person
Mota: A Person who loved besides the hillock
Motabir: A trusted person, an accomplished one
Moti: Pearl, Valuable; Precious Stone; Shining
Motilal: Pearl, Valuable; Precious Stone; Shining
Motiwala: The one who have of deals in Pearls
Mouafak: The one who is useful or that match the requirement
Mouawiyah: A Young Fox. The Caliphs of Islam
Moubarak: The greetings or the way to congratulate others
Moude: One who battle bravely
Moufid: Some one who is useful
Mouhamadou: The most praised one
Mouhamed: The one who is praised the most
Mouhamoin: One who is in love with nature and surroundings
Mouhaned: The sword or something used to cut
Mouhit: A charmer, one who is charming
Mouhyeddin: One who revives the religion. The title of a Islam Sufi Saint Abdul Qadir jilani
Mouid: The servant of the Almighty
Moukib: The last of the Prophets of Islam
Moulali: One who is creative and has a certain mindset
Moulik: Valuable, Precious; Priceless;
Moumin: One who is on belief or right faith
Mounasami: A person who remains silent
Mounesh: The silent god, an avatar of Lord Shiva
Mouni: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Mounib: A person who turns to Allah and repents the sin
Mounif: To honour, to hold in high-esteem
Mounil: A bird, someone who can fly
Mounir: A bright shining person
Mounish: The lord of minds, the conqueror of minds
Mourad: A wish or a desire from the Almighty
Mourib: One who is fluent and eloquent.
Mouric: A tanned person, dark complexion
Mourya: The king, the ruler, one who is great
Mousa: One who is derived from the water
Moushe: A form of Moses, meaning to draw out water.
Moustafa: the chosen one
Moutasem: One who seeks help from the Almighty
Moutasim: One who seeks refuge from the Almighty
Mouza: One who is derived out of water or saved from the water
Movesh: A Gujarati name meaning Transferring
Movind: A cool tempered person with strong mind
Movses: saved from the water
Mowgli: Famous character of the Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book
Mowway: The shaking of hands to greet
Moyolehuani: The enamored one.
Mozaffar: The victorious one, one who is triumphant with the victory
Móðolfr: The fearless wolf.
Mpasa: Brazilian word for mat.
Mpenda: Lover
Mpho: Gift
Mridul: Soft, Calm; Tender; Delicate; Warm; Gentle
Mrigaa: A Female Deer, A beautiful animal
Mrigaj: Son of the Moon, One who is calm and serene like the Moon
Mrigalochan: One who has beautiful eyes like that of a Deer
Mrigank: Moon, Beautiful, Calm and Serene Moon
Mriganka Mouli: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Mriganka Sekhar: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Mrigankamouli: Lord Shiva in the form of a deer
Mrigankasekhar: The crest of antelopes
Mrigankmouli: The sacred thread of the deer
Mrigankshekhar: The peak where the deer lives
Mrigapani: The hand of the deer
Mrigasya: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Mrigaya: Hunting, One who chases a deer
Mrigendra: The Lord of the antelopes
Mrigesh: Lion, Lord of Animals; King of animals; Powerful and Mighty
Mrigind: A lion or a carnivorous
Mriginder: The kings of the deer
Mrinaal: Lotus Stack, Root of Lotus; One who will grow to shine among other worldly matters
Mrinal: Lotus, Beautiful and Appealing; Growing to shine among worldly matters
Mrinank: Moon, Beautiful, Calm and Serene Moon
Mrinanka: Moon, Beautiful, Calm and Serene Moon
Mrinendra: Lion, Lord of Animals; King of animals; Powerful and Mighty
Mrithul: A tender person
Mrithun: Made Of Earth, Lord of Death
Mritul: A person who is very soft
Mritunjay: One of many names of Lord Shiva, One who can conquer death; Victory over Death
Mritunjoy: One who wins over the death
Mrityuanjaya: Who is victorious over death
Mrityunjai: The one who never been defeated by death
Mrugesh: Lion, as strong and mighty as lion.
Mstislav: Vengeance or glory
Mubariz: A Lebanese term for soldier or police.
Mubashir: The bringer of good news.
Muda: A young boy.
Mudassir: Clothed, or enveloped in garments.
Mufid: Useful
Muhallil: One who pronounces the Testimony of Faith.
Muhammad: Praiseworthy
Muhammed: Praised, Praiseworthy, Commendable
Muharem: Sacred, forbidden, holy
Muhazzim: A person who defeats others.
Muhib: One who is noble and lovable
Muhtadi: One who is rightly guided
Mukami: A person who milks cows.
Mukesh: A name of Lord Shiva. It means cupid
Mukhtar: The chosen one.
Muki: One who shines
Mukund: A name of Lord Vishnu. It means freedom giver.
Mulazim: Tenacious, persisting
Munachimso: One who always agrees with God.
Mundzuk: Jewel, bead
Muneer: Splendid, shining
Munindra: The best among the saints.
Munirsuarta: Name of the king of the Araziasai.
Munisuvrat: Munisuvrat is the name of 20thJain Tirthankara.
Munjal: King of Gujarat
Munny: A smart man.
Muntasir: Victorious
Murad: Desired purpose, intention
Muralidhar: A name of Lord Krishna. It means the one who bears the flute
Muralidharan: The bearer of the flute.
Murat: Wish come true
Muris: He who leaves inheritance
Mursalin: Messengers, or message-bearers
Murtadi: One who is satisfied, content
Murtaz: Georgian form of Murtada, meaning chosen
Musa: Saved from the water
Musaazi: A man who likes joking with others.
Musawwir: Designer, creator of forms.
Mushin: A variant of Mohsin, meaning one who confers favors.
Muska: Possessor or one who runs about.
Mustafa: Mustafa is the epithet of Prophet Muhammad. It means the chosen one.
Mustapha: The chosen one
Muta: Obeyed
Mutasim: Adhering to God.
Muunokhoi: A vicious dog.
Muwaffaq: One who is successful.
Muwakkil: One who can be trusted
Muzaffar: Victorious or triumphant in a deed or endeavor