We have created a list of 2819 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter M. This is Page 13 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Mohammad Hossein: Mohammad means praiseworthy, Hossein means handsome or beautiful
Mohammad Reza: Mohammad means praiseworthy, Reza means satisfaction or contentment
Mohammad Taha: Praiseworthy
Mohammadi: The Red Cow, which is praised to be as Holy Cow for sacrifice
Mohammadreza: Excellent in drawing, highest quality of Art talented person
Mohammd: One who is chosen by the Almighty
Mohammed: Vastness, Magnitude in size, greater than anything
Mohammeed: Blessed by being a chosen one
Mohammid: The one who is the choice of Allah
Mohan: A Gift from the Almighty God
Mohana Priya: Lovingly & Affection, One who loves to be beautiful; One who likes to be appealing and charming
Mohanad: An elevated geological formation of the mountain, slope of the hill yup
Mohanam: The one who always makes his waist strong by wearing a belt or girdle around it
Mohanaram: One who can be equal to the almighty and most high God who has created this whole World.
Mohanavel: A diligent and hard working individual
Mohanbabu: One who is fearless and daring, always having brashness and self confidence.
Mohanbir: Darkness, the one who never can see anything, gloomy & shady
Mohandas: Dusky and dim, can not be seen, dark and shadowy
Mohandasa: Murky, no brightness or light at all
Mohandeep: The pretty messenger, sweet and dearest Angel.
Mohandyal: Obscure, dwells in the dark places, invisibleness
Mohanish: The dusky or without light.
Mohanjeet: Helping person, who always provides aids to other needy people.
Mohanjot: The person always covers by shadows, impossible to be seen, dim light
Mohanlal: A dear one who is Attractive, Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
Mohanleen: The river of the Mincer or crusher.
Mohanmeet: From the surge of the pounder or Dicer.
Mohanpal: The ruler of the city, the sovereign of the kingdom.
Mohanpreet: The monarch of the nation, the one who has greater authorities all over the land.
Mohanram: The widespread clash between each other, worldwide conflict
Mohantek: A factory on a tall mountain, bearable person in high risky times.
Mohanveer: Commencing from the influential crusher
Mohanwant: Sturdy and durable grinding factory
Mohaven: One who is charming, who has a magnetic charm
Mohawk: The one who has unpleasant or nasty taste in his life
Moheb: Spiritual being attendant upon God, person of exceptional holiness.
Mohen: Derived from "Malina", a solar deity. It also means "Peace" in Hawaiian language.
Mohid: Malicious water, harsh and cruel sea or ocean
Mohil: The female sovereign ruler, the wife of the king.
Mohin: Attractive, Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
Mohinder: Competitor, keen, willing, effort, labor, sugary
Mohinderjeet: The father of the Tristan (The nephew of the king of Cornwall who fell in love with his Uncle's wife)
Mohinderpal: Superior to another in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability.
Mohinderpratap: Bee, any of numerous hairy bodied insects including social and solitary species.
Mohinderpreet: A messenger who bears or presents.
Mohindor: Well known deliverer, legendary conveyor.
Mohindra: The sugary person, who is sweeter than honey.
Mohit: Black coated gorgeous, gloomy layer love.
Mohith: His empire, his monarch, his guidance counselor.
Mohitlal: A dear one who is Attractive, Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
Mohiuddin: A minor, lovely one, tiny pleasurable one.
Mohmad: Enhanced belongings, superior possessions.
Mohmmedidrees: Sweet as nectar, honeyed as sugary.
Mohnish: The activities of honey bee, the person who resembles honey bee vis his character.
Mohomet: The greatest choice of God
Mohon: Attractive, Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
Mohsen: The person who has a physical appearance of black skin.
Mohsin: Bold power, courageous authority, daring rights.
Mohtadi: The person belonging to a racial group having dark skin.
Mohtashim: The person with black skin color who comes from a special racial group.
Mohul: Beautiful, Attractive; Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
Moidu: A cute and deserving person, elegance
Moidul: The member of the communist party or a socialist who advocate communism.
Moin: A wonderful apple, supremely flavoured apple.
Moinkhan: The person who is very affectionate and loving.
Moinuddin: Deliberate disaster, contemplate misfortune.
Moise: A person who is naturally having skin of a dusky or dark color.
Moises: A kind woman, compassionate female.
Moishe: Clearance on unfruitful land, Defrayal on barren land.
Moisis: The noble Lord who is having or showing a kindly or tender nature.
Moiz: The flat peak, horizontal top.
Moizez: Bretons form of Moses, meaning drawn from water
Mojcej: A form of Moses. It means to draw out.
Mojil: The person who exercises control over workers.
Mojtaba: Sturdy associate, solid comrade, stout work-mate.
Mokammel: A sweet heart, dear, the one who is pleasant and appealing.
Moke: The person who is sweeten with honey, who is remarkably fine.
Mokhtar: The healthier belongings, restored properties.
Mokhtara: Determination, aspiration, hood, shelter, shield.
Mokkaiyah: A person who is intelligent and brave
Moksa: The liberalisation, or freedom from the world
Moksh: Salvation, Mukti; Emancipation; Liberation; One who has self-realization and self-knowledge
Moksha: The ability of recording any information and recalling at the time when needed.
Mokshad: The created and good looking, formed beautifully.
Mokshagna: The divinity who represents motherhood.
Mokshajna: The energy point for the salvation within body
Mokshal: One who is free from all the duties
Mokshana: The time or the unit of time for salvation
Mokshgna: The salvation fire, urge for salvation
Mokshi: The one who left everything
Mokshit: The one who is liberated or free
Mokshit: A person who feels liberated.
Mokshith: The one who wants to be free or liberated
Molde: Plural form of Mold which means a soil which is fertile
Molimo: A walking bear under trees
Momchil: Derived from Bulgarian word momche, meaning boy.
Momin: A person who is pious, always on faith
Momoztli: The altar
Monaco: A monk, or someone who is serving a monastery
Monahan: A servant of the monastery
Monahar: Attractive, Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
Monash: An analytical and clever individual
Moncef: One who is just or fair, a judge
Mondem: An individualistic and reasonable being
Mondher: A popular and creative human being
Monedorigi: An open minded and meditative human being
Monedorix: An expressive and imaginative being
Monee: Harmony, joy, happiness
Moneer: A brilliant person, smart one
Mongkut: Crown
Mongo: A famous man.
Mongolekhorniiugluu: Mongol country's morning
Monick: A variant of name Monique, Alone; Advisor; Counsellor; Wise
Monik: A piece of advice, a useful advise
Monil: Bird,
Monim: A liberal person, a generous one
Moninder: The lord of the minds
Monir: A bright shining light
Monisa: one who warn or notify others
Monish: Lord of Mind, God of mind; Lord of the inner heart
Monishkar: A person with higher knowledge
Monit: Very knowledgeable person
Monji: The one who saves other or rescue others
Monjolaoluwa: Enjoying the wealth of God.
Monkaushka: The shaking of the earth
Monkh Erdene: Eternal family
Monkhbat: Eternal firmness
Monohar: one who is a great charmer
Monojit: One who wins over others mind
Monolos: God is always with us
Monone: A person with a horse like quality
Monosij: God of Love, Cupid; One of many names of Lord Shri Krishna signifying his attractive qualities
Monroe: From the mouth of the Roe river of Ireland
Monsef: An un-bias person, a just person
Monsur: A one who tasted victory or comes out victorious
Montague: The pointed end of the mountain
Montana: The mountain or the country of mountains
Montasir: The one who conquer others, a winner
Monte: A steep mountain
Montego: The huge as mountain or full or mountains
Montel: Little mountain, Royal Mountain; A variant of Montreal
Montenegro: A mountain of black color
Monterey: The mountain belongs to the King
Montesh: someone who resembles the mountain
Montezuma: The archer Lord in an angry state. The last ruler of Aztec
Montgomerie: Gomeric's Hill, Hill of the powerful one; From the Mount of the Rich Man; A variant of name Montgomery
Montgomery: A person with the mountainous powers
Montha: A charming man.
Montie: A hill or a hilly area
Montreal: Imperial mountain, Royal Mountain; Hill; Little Mountain; A variant form is Montel
Montrell: A region full of mountains
Montu: An ancient Egyptian God in the form of Falcon
Monty: A mountain owned by the ruler
Mooaz: A protected one or guarded by the God
Moody: A brave spirit, an impulsive person
Mookaiyan: An independent, reliable and hopeful being
Mookandi: A deiligent and persevering individual
Moolavan: A priceless person, precious one
Mooljee: The chief person, the head post
Moolraj: The head of all the chiefs
Moomal: The one who belongs to the family of chiefs
Moomin: A pious man, one who is on right path
Moon unit: A part or a portion of the moon
Moon-unit: One that Orbits the Moon, Name of Frank Zappa's daughter; An unisex name
Moonesar: An highly knowledgeable leader
Moonis: The one who console others, a companion
Mooppan: A prime person, a head of community
Moore: Swarthy person, Open Land; Marsh; Bog
Moorea: One who is like moon, or has beautiful looks of moon
Moorland: Marsh Land, From the Moor-land; A variant transcription of Moreland
Moorley: Marsh Clearing, From the Meadow on the Moor; A derivative of name Morley
Moorly: Marsh Clearing, From the Meadow on the Moor; A derivative of name Morley
Moorthy: An idol, mainly of a God
Moorti: An Idol, Statue; Figure; Diety; Image; A Sanskrit name meaning avatar; A variant is Murti
Moosa: One who is saved out of water. The name of a Prophet of Almighty
Moosaakaaiim: A speaker who is saved out of water
Moovendan: A ruler of the rulers, one who rule the other kings
Moppe: The clearance or the cleaning
Mor: In Celtic it means someone who is exceptional. In Irish it refers to a great person
Morad: Something asked from the God
Moral: The set of values of the mankind
Moran: Something huge or of large size
Morar: The one who worked at the windmills
Morara: A beautiful bird peacock
Morathi: An intelligent or a wise man
Moraunt: A friendly and approachable being
Moray: Celtic - Settlement by the Sea, From an area near the sea; A derivative from Murray
Morcan: One who resides around the sea
Morcant: The bright and clear sea, a huge sea
Morcar: Welsh - Dwells Near the Sea
Morcenou: An obedient, righteous and eager individual
Mordecai: A warrior from the battlefield. A follower of Marduk
Mordechai: A great soldier, one who worships Marduk
Mordrain: King of the seas, Name of an Arthurian king
Mordrains: The one who is ruler of the sea
Mordred: an uncertain person, nephew of King Arthur
Mordret: The one who hit hard
More: One who pleases others
Moreland: Marsh Land, From the Moor-land; A variant transcription of Moreland
Morenikeji: This child resembles me.