We have created a list of 2640 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter M. This is Page 13 out of 14 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Mohi: As fragrant as honey bunch, as sweet taste as sugar.
Mohik: Active, hard working person, a fawner.
Mohina: A talking bird, Beautiful; Attractive; Desirable
Mohini: Most Beautiful, Very Attractive; Charming and Admirable; Very Desirable
Mohisha: A bee, honey bun, sugar bunch, sweetie
Mohita: The Male sovereign, ruler of a kingdom.
Mohona: An opening of river, A Bengali equivalent of Mohana or Mohini
Mohonmala: Necklace, A Bengali name meaning a Garland of wishes
Mohor: Parsi - Moon, 12th day of a month
Mohsana: The person bearing the nature and sweetness of Honey, particularly, honey bee
Mohsina: The minimal wonderful one, tiny pleasing one.
Moi: Having skin rich in melanin pigments.
Moira: Hebrew - Sea of Bitterness, Rebelliousness; Wished for Child; Celtic - Little Mary; A variant of Mary
Moirin: Gentle wind blows in the warmest season of the year.
Moirrey: City in the mid of villages, urban in the central of parishes.
Moithili: An epithet of Sita, A variant spelling of Maithili
Moitreyi: Friendly,Name Of A Woman Scholar, A Bengali variant of the Sanskrit name Maitreyi which means well learned lady
Moitri: Friendly,Name Of A Woman Scholar, A Bengali variant of the Sanskrit name Maitreyi which means well learned lady
Mojca: The beloved one.
Mojdeh: Good news or one who brings good news.
Mojgan: The person who provides cooperation or assistance to Michael, associate of Michael.
Mokate: An easy going and humble being
Mokhoda: Saviour, A variant of name Mokhtara
Mokshita: The women to wants to be free or liberated
Moksin: The one who is free from any kind of attachment
Moldir: transparent, clean
Molina: The lady belongs to the mill
Moll: A bold, strong-minded, a robust person
Molle: A form of Mary, meaning bitter.
Molleigh: A strong-willed person
Molli: A bitter person, rebellious
Mollie: A sea of bitterness
Molly: Hebrew - Sea of Bitterness, Rebelliousness; Wished for Child; Celtic - Little Mary; A variant of Mary
Mollyann: God has favoured us
Mollye: A girl with rebellious nature
Momiji: Red leaves, also referred to the maple tree
Momoka: Hundreds of flowers
Momoko: Numerous children, or hundreds of peaches
Momoztli: The altar
Mon: Gateway
Mona: The one who can hear
Monaeka: Doll
Monal: A bird, a free spirit
Monali: The one who must be admired, adorable
Monalisa: Art, Mona Lisa is a famous portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci
Moneereh: An intelligent girl
Monet: A protector's descendant
Mongolekhorniiugluu: Mongol country's morning
Moni: In Greek it means the advisor, In Hindi it means the silence
Monica: The one who advise people
Monico: A truthful advisor
Monifa: African Yoruban - I Am Lucky
Monife: The one who has been loved
Monika: Old Greek - Single, Only; Monk; Hermit; To advise; To warn; A variant of name Monica
Monikanchan: Jewellery and Gold, Ornament of Gold
Monikarnika: A Gold ornament for ear
Monikarnikar: Jewellery and Gold, Ornament of Gold
Moniqua: A unique advise or an advisor
Monique: Old Greek - Single, Only; Monk; Hermit; To advise; To warn; A variant of name Monica
Monireh: A shining person, one who is bright
Monisha: Intellectual, Knowledgeable; Wise; Well Learned; Brilliant; Intelligent
Monita: Highly intellectual girl
Monja: One who wished for a virgin mother
Monjiya: A girl as beautiful as a pearl
Monjolaoluwa: Enjoying the wealth of God.
Monkaushka: The shaking of the earth
Monkh Erdene: Eternal family
Monn: A great advisor
Monna: The unique, the one of its kind
Monnie: The one who shows right path to others
Monone: A person with a horse like quality
Monroe: From the mouth of the Roe river of Ireland
Monserrat: An unevenly cut mountain
Monserrate: A monastery cut out of mountain
Monta: Mountain
Montana: The mountain or the country of mountains
Montserrat: A mountain that was cut evenly to make a place to live
Montsho: A black colored person
Mony: A precious stone, gem.
Monya: A monk or an adviser
Moody: A brave spirit, an impulsive person
Mookhan: An affectionate and responsible person
Moolde: A dynamic and nature loving person
Moon: One who enlightens the dark nights
Moona: who gives or provides light
Mora: A kind of berry, a mulberry fruit
Morag: Hebrew - Sea of Bitterness, Rebelliousness; Wished for Child; Celtic - Big; Great; A variant of Mary
Moraka: An individual who is freedom loving and honoured
Morana: A Goddess of winter and death
Morar: The one who worked at the windmills
Morara: A beautiful bird peacock
Morathi: An intelligent or a wise man
Moreen: A person with great personality
Morela: Sweet like a fruit of Apricot
Moreley: One who cleans the area of low wet land
Morena: One with the brown colored hair
Morenike: Victory over the seas
Morenikeji: This child resembles me.
Moressa: A butterfly that dwells from the sea
Morfudd: An unmarried young women, a virgin girl
Morgaine: A radiant of dazzling sea
Morgana: A Girl hails from the sea
Morgance: Celtic - Sea, Edge; Circle; Completion; Bright; White Sea Dweller; Great and Bright
Morgane: A girl dwells from the sea-area
Morgann: A person who lives near the sea
Morgant: One who belongs to the shore of the seas
Morgawse: Name of Gawain's sister
Morgayne: who lives near the sea
Morgelyn: Cornish compound name meaning sea-holly.
Morgen: One who circles around the sea to defends it
Morgian: One who takes care of the bright sea
Moria: In Hebrew it means one who is looked by the God. In Native American it means the wind
Moriah: Hebrew - Seen by Yahweh, Bitterness of Yahweh; God Is My Teacher
Moriel: God is my teacher
Morika: A fragrance of the forest
Moriko: A child that hails from the forest
Morinne: A stately and noble girl
Morissa: A female with the dark complexion
Moriya: One who is looked by the God
Morna: A beloved person who is delightful to all
Morning: Beginning of Day, English - Morning
Moroccan: One who belongs to the land of God
Morooge: One who is over sensitive and versatile being
Morowa: Queen
Morrigan: A Great emperor queen. The Goddess of death and war
Morrisa: A dark colored girl
Morsal: A flower find in the Afghan region
Morta: A mistress, a gentle-lady
Mortimer: A still water, motion-less water
Morton: One who is settled by the moor
Morvarid: A shining pearl
Morvoren: Cornish compound name meaning mermaid or sea maiden.
Morwen: A virgin girl, virtuous
Morwenna: A Virgin lady by the sea. Name of a Virgin saint
Morya: A Marathi slang that means go ahead
Moscelyne: A happy and lucky individual, five moons
Moselle: Hebrew - Taken from the water, From a French river; A variant transcription of the name Mozelle
Mosi: The first born child
Mosiya: The child who born first to the parents
Moska: The smile or the expression of happiness
Mosley: The family name for the Lords of a manor
Moss: A person belongs to the peat land
Mossie: Birth giving, A variant of Mossi
Moswen: The light skin toned person
Mota: A Person who loved besides the hillock
Motana: Name of a strong and tall mountain
Motee: A pearl from the deep oceans
Motia: Pearl, A variant of name Moti
Motiwala: The one who have of deals in Pearls
Mottayita: One who is reserved and has a friendly personality
Mou: Honey, Sweet
Moubani: A flower
Moufida: The one who is profitable or useful to others
Moukthika: The pearl. The name of Goddess Lakshmi
Mouleen: A dweller from the mill
Mouli: A sacred thread of the Hindu religion
Moumita: A sweet friend
Mouna: A Silence, a desire to be silent
Mounia: Something desired for, a wish came true
Mounika: The silence, refused to talk
Mounira: A very talented, bright-minded
Mounisha: The controller of mind
Mourici: dark-skinned person
Moushimi: reliant on a season or a period of time
Mowway: The shaking of hands to greet
Moxie: The spirited energy, or the nerve
Moya: The bitter taste of the sea
Moyna: Bird
Moyolehuani: The enamored one.
Moyra: The destiny or the fate, the share from the luck
Moysent: A self reliant and peaceful person
Mozell: taken from the water
Mozella: Female variant of Moses, taken from the water
Mozelle: Saved out of the water
Mozhdah: Something that brings good news
Mozhgan: The pluralised form of eyelash, eyelashes
Mranalini: The bunch of lotus flowers
Mrida: A form of Lord Durga
Mridhah: One who kill the enemies, Lord Durga
Mridini: One of many names of Goddess Parvathi
Mridu: Gentle, Delicate; Tender;
Mridula: A soft person, a tender one
Mridumita: Good friend, A variant name of Mridu which means Gentle; Delicate; Tender;
Mriga: The antelope or a deer
Mrigakshi: One with deer like beautiful eyes, Fawn Eyed; Deer's Eye
Mriganayana: One with deer like beautiful eyes, Fawn Eyed; Deer's Eye
Mriganayani: One who have the beautiful eyes as an antelope
Mriganetra: One with deer like beautiful eyes, Fawn Eyed; Deer's Eye
Mriganka: The Moon, Bright; Brilliant; Radiant and Luminant Moon
Mrigmada: The female antelope
Mrinala: The collection of lotus flower
Mrinali: The stem of the lotus flower
Mrinalika: The stalk of the lotus
Mrinalini: Lotus Stalk, Stem of Lotus; Intelligent;
Mrinmayee: One with deer like beautiful eyes, Fawn Eyed; Deer's Eye
Mrinmayi: Mother Earth
Mrinmoy: Something made out of earth
Mritheya: one who have a numerous friends
Mritsa: Mother Earth
Mrittika: Mother Earth