We have created a list of 2819 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter M. This is Page 12 out of 15 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Mimum: A warm hearted, supportive individual
Min Joon: Min means Quick, Clever, Sharp, Joon means talented or handsome
Minadus: A focused and desirable individual
Minanatha: The Lord of fishes, the care-taker of fishes
Minaraja: Some one who is the king of the fish.
Minas: A bright light in the darkness or the dark times
Minatbar: A boy who is grateful and appreciative
Minati: A prayer or an offering to the God
Minato: Harbour or Port
Minaz: A desire for something, one who wish
Mincho: A favourite of all, son of the closest companion
Mindwell: A person with calm and peaceful mind
Miner: Someone who built mines or involved in mining activities
Minesh: King of Fish, Ruler of Fish; Leader of Fish
Ming: Bright, Shining; Clear; Engrave; Chinesee Surname
Mingus: An estate-owner, who lives in a manor
Minh: A bright person, intelligent one, a clever person
Minhaaj: The right way or method to do something
Minhaas: The right method or curriculum of the activities
Minhaj: The proper guidance or instructions to do the work correctly
Minhajuddin: The right way or the path of the belief
Minhal: A kind, generous person, the one who is honoured
Minik: A tough layer of fat, to seal the skin cuts. A title given to Denmark's Prince Vincent.
Minnatullah: The blessing or the grace from the Allah
Minnota: It means Minisota, cloudy water
Minnu: An open bright shiny sky
Minor: A younger one, a little one
Minoru: The process of a tree when it bears fruit, when fruit grown on a tree
Minos: King of Crete, Son of Zeus and Europa, A variant form is Mynos
Minowa: A voice that moves the others, mesmerising voice
Minto: Great, Habitational name from a place near Denholm; A Scottish Surname
Mintoo: A healthy person, a strong one
Minttu: Finnish variant of "Mint", a cool persona
Mintu: A healthier person, one who is strong
Minver: A fair skinned person. Name of a famous Cornish Saint
Minyamin: Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict; Derived from Hebrew name Minyan meaning to count or to number
Minyomei: Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict; Derived from Hebrew name Minyan meaning to count or to number
Minyomi: Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict; Derived from Hebrew name Minyan meaning to count or to number
Minze: Germanic - Mint,
Miqayel: One of the closest archangel of the God
Miqdad: A Strong or powerful person. Name of a companion of Prophet.
Miqdam: A courageous person from the battlefield
Miqsam: A Good luck, a fortune. Name of the Prophet's companion
Miquel: The messenger of the God
Miquita: An educated and humble individual
Mir: An aristocrat, a commander, a prince
Miraaj: A route to the sky, an elevated route to the heaven
Mirac: Ascension
Miracle: An act to amaze or help others, especially by the God
Miraj: The ascent, the inclined path to the God
Mirajkar: A person belongs to the city of Miraj
Mirajul: A patient person, one who belongs to the path of heaven
Miran: A Ruler or a leader
Miras: Heritage, inheritance
Mirash: A desert, or a deserted land or place
Mirat: A mirror, where one can see oneself
Mirata: An object that reflects the image: a mirror
Mircea: A peace loving person, who brings peace
Mirche: Peace, world
Mirco: Peace, one with a peaceful disposition.
Mirdul: A tender or a soft person, a delicate person
Mirek: A peaceful nature, ambassador of peace
Mirembe: Peace or a peaceful nature. The peaceful world
Miriodere: I now have a name
Mirja: A highly ranked nobleman
Mirjahaan: The King or the ruler of the world
Mirko: A peaceful person, one who is very calm
Miro: The one who loves peace, spread peace
Miron: A holy place of the Jews
Miroslav: The one who is glorified through the peace
Miroslava: The person whose glory spread because of his peaceful nature
Miroslawa: A calm person, a glorified peaceful person
Mirren: A person with patience, a calm person
Mirsab: The dear King or the respected ruler
Mirwais: A King like leader, also referred to Grand-father
Mirza: A nobleman with the high rank, a respected person
Misaal: An example, one who is compared with
Misael: The god is the most powerful, without any comparison
Misal: Example, Role Model;
Misam: An innocent person, a cute person
Misaq: An agreement, a promise
Misba: A Light from the lamp, a lamp
Misbaah: A light that enlighten the soul
Misbah: A lamp to provide light to others
Misbahuddin: The lamp or the light of the faith or belief
Misha: The message bearer from the God
Mishael: Who is asked for or lent, Who is like God; Derived from Michel
Mishkat: A shelf to put the lanterns on.
Misho: Georgian diminutive of Mikheil It means who is like God?
Mislav: The thought of glory.
Mission: A set of tasks to fulfil the duty or work
Mississippi: A great river, A huge river, the father of water
Missouri: A town of narrow boat, muddy water
Mit: A friend, a companion
Mitaire: I have achieved their match
Mitaksh: The eye of the dear friend, or the friend of the eye
Mitang: The dearest part of the body
Mitansh: A tiny particulate of the dear friend
Mitanshu: A person with the friendly element
Mitanu: A small part or element of the friend
Mitcbel: Who is asked for or lent, Who is like God; Derived from Michel; A Scottish Surname
Mitch: The dear messenger of God
Mitchel: The one who carry the message of the God
Mitchum: An angel who is closer to the God
Miteb: A faithful of trustworthy person
Miten: Friend, Companion; Well Wisher; Supporter
Mitesh: One with Few Desires, Close to God; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Mitesha: A desireful person, full of desires
Mithansh: An element that is very friendly
Mithil: Kingdom, Sanskrit name meaning Ancient India; A variant form of Mithila
Mithila: Kingdom of Mithil, Sanskrit name for Ancient India; A variant form is Mithil
Mithilesa: The King of Mithila, Janak, father of Sita
Mithilesh: The King of Mithila, Janak; Father of Sita; Lord of Mithila which means Ancient India in Sanskrit
Mithin: The one who govern wisely
Mithiran: A friend, one who is very close person
Mithlesh: The King of Mithila, Janak; Father of Sita; Lord of Mithila which means Ancient India in Sanskrit
Mithra: A close companion in all times
Mithran: Sun, God of Light and Truth; Bright, Radiant and Glorious Light of the Sun
Mithun: A union of people, a making of couple
Mithuna: A pair or a couple
Mitica: Nickname of Dumitru, meaning loves the earth or follower of Demeter.
Mitin: A Governing person, a governor
Mitodru: A successor of God
Mitra: A dear friend, one we chose to be with
Mitrajit: Friendly, Companion; Well Wisher; One who wins peoples heart;
Mitrakshar: Rhyme in verse, Name of King of Tripura
Mitrananda: The Joy of having a friend
Mitrayu: The long age of the friend or friendship
Mitre: Short form of Dimitar, meaning earth.
Mitroday: The arise of a friend or friendship
Mitron: The man who loves his mother.
Mitryu: a best friend or companion
Mitt: A cover for protection
Mittapheap: Friendship between the nations.
Mitthu: A parrot, a person having the quality of parrot
Mittraang: The part of a friend or the friendship
Mittur: The close friend, a dear one
Mitul: Limited, Friend; Companion; Well Wisher; Derived from Sanskrit word Mita meaning measured;
Mitun: The couple or pair
Mitwa: A dearest person, the most adorable
Mivaan: The rays of the sun
Mivara: The capita of ancient Nepal or Mithila
Miy: The one whose father provides joy
Miyanda: The ancestors, the beginning, the roots
Miyaz: The one who is always preferred, The different from others
Miyo: A Beautiful and charming child
Miyoko: A beautiful child of a beautiful generation
Mizan: The right balance, or right scale
Mizanurrahman: The right measure or balance from the Almighty
Mizell: Wood cutter, Tiny Gnat; A variant form of Meisel
Mizhir: A place that is filled with flowers.
Mizn: White cloud, or rain-bearing cloud
Mizosuaniaka: A goal oriented, intense and defined human being
Mladen: Young
Mnadamarut: A gentle and pleasant breeze, a light wind
Mnojavaya: The arrival of love
Mo: A dark skinned person, a saviour or defender
Mo'tasim: An ancient Aryan (Early Iranians) festival to welcome Autumn season. "Mehr' is the kindness, and also represents love, knowledge and friendship.
Moalim: A Kind-hearted, merciful, gentle person. One who is benign.
Moazzam: The most beautiful Aroma that is full of wonders.
Moazzem: A girl likely the sun or as gracious as the sun.
Mobeen: A beautiful or a pretty lady. One who is calm, pleasing or attractive to the eyes.
Mobo: Freedom
Mobolaji: A boy who is born of wealth.
Mocca: A refined, deep and creative being
Moctezuma: Mehry derives from the word "Mehr" that means "The Sun". It also means someone who is kind and lovable.
Moda: Limited, Relative or Kinsman
Modadeola: A man wearing a crown of wealth or affluence.
Modak: Pleasing, A name of a food favorite to the Hindu God Ganesha
Modal: Enjoyment, Fun; Pleasure;
Modan: The God of love and infatuation
Modanatha: Hindu Lord of Love and affection
Modraed: Brave, Hard Strength; Latin - Painful; A Variant of Mordred
Modred: Brave Counselor, Hard Strength; Latin - Painful; A Variant of Mordred
Modris: A variant of the name "Megan" that means "The Mighty" or "The Great".
Modthryth: It is a short form of "Maria" or "Mary" formed in German language. A Virgin damsel.
Modupeore: Thank you God for this gift.
Modurodoluwa: I waited on the Lord.
Modurolorilerioluwa: One who stands on the promise of God.
Moeen: The very tiny growth of the Plum trees, the tastiest fruit ever in the world.
Moeshe: Egyptian - Born of, Child; Drawn Out Of The Water; A variant of Moses
Moez: Physically and mentally strong person, mightiest among the whole people
Mofetoluwa: A man who graciously accepts God's will.
Mofihinfoluwa: To God be the glory.
Mofolorunso: One who is placed in God's care.
Mogga: Meinwen means being of dedicate, fairer complexion in the physical appearance
Moh: Love, Attraction; Liking; Wishing; Craving; Wanting
Moha: Giving radiant light to every one, the one who is being bright and shining to others
Mohabali: Giving shining and powerful light, like the brightest Sun in the space
Mohaiemen: The follower of Mohammad, the choicest one
Mohajit: One who can win hearts with his Attraction, Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
Mohak: Attractive, Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
Mohaka: The truth speaking person, always stand for the truth and never let it down
Mohal: Attractive, Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable
Mohamad: A special loved one, always loving and adorable to others
Mohamed: Reliable, always worthy of trust and belief, worthy of high responsibility
Mohamedhas: The servant of Mohammad
Mohamet: The one who is chosen upon
Mohamid: The chosen one, who is the great choice
Mohammad: The most important and precious part of human body, which give light to our path, eyes