We have created a list of 2566 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter D. This is Page 10 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Dishen: Sun, Bright, Radiant and Luminous light of the Sun
Dishi: A man of high virtue
Disht: One who has settled
Disler: Occupational name for a maker of poles, frames, or wagons. Literally, it means shaft.
Disnu: One who has a desire to change the world
Dissaith: A day dreamer and a hard working person
Disung: A worthy and truthful person
Dit: A say, one who puts his time to good use
Ditaujas: One who is glowing with energy
Ditikara: A bright and glowing light
Ditimat: One who is bright, possessed with light
Diuaret: A meditative and stable person, light of heaven
Diuclezzianu: Diuclezzianu is the Sicilian form of Diocletianus and means glory of Zeus.
Diuin: A stable and firm person, part of divine
Diuma: Name of a bishop, who won truth
Divaakar: Sun God, light of heaven
Divaas: From Divine, Spiritual; Religious; Pious; Sacred
Divadasa: Name of Lord of light, one who can appreciate
Divakar: Another name of Sun God, they are charitable
Divakara: Lord of the light, Sun God; one who can transform
Divakaran: A child who is loved by God
Divam: Pure, Divine; Spiritual; Pious; Religious
Divamani: Ornament of Day, Precious Wisdom of Divinity
Divapati: Another name for Sun, God is a Judge
Divaratha: A chariot of the day, royal court
Divasabhartr: Sun, Bright, Radiant and Luminous light of the Sun
Divaspati: Lord Indra, one who is lord of the day
Divaukasa: A responsible sky dweller, compassionate
Divavasu: A treasure of the sky
Divaym: Divine, Spiritual; Superhuman; Unique
Divekar: Name of Lord Shiva, one who saves
Divers: A hero from the heaven, plays for the team
Dives: One who is a rich man, wealthy one
Divesh: Light, Brilliant; Bright; Luminous; Radiant
Divij: One who appeared from heaven, dearly loved
Divijata: One who has power to overcome every obstacle
Divik: They are God's rays reaching the Earth
Diviksaya: One who dwells in the heaven
Divinanthan: One of the many names of Lord Murugan
Diviraj: One who prays to the heaven
Divit: A heavenly being, immortal person
Diviyansh: Peace of God and Divine Light, Spirituality; Pious and Religious
Diviyesh: The Sun, a bright and shiny being
Divjendu: A hermit in the vedas, the star
Divleen: A divine person, God is great
Divnesh: Sun, Bright, Radiant and Luminous light of the Sun
Divodas: Ahalya's father, has infinite success
Divodasa: A pious person, servant of religion
Divoja: One who has descended from heaven
Divraj: Divine, Spiritual; Right of King
Divsimar: One who remembers God.
Divy: Lightable, One who can be enlightened; One who seeks Divinity
Divyaan: One with a unique personality, briliant
Divyaansh: Divine Part, Spiritual Wisdom
Divyadeha: One with a divine body, strong and powerful
Divyam: A Part of Divine, Smart; Talented; Cute; One who is spiritual
Divyaman: Life of a being, kindness
Divyanand: A glorious human being, lovely
Divyang: Divine Body, Religious; Spiritual; Pious;
Divyanga: Divine Body, Religious; Spiritual; Pious;
Divyank: Pant of Light, Flame; Bright; Radiant; Glow
Divyansh: Part of Divine, Spiritual Wisdom; Religious; Pious
Divyanshu: One who is majestic as the Sun
Divyansu: One with a divine light, Sun
Divyant: Handsome, Smart; Appealing; Attractive
Divyasanu: One who has a divine glow on his face
Divyatej: A Prophet, Seer; A forecaster; A Spiritualist
Divyatha: White, Bright; Luminant; Radiant
Divyatma: A superior person, they have a great personality
Divyen: A bright and heavenly Moon
Divyendu: The Moon, they are happy and intelligent
Divyesh: A Sun, they are the head of God
Divyodak: A mature and experienced being
Diwakar: Sun of Akash, Sun; Lord of Light; A variant spelling is Diwaker
Diwaker: Sun of Akash, Sun; Lord of Light; A variant spelling is Diwakar
Diwan: One who imparts justice, of royal court
Diwanmuhammad: They belong to the court of Prophet muhammad
Diwash: Day
Dix: A strong and efficient ruler
Dixal: Bright Moon, Luminant and Radiant moon
Dixon: Richard's son, a fighter who has courage
Diya al Din: Brightness of the faith.
Diya Al Din: One who shines like a shining religious faith
Diya-al-din: One who is from shining religion
Diyaa Udeen: They have captured the bright faith
Diyaaldin: A shining and lavishing religion
Diyaaudeen: A bright and faithful person
Diyaaudin: One who has immense amount of faith
Diyaeddin: One who is attracted to God almighty
Diyaelhaqq: A composer, they are optimistic
Diyako: Another name for Deioces
Diyan: Lamp, Source of Light; Flame of Light
Diyanshu: Sun, they have a divine and bright light
Diyar: Diyar is a type of wood obtained from Cedrus deodara tree
Diyari: A gift sent from the God, blessing
Diyauddin: The one who has brightness of the Sun
Diyaudeen: One who has brightness of faith, river
Diyaulhaqq: They are lovely and happy individuals
Diyon: Brave birth
Dizhwar: They are polite individual who are strong
Dj: A believer of truth, high congenital capacity
Djamel: The one who most handsome and charming
Django: Awake, they have arisen from the grave
Djimon: One who has a strong blood, powerful person
Dmitar: The one who loves the earth.
Dmitrei: Earth mother
Dmitri: An Earth-Lover,Devotee of Demeter (mythological Greek goddess of farming)
Dmitriy: Earth lover, Greek goddess of harvest
Dmitry: Derived from the word dmitri it means earth-lover ,Devotee of Demeter
Dmonte: A person who is expressive,determined,diplomatic and of refined nature.
Dmytro: Loves the earth, A clever ,versatile and ambitious person
Dnyandeep: A Lamp of Knowledge, Source of Wisdom
Dnyanesh: Name of Saint,wealth of spirutual knowledge
Dnyaneshwar: Name of a Saint, One who is knowledgeable; Giver of Wisdom
Do: A person who is independent,confident and has qualities like a leader.
Do Hyun: Do means Path Hyun means virtuous, able
Do Yoon: Do means Path, Yoon means Allow or Consent
Doak: A person who is quiet,clever is of systematic nature and inventive mind
Doane: A person who is spontaneous ,bubbly and has a deep desire to express himself
Dob: A person who has the desire to help and serve others
Dobagni: It means a motivated person
Dobagnus: A person who desires to be in position of a leader
Dobbin: It is an ancient nickname
Dobbins: A serious minded,responsible and stable person
Dobbs: Gift from God, A person who is clever , responsible and makes good judgements
Dobitvci: A person who has natural interest in the welfare of his men
Dobre: In Judaism it means good or kind
Dobrogost: Good guest
Dobromil: Kind, gracious
Dobromir: Good Fame, one who keeps prestige and peace
Dobroslav: It means good glory in chez
Dobry: In Polish the word Dobry means Good
Dobson: Bright, Famous ,A gift from God
Dobu: A honest and faithful and extremely fortunate person who will bring prosperity in what he does
Dobyn: A person who takes responsibility seriously and wants to serve the society
Doc: A healer, A person who has logical and analytical approach to life
Docc: A person who is quick and capable of assimlating new ideas easily
Dock: It means the seventh son
Doctor: Teacher,A person who has a desire to express himself.
Docunni: A person who has strong desire for success
Dodahi: Flute, A musical Instrument
Dodd: It is used to denote a lumpish person
Dodda: Blacksmith with supernatural powers
Dodde: A person who is adaptable and creative
Dodge: It means fame spear
Dodinas: One who is a wish come true
Dodinc: Boys who born on sundays ,Saints
Dodiya: It means as white as milk
Dodo: It means precious Gift of God, his uncle
Dodson: A determined and pratical person by nature
Dodynel: A person who desires for peace
Dodzi: To persevere
Dofngarth: The one who is very brilliant
Dofran: A person who is of an inventive mind
Dogbeda: Pray
Dogod: One who is a hunter, efficient
Doi: It means mountain or earth
Doiminic: Belonging to God ,Lordly
Dojin: It means path of love
Dokai: Way steps,
Doki: A Place Near of Agra
Dola: Swing , Oscillating, one who is eager for knowledge
Dolan: Unlucky , Unfortunate, a black haired person
Dolat: Rich, Money; Wealth; Prosperity
Dolf: Noble wolf, they are responsible and kind people
Dolph: In swedish the name Dolph means 'Noble Wolf'
Dolphus: Majestic Noble Wolf, determined and noble
Dolvett: They are very efficient beings
Dom: Lord, one who belongs to the God
Domagoj: Domagoj is derived from the Slavic elements domu, which means home and gojiti, which means grow, heal, and nurture.
Domani: Tomorrow, one who does advance planning
Dome: One who belongs to the Lord and is a powerful
Domek: Spiritual and responsible person
Domen: Slovene form of Dominic, meaning 'belonging to a lord'.
Domenic: Belong to God or The Master
Domenick: It means of the Lord
Domenico: It means the Almighty Lord
Domenique: It means someone who is unique and special
Domgeat: A good natured person
Domhnall: Gealic form of Donald
Domicio: The almighty Lord
Domingo: They are born on Sunday
Domingos: One who is born on Sunday
Dominic: Belonging to the all-mighty.
Dominick: The one of the Lord
Dominico: The Lords, one who is of the God
Dominicus: The one who is born of the Lord
Dominik: One who is born out of a God, has Godly manners
Dominikus: Of the Lord, Belonging to God; Lord; Variant of name Dominicus
Domino: It means master of all
Dominy: Belonging to the God
Dominykas: They are the ones who belong to the Lord
Domitilo: Variant of the Latin Dominic of the Lord
Domnici: A master, clever and has a protecting nature
Domo: A person who belongs to the lord
Domokos: He who Belongs to the God
Domonique: A Lord, they have a very clever mind and active body
Domonkos: A practical, efficient and down to earth being
Don: Dark Brown, a mighty and great chief
Donagh: Brown Haired warror