We have created a list of 2566 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter D. This is Page 13 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Durvisa: One who cannot be attained by simple rites, Shiva
Durvisaha: One who is difficult to be supported
Durvish: One who is not affected by poison
Durvishaha: A great teacher
Durward: Very honest and strong gatekeeper
Durwin: A good and dear friend
Durwood: A gatekeeper, they cannot be defeated
Durwyn: One who is the friend of a Deer
Duryodhana: A very great warrior, difficult to fight with
Dusa: A spirit, they are creative beings
Dusan: A content soul, satisfied
Dusanari: One who is filled with vies
Dusanek: Soul, spirit
Duscha: A virgin woman, they exist in the soul
Dusek: Spirit or soul.
Dushaasan: One who is very difficult
Dushkarma: One who thinks about his actions
Dushkriti: Name of the King who Married Shankuntala
Dushtadaman: One who destroys enemy
Dushyant: Husband of Shakuntala who destroyed evil
Dushyanth: Name of a King who destroyed evil
Duskala: One who has destroyed time
Duskarna: One who listens to evil
Dussala: One who is difficult to shake
Dussasana: One in the ruling power
Dust: Habitation name, bush
Dusta: A powerful person
Dustan: A brave warrior
Dustara: The one which is hard to cross
Dustin: Name of Thor's stone
Duston: A dusty place , a soldier
Dusty: A brave and powerful soldier
Dustyn: A brave one in a dusty place
Dusyanta: Born to destroy evil
Dutch: A father of many
Dutta: Kindness, Gentleness; Compassion; Thoughtfulness; Benevolence
Dutton: An enclosure or the settlement
Duva: One who can be pleaded to
Duval: Who comes from the valley
Duwar: An idol which is worshipped
Duwayne: One who is dark brown colored
Duy: One who can save the world
Dvaimatura: One who has two mothers
Dvaraka: A sacrifice made, Lord Krishna
Dvarakesa: Name of Dvarka, Lord Krishna
Dvarik: One who is attendant of the door, surya
Dvarika: Name of Lord Krishna's capital
Dvibahuka: One who is two armed
Dvidhatsu: They are friends of many
Dvij: A bird, they are twice born
Dvija: A brahman who is twice born
Dvijapati: One who Lord of the twice born
Dvijaraja: He is lord of the twice born
Dvijesa: Lord of the Brahmans, a river
Dvijesh: They are the king of the kings
Dvijesha: They are the king of the twice born
Dvimidha: One who knows present and future
Dvir: The most holy place
Dvivaktra: One who is a two faced individual
Dvividari: One who is destroyer of Dvivida
Dvnocati: A vigilant and naughty person
Dwade: They are the dark traveller
Dwain: One who dark colored complexion
Dwaine: A dark colored individual
Dwaipayan: One who is pious sage Vyasa
Dwaipayana: The Sage Vyasa, Another Name of Veda Vyasa; Island-Born
Dwaitayana: A vedic period honest and just King
Dwan: A notable and interesting being
Dwane: One who is dark or black
Dwaraka: A sacred city in India
Dwarakaa: Gateway, Capital of Lord Krishna's Kingdom which is believed to have had several gates
Dwarakadaas: Servant of Dwarka, One who serves in the Kingdom of Dwarka (Ancient Kingdom of Lord Krishna)
Dwarakadas: A servant of Dwarka
Dwarakanath: Lord or the master of Dwarka
Dwarka: Gateway, Capital of Lord Krishna's Kingdom which is believed to have had several gates
Dwarkadas: Servant of Dwarka, One who serves in the Kingdom of Dwarka (Ancient Kingdom of Lord Krishna)
Dwarkadhish: The King of Dwarka
Dwarkanath: Name of Lord Krishna who is the Lord of Dwarka
Dwayne: A melodious song, dark or black
Dweep: An island, nurturing and life supporting
Dwennon: One who always remains original
Dwi: The Second Child, The second Heir, Offspring, Descendant;
Dwight: The fertile Lord of the wine
Dwighte: The Latin God of the wine
Dwij: Saint, Sage; One who lives a principled life and works towards attaining enlightment
Dwijain: Moon, One who is luminant and radiant like the moon
Dwijaraj: One who is a white or a blonde
Dwijen: Another name of Moon, King of the Brahmans
Dwijendra: Name of the Moon god who is King of the Brahmans
Dwijendralal: Beloved king of Brahmins, One who shines like the Moon;
Dwijendranath: One who is considered the best among Brahmins, The Moon; One who shines like the moon
Dwijesh: The mighty and learned King of the Brahmans
Dwijpati: River God who is the Lord of the Brahmans
Dwijraj: Beloved king of Brahmins, The moon; One who shines like the Moon;
Dwilliam: Lord of the Brahmans
Dwipaada: Another name of Sage Veda Vyas
Dwipayan: One who is born on the island, name of a Sage
Dwipendra: He is the Lord of the light
Dwirada: One who is possessed with glow and light
Dwit: A famous person who is the God of wine
Dwivarna: One who is born to rule the world
Dwivedi: One who has knowledge of two vedas, A surname most commonly found in the caste of Brahmins in India
Dwy: A kind hearted, romantic individual
Dwyer: Black one who lives by the tradition
Dwyn: The God of peace and love
Dyab: The one who is born to persevere
Dyal: A kind and noble gentleman
Dyami: A majestic Eagle
Dyansh: To Give Mercy, To show kindness; Generous Person who is merciful
Dyaus: King of heaven and the first man on Earth
Dydda: An amusing, direct and youthful being
Dyddgu: A gentle and mild individual
Dyer: Name for the dyer of cloth
Dyfnwal: A youthful, diligent and mild being
Dyk: Attentive and diligent human being
Dyke: Dike or ditch
Dylan: One who is born near the sea and is son of sea
Dylann: The vast sea, humble and nice
Dylen: One who leaves an influence, sea
Dyllan: An influencial person, sea
Dyllon: A loyal one from the sea
Dylon: One who is a loyal Lion
Dymek: Lover of earth.
Dymtrus: Supplanter
Dyne: A dean who is from the valley
Dyonis: The self reliant being
Dyota: In India name of a God
Dyotak: A symbol, they are compulsive and brave
Dyotin: Expressing, Articulating; Communicating
Dyre: A valuable and dear one
Dyri: Deer in Icelandic language.
Dyrk: One who admires night time
Dyson: An excellent Dennis's son
Dyttel: Loving and compassionate human being
Dyudhaman: One whose abode is in heaven
Dyujaya: One who can conquer the heaven
Dyuksa: Light, Brilliant; Bright; Luminous; Radiant
Dyumani: Name of majestic Lord Shiva
Dyumat: Brilliant, Splendid; Excellent; Bright; Radiant; Magnificient
Dyumatsena: Noble king of the Shalwas
Dyumni: An inspired, powerful and noble person
Dyumnik: One who has a great might
Dyumnika: A young but practical judge
Dyunisa: Name of Lord Surya
Dyupati: The Lord of the heaven
Dyuratna: The sky jewel, Sun's power
Dyutana: Eternal shiing and bright
Dyutiman: A radiant and fantastic being
Dyutimat: One who spreads the radiance everywhere
Dyutit: Illuminated, Light; Brilliant; Bright; Luminous; Radiant
Dyutita: A heavenly body
Džafer: Camel that gives milk or small river.
Džanan: A variant of Dženan, meaning he who is loved.
Dželil: One who is respected, famous, glorious.
Džemal: A variant of Jamal, meaning beauty of faith.
Džemaludin: A variant of Jamaluddin, meaning beauty of faith.
Dženan: He who is loved
Dževad: He who is noble or generous.
Dzhambul: Fortress
Dzhokhar: An illuminated and happy person
Dzidzorli: There is happiness
Dziedzorm: I was glad
Dzifa: One is at peace
Dzigbode: The wonderful jewel from the ocean
Dzintra: One who has lot of patience
D’Aubigné: From Albinus' place