We have created a list of 1695 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter C. This is Page 4 out of 9 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Ceylan: An Antelope
Ceylon: Name of a place
Cezanne: Name of an artist seeking freedom
Chaand: The Moon, Bright, Brilliant and Beautiful like moon
Chaarumathi: One who is beautiful and intelligent.
Chaaya: A shade or a shadow
Chadda: The one who is born in battle
Chadini: A moonlit river
Chadley: A fiery person who is a born warrior
Chadna: A hindi goddess, the one who is lovely and pure
Chaela: The one who is like a God
Chaeli: Resembles god
Chag: The one who is filled with love and compassion, a Goat
Chaghama: A type of folk music in Afghanistan.
Chagit: Festive, celebration
Chaha: Love, wish or desire
Chahana: An affectionate human member
Chahna: A lovely and beautiful being
Chaila: A handsome and charming young individual
Chailyn: The pure one who is filled with life and laughter
Chainika: The chosen one, they are balanced
Chainpreet: The one who is in love with the Moon
Chairavali: Full Moon
Chaital: The one who has sharp memory
Chaitalee: New year celebration
Chaitali: Owner of sharp memory
Chaitaly: Consciousness, ability to feel
Chaitanya: The one filled with radiance and life
Chaithra: First month of Spring season
Chaitra: Name of a month, Aries sign
Chaitravi: The natural leaders and impulsive person
Chaitri: Full moon night according to Hindu calender
Chaitrika: Start of spring season
Chaiza: Beautiful girl
Chak: Center of energy
Chaka: Another name of Chakra
Chakaluka: The source of radiant and powerful energy
Chakar: Body's energy center
Chakori: A bird which loves Moon
Chakra: Energy center of the whole human body
Chakreshwari: Chakreshwari was the Yakshini of Lord Rishabhdev.
Chakrika: Another name of Lord Vishnu's wife, Goddess Laxmi
Chakrit: The intelligent one
Chakshu: Mesmerising pair of eyes
Chalama: Name of Goddess Parvati
Chalantika: The one who has mastered elegance
Chalchihuitlcue: She of the robe of green jewels
Chalchiuitl: Emerald
Chalice: A cup or a goblet
Chalina: Variant of Rosalina
Challa: English - Chalice, A variant of name Chalice
Challen: Shining Moon
Challita: The most beautiful of all
Chalmecacihuilt: Name of Aztec goddess of the underworld.
Chalondra: A Lark, they are smart individuals
Chalsie: The seaport, Landing place of chalk
Chamani: The one who walks gracefully
Chamari: Flowering garden
Chambray: The lightest fabric
Chameli: A scented creeper flower
Chamomile: Spice, peaceful
Chamorra: A woman of the Chamoru people.
Champa: A flowering plant
Champabati: Daughter of a king, the capital
Champakali: A flowering tree
Champakavathi: Champak tree
Champakmala: Garland made from champa flower
Champamalini: Beautiful garland
Champapuri: Champapuri is a variation of Champa, which is the name of a fragrant flower.
Champei: Frangipani flowers.
Champika: Little flower of Champak tree
Chamroeun: Prosperity and success
Chana: A favor from almighty God
Chanah: Gracious being
Chanchal: A playful individual
Chanchala: Active, state of awareness
Chanchari: A vortex of water
Chancy: A risk taker
Chand: The beautiful moon
Chanda: Wonderful Moon
Chandalini: The glorious one
Chandana: Moonlight, sandalwood
Chandana Laxmi: Name of Goddess Laxmi
Chandanbala: Chandanbala is derived from Chandana and means scented wood or sandalwood.
Chandani: Light of Moon
Chandanika: Unusually small
Chandanpal: A friendly person
Chandeep: A holy and bright Saint
Chandell: A candle
Chandelle: Everlasting candle
Chandhraka: Serene Moon
Chandi: Silver, a costly metal
Chandice: One who is extremely smart and talented
Chandika: Devi, a Goddess
Chandini: Moonlight which is pure and serene
Chandira: Derived from Sanskrit meaning Moon
Chandlan: Beautiful and everlasting Moon
Chandler: A candle-maker and seller
Chandni: Light of Moon
Chandodeva: Incarnation of a Goddess
Chandon: A type of Parrot
Chandona: A Parrot
Chandrabali: Krishna's girlfriend
Chandrabhadra: As gentle and beautiful as a Moon
Chandrabhaga: A piece of Moon
Chandrabrati: Vow made to the Moon
Chandradhara: Lord Shiva, one who wears Moon
Chandraharika: A perfect name
Chandraja: Beautiful daughter of the Moon
Chandrajyoti: Light of the Moon
Chandrakala: An easy-going, friendly and good natured person
Chandrakali: 1,16th part of the Moon
Chandrakanta: The one who is loved by the Moon
Chandrakanti: Soothing light of Moon reaching the Earth
Chandraki: A Peahen
Chandrakin: A beautiful Peahen
Chandrakirthi: The one who as famous as the Moon
Chandralekha: Rays of the Moon
Chandraleksha: Soothing ray of the Moon
Chandramallika: Queen who resides on Moon
Chandramani: A rare gem called the Moonstone
Chandramathi: The beautiful Moon
Chandramukhi: Face similar to the Moon
Chandrani: Companion of the Moon
Chandranoni: Light of Moon
Chandraprabha: A Star in the galaxy
Chandrapushpa: A heavenly body
Chandrara: Stylized representation of Star
Chandrarekha: Sanskrit metre
Chandrarupa: The one splendid like the Moon
Chandratara: Joining of Moon and the Stars
Chandratopa: A canopy
Chandravathi: A girl lit by the Moon, charismatic
Chandreyee: Wonderful daughter of Moon
Chandrika: Soothing light of the Moon
Chandrima: Soothing ray of light
Chandry: Eminent person
Chanel: Pipeline or a duct
Chanelle: The pipeline, old wine
Changuna: Good natured woman
Chani: A graceful, beautiful girl
Chania: Encampment, or resting place
Chanin: The wise one
Chankrisna: A sweet-smelling tree
Chanlina: Moonlight
Chanmony: One who shines like moon.
Channah: Favor of God
Channakka: A majestic lady
Channary: Face resembling the Moon
Channer: A wise and charming being
Channery: An imaginative individual
Channtelle: Melody, a song
Chantae: A sweet amd memorable song
Chantal: A building stone
Chantalle: Derived from Cantal, a small stone
Chantay: A melodious song
Chante: A singer
Chantel: To sing well
Chantele: A stony place near river
Chantell: A cheerful and friendly individual who sings perfectly
Chantelle: A large rock
Chantesuta: The one who has a firm heart
Chanteyukan: A benevolent human being
Chanthavy: A girl as beautiful as the moon.
Chanthou: A flower found in Cambodia.
Chantia: A boulder, stone
Chantico: She who dwells in the house
Chantilly: A name for lace, whipped cream
Chantin: Moon
Chantol: A stone placed in water, having a calm nature
Chanton: Singing together
Chantrea: Moon, filled with light
Chanvatey: A scholar or educated person.
Chanya: Light coming from Moon
Chao: The one who surpasses
Chaos: Mayhem, state of confusion
Chapa: Beaver, metal tin
Chapala: As quick as the lighting
Chapel: Place of worship
Char: A charming free man
Charae: A dear, pious and wonderful individual
Charanjeet: Winning the Service of Guru's Lotus Feet, One who has won the chance of serving God's Feet
Charanpal: The one who is under protection of God
Charanpreet: Fostered under Lord's feet
Charaya: The one who is blue and pink color
Charbangi: A majestic and beautiful girl
Chardae: A strong, free, majestic individual
Chardon: Bar of sand
Chardonnay: Tasty Grapefruit, wine
Charee: A darling
Charelle: Name of a green gemstone, Cherry fruit
Charidan: Name of grandson of Siridean, peaceful being
Charil: A bright, lovely individual
Charilette: A strong and virile human being
Charilyn: A dear and lively woman
Charis: A rare and graceful person
Charish: Treasure, graceful person
Charisma: A blissful person
Charissa: Attractive, personal flower
Charisse: A dignified, poised person