We have created a list of 1728 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter T. This is Page 2 out of 9 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Talank: Lord shiva
Talasi: A corn tassel flower
Talbert: Bright valley
Talbot: Messenger of destruction
Talbott: Messenger of destruction
Taleb: One who seeks for something
Talebot: A friend of God
Talford: From the high shallow place of a river
Talfryn: High hill
Talha: Kind of tree
Talhah: One type of a tree
Talib: Seeker of truth
Taliesin: Means shining brow, Name of the 6th century poet and bard which later on portrayed as a companion of king arthur
Talim: Building yourself or something
Talish: Lord of earth
Tall: A person who is tall
Tallbot: Messenger of destruction
Tallbott: Brings a message of destruction
Talleen: Absorbed, making it a part of oneself
Tallon: A form of talon
Tallwch: Name from legends
Talmadge: Ringing of bells
Talmage: The sound of bells
Talmai: This name is born by a giant and father of king david's wife maacah in the old testament
Talmon: Subject to harsh or authoritative treatment
Talmun: One who is oppressed
Talon: Eagle's claws
Taloob: Desirous, characterized by desire
Taloot: Commander of Banu-israil's army
Talore: One who is like a light dew
Talq: One who is a cheerful and joyful man
Talum: A sympathetic person
Talus: A robot, a mechanical man
Talut: He who was prayed for
Talvir: One who is beutiful gift to the world
Talwar: An Indian surname, means a type of a sword
Tamah: A smiting one
Tamaki: A Boy who is a true gem
Tamal: A tree with a very dark bark
Taman: One who is like a garden
Tamanni: One who is hopeful and wishful
Tamas: Darkness
Tamashini: A soul. One who is very soulful
Tamaz: Georgian form of Tahmasp, meaning strong, brave and valiant
Tamberlyn: To be someone's twin
Tambia: A name of the second born son
Tameem: A man who is complete and has no flaw
Tameen: A perfect man
Tameez: A man who is very descrete
Tameka: Twin
Tamer: He is a palm tree
Tamerlan: A man of iron
Tameron: A crooked nosed twin. This name is a combination of two names and is a modern name
Tamesis: One who is dark
Tamiano: Tamiano is a form of Greek name Damian. It means to tame.
Tamika: People
Tamim: One who is prone to generalisation
Tamino: He who is a twin brother
Tamir: One who owns date palm trees
Tamish: God of darkness, moon
Tamiz: One who judges descretly,A man with good senses and distinction
Tamizuddin: Islam religion's distinction
Tamjid: A glorified and praised man
Tamkinat: Pomp
Tammam: Generous, Kind; Compassionate; Benevolent; A variant spelling is Tamam
Tamman: Complete, Perfect; One who is needed; Philosopher's Stone or wishing stone gem;
Tammo: He who is famous, well-known
Tamoghna: Lord vishnum, lord shiva
Tamonash: Destroyer of ignorance
Tamraz: A strong dog.
Tamryn: Russian name meaning palm tree
Tamseel: Arabic name meaning an illustration
Tamton: A town near a still river
Tamtun: One wwho is from the quiet river farm
Tamuza: Name of a Sumerian god. It means July.
Tamwar: A successful man
Tanak: Prize
Tanan: Happy, a happy and cheerful soul.
Tanas: He who is humble
Tanav: Flute
Tanawat: Knowledge
Tanay: Son
Tanchum: Consolation
Tancred: A well tought advice
Tancredi: A toughtful counsel
Tandava: One who dances the cosmic dance
Tandeep: A body of light
Tane: Polynesian mythology name, God of forests and light
Taneesh: Man with ambitions
Tanek: He who is immortal
Tanel: God is my judge
Taneli: He who is judged by God
Tanemahuta: Man, or god of the forests
Tanet: Fire
Tangaroa: God of the sea, or god of fire
Tangi: To cry with great sadness
Tanguy: A warrior of fire
Taniel: A form of Daniel, meaning God is my judge.
Tanim: The wave of the sea
Tanimola: Nobody knows what lies tomorrow.
Tanip: The sun
Tanis: Serpent lady
Tanisen: Son of Dennis
Tanish: Ambition
Tanisha: Born on monday
Tanishia: He who is born on Monday
Tanishq: Jewel
Tanizia: Tanizia is the name of a flower in Lebanon.
Tanju: He who is blessed by Allah
Tanka: Victorious
Tankred: A well tought advice
Tanmai: One who is captivating
Tanmay: Absorbed
Tanmaya: Person who is absorbed and consumed
Tanmoijyoti: Happy, a happy soul.
Tanmoy: One who is completely absorbed in God.
Tannen: A fire tree
Tanner: A leather worker.
Tannere: One who works with leather
Tannil: A form of Daniel, meaning God is my judge.
Tannor: Occupational name, a leather tanner
Tanny: A familiar form of Tanner
Tano: Name of the river
Tanoj: A son
Tansh: A beautiful Boy
Tanshu: Wholly natural
Tansu: Water of the dawn
Tantoluwa: One who is like God.
Tanton: A settlement near a still river
Tantra: Reincarnated
Tantris: An individual who is trustworthy and honest
Tanuj: Son
Tanul: One who expands or makes progress
Tanush: Lord shiva
Tanvir: Strong
Tanweel: One who is given or entrusted
Tanweer: He who illuminates
Tanwir: The enlightened one
Tanzeel: Tanzeel is an Arabic term for revelation of holy Quran.
Tanzeem: One who menager or arranges
Tanzilurrahman: Revelation of the merciful
Taos: Place of red willows
Tapan: Hot season
Tapas: Sun
Tapasendra: Lord shiva
Tapasranjan: Lord vishnu
Tapasya: One who is warm
Tapendra: Lord of heat (sun)
Tapesh: The holy trinity
Tapeshwar: Lord shiva
Tapinder: God's devotion
Tapio: One who rules the forest
Tapish: The warmth of the Sun
Tapomay: Full of moral virtue
Taporaj: Moon
Tappen: The top of the hanging rock
Tapur: A golden Boy
Taqaddam: A sanctity
Taqi: One who fears God
Taqiuddin: God fearing man of religion
Taqiy: He who is devoted to God
Taqqee: Muslim name meaning God-fearing
Taqqi: A continent
Taqtu: Kidney
Taquez: Boy who has brown eyes
Tarachandra: Star and moon
Taradhish: Lord of the stars
Tarafa: One who is from the trees
Tarafah: A tree
Tarah: One who is banished
Tarak: Protector
Tarakesh: Stary hair
Tarakeshwar: Lord shiva
Taraknath: Lord shiva
Taraksh: Mountain
Taral: Brilliant, shining or splendid.
Tarald: Power of the thunder
Taran: Raft, heaven
Taranath: King of the Moon
Tarang: Wave
Taranga: Of the waves
Taranjot: He who is a star
Tarant: Old Welsh name meaning thunder
Tarapati: The Moon
Taraprashad: Star
Taras: Name of Poseidon's son
Taraswin: A brave man
Taraz: He who perseveres
Tareak: He who knocks on a door at night
Tareck: He who is a winner
Tareef: Rare, uncommon
Tareek: The conqueror
Tareeq: The one who knocks at the door
Taregan: One who resembles a crane
Tarek: Morning star
Tarell: The powerful thunder king
Taren: Welsh name meaning thunder
Tarendra: Prince of stars
Tareq: Morning star
Taresh: God of the stars (moon)