We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 9 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Shakale: The almighty
Shakar: One who is grateful
Shakeb: One who is gifted and rewardet
Shaked: An Almond plant
Shakeel: A handsome and good looking man
Shakeer: One who is grateful
Shaker: One who is grateful
Shakerah: He who is thankful for everything he's got
Shakespeare: One who is a spearman. A surname
Shaki: He who is a singer
Shakib: One who is gifted a lot
Shakil: A handsome individual
Shakir: A grateful person
Shakirat: An appreciative person
Shakoor: One who serves the thankful lord
Shakthi: One who holds the power
Shakti: Power
Shaktidhar: Lord shiva
Shaku: A person who is grateful
Shakuni: Bird, uncle of kauravash
Shakunt: Blue jay
Shakur: One who is thankful
Shakyasinha: Lord buddha
Shalabh: Parwana
Shalan: One who is emanating light
Shalang: Emperor
Shalev: A person who is quiet and peaceful with a calm personality
Shaligram: Lord vishnu
Shalik: A sage
Shalimoon: Assyrian form of Solomon, meaning peace.
Shalin: Good manners
Shalina: Courteous
Shalinka: He who is modest
Shallal: He is like a waterfall
Shallum: A perfect man who agrees to everything
Shalmali: Lord vishnu's power
Shalok: One who sings his prayers
Shalva: An honest and peaceful man.
Shalya: An arrow
Sham: He has a strong personality
Shamail: An all comprehensive person
Shamak: Makes peace
Shamakarn: Lord shiva
Shamal: A hot and dry weather
Shaman: A religious healer, a Shaman
Shamar: One who is ready for the battle
Shamarih: He is battle ready
Shamas: He is the Sun
Shamash: The sun
Shambhavi: Son of parvati, lord ganesha
Shambhu: Lord shiva
Shameek: An ancient sage
Shameel: One who is a complete person
Shameem: A persons scent
Shameen: Something full of different scents
Shameer: A beautiful young man
Shami: Fire, name of a tree
Shamik: An ancient and wise sage
Shamikh: One who towers above others, a tall person
Shamil: One who is an all comprehesive person
Shamim: An odor, a scent, perfume
Shamimara: A person of nice scent
Shamindra: Quiet, gentle
Shamir: Precious stone shlomo - peaceful
Shamit: A person who has calmed down
Shamita: Peacemaker
Shammah: A feeling of loss and desolation
Shammas: One who is a deacon
Shamna: A man who is divine, holy
Shamoil: He has the name of a Prophet
Shamoun: A form of Simon. It means he has heard.
Shams: Fragrance
Shamsaldin: One whose faith is his Sun
Shamsh: The planet Sun
Shamshad: A tree that looks like a pine
Shamshair: A man who fights with a sword
Shamsheer: One who has the Sword of Honors
Shamsher: His choice of weapon is the Sword
Shamshera: One who choses the Sword
Shamsideen: He is the Sun of religion
Shamsuddeen: The Sun of religion
Shamsuddin: A man who is the Sun of religion
Shamsudduha: He is considered as the Sun of the faith
Shamsul: The sun, or the sun of something
Shamsulhaq: He is a Sun of the Truth
Shamsuzzaman: The SUn of the ages that passed
Shamuel: He who has the name of the God
Shamus: Supplanter
Shamyr: He who is like a shamir-stone
Shamz: He who is an Eternal Lord
Shan: An old an wise man
Shanawar: One who is the protector of sea
Shanay: Power of lord shani
Shandar: Proud
Shandey: A boisterous, unruly man
Shandley: A man from the loud meadow
Shandon: An old and wise man
Shandy: A boisterous person
Shane: God is gracious
Shanell: Channel
Shanen: A person with an ancient soul
Shangara: One who is lucky
Shange: A name of the African clan
Shanilka: One who is determined, a confident man
Shankar: Name of Lord Shiva
Shankara: A name of Lord Shiva
Shankaran: The name means Sinkam
Shankarshan: Lord krishna's brother
Shankdhar: Lord krishna
Shankh: A shell
Shankhapani: Lord vishnu
Shankhdhar: A man with the counch shell
Shankhi: Ocean
Shankhin: Lord vishnu
Shankir: Lord shiva
Shanku: An arrow dart that belongs to Lord SHiva
Shanley: A hero's child
Shanmukha: Kartikeya, first son of lord shiva
Shanna: Lily
Shannen: God is gracious
Shannessy: A famous Irish surname, one who lives next to a channel
Shannon: Having ancient wisdom, river name
Shanon: Having ancient wisdom, river name
Shansa: Praise
Shant: He is like a Lightning
Shantam: A shy and quiet man
Shantan: One who is a King, also means Bhesm's father
Shantanav: Bhishma pitamaha
Shantanu: Whole
Shantashil: Gentle
Shante: Stony place
Shantel: Stony place
Shantell: Stony place
Shantidev: Lord of peace
Shantikumar: Shantikumar is a variation of Shantinath and means lord of peace.
Shantilal: One who is peaceful.
Shantimay: Peaceful
Shantinath: Lord of peace
Shantiprakash: Light of peace
Shantiprasad: Shantiprasad is derived from Shantinath and means lord of peace.
Shanyu: Benevolent
Shaoor: A man whose attitude is very wise
Shaphan: One who is like a badger
Shapur: He who is the son of a King. A prince.
Shaqeeb: He was a patient gift to his family
Shaquan: He always tells the truth in life
Shaquille: Handsome
Shaquita: Blessed
Shara: The plains
Sharaafat: A man of nobility and good manners
Sharaara: He is like a spark of lightning
Sharad: Name of a season
Sharadchandra: Autumn moon
Sharadendu: Moon of Autumn
Sharadindu: One who is as beautiful as the Autumn Moon on the sky
Sharaf: A man to whome honor comes first
Sharafat: A man of great nobility
Sharafuddin: A man who is the honor of the religion
Sharan: Shelter
Sharang: Deer
Sharann: A man who gives protection to people
Sharara: He who is the spark of the lightning
Sharat: A season
Sharatchandra: One who is like the Autmn Moon
Sharbel: The God's story
Shardool: A man brave as a lion, lion
Shardul: The best
Shareef: Honest, noble, distinguished, A person who is very prominent
Shareeh: A man who is a good companion
Shareeq: A man who shines radiantly bright
Sharef: An Illustrious man
Shareff: A man who is honest and noble
Sharette: A fair and bright individual. Mostly used as a surname
Shari: Arrow
Shariat: One who lives by the religious law
Shariatullah: To live by the divine Allah's law
Sharief: A prominent and famous person
Sharif: Honest, noble, distinguised, An Illustrous person
Shariff: A person who is very eminent
Sharifu: One who is noble and honorable.
Sharifuddin: A relgious and prominent man
Sharim: A man who is both fast an brisk
Sharin: A man who is from the meadow
Sharini: A person who protects the Earth
Shariq: A man with bright and radiant personality
Sharique: A Boy who is like the Sunrise
Shariyf: A noble and honest person
Sharjil: A name of the one who was Prophet Muhammad's companion
Sharnaz: A name that means "a pride of the King"
Sharnovon: A unique person who has wisdom and imagination
Sharro: A man in a high religious position.
Sharu: Lord vishnu
Sharukin: True king
Sharvarish: Moon
Sharyif: A man who is very promenent and well-known among people
Shasanka: To be like a Moon in sky
Shasha: A nickname. Mening one who is defending men
Shashank: Moon
Shashaw: He is the one who defends
Shashee: Moon