We have created a list of 2484 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter C. This is Page 9 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Chrystal: Crystal, a transparent clear solid
Chrystan: One who believes in Christ
Chrystin: A follower of Jesus Christ, the Son of God
Chuanchen: Persuasion
Chubin: One having a wooden club, bat or mace. It's the nickname of the famous General Bahram of King Khusru Parvez who had a wooden club.
Chuck: Famous bearer, one who gives or yields upholds
Chuckie: A free man, a commoner who is free of any forceful dominancy from the state
Chucky: Free man, one who can act or think the way he wants
Chudaka: Forming the Crest
Chudamani: The best crest jewel
Chudarmani: Intelligent, Brilliant; Lighting from the Fire; Bright; Radiant; Splendid; Magnificient
Chudaroli: Intelligent, Brilliant; Lighting from the Fire; Bright; Radiant; Splendid; Magnificient
Chugai: Transcending Universe, to exist above and independent
Chuk: The Supreme divine, the one beyond everything
Chuks: God, the Supreme immortal
Chukwudumaga: God leads me.
Chukwuemeka: It is a term for the phrase "God has done something great"
Chukwuemerie: God has won.
Chukwueneka: God is kind to us.
Chukwuma: God knows, God knows better than anyone.
Chul: Firm, something that is neither soft nor very hard
Chul-Moo: The weapon of iron
Chulbul: Mischievous, naughty; someone who is bubbly by nature
Chulika: Summit, Top most;
Chulin: Having a Crest, Having an ornament on the crown
Chullaki: A kind of Water Pot
Chulli: Cooking Fire, Flame; Blaze
Chulu: Little Bit, Small;
Chuluun: Stone, or he who is strong as stone.
Chuluunbold: Stone steel
Chuman: Curious, Inquisitive; Enquiring mind
Chun: The spring season, the season of blooms
Chunda: Sudha
Chung: The person who is wise and has deep understanding in various matters
Chung Ae: Noble and love
Chung-Hee: One who is righteous and dutiful.
Chung-Ho: A righteous lake
Chunkey: Strong, Healthy; Powerful; Well Built
Chunky: Strong, healthy; free from any disease
Chunmay: Supreme Consciousness, one who is aware of everything surrounding him
Chunta: Cheating, to use unfair or fraud means for one's own benefit
Chunti: Pinching
Chuong: Chapter, a part of a whole story
Chur: One who sells coal for a living
Churchill: One who lives at the Church hill
Churchyll: Someone who dwells at the Church hill
Chuwudubem: Lead me, oh God.
Chuy: Another name for Jesus
Chyavan: Name of an Indian saint
Chyavana: A saint in the Hindu mythology
Chydleluve: A warrior, one who fights for the safety of his king
Chyene: The name of a river and a city
Ciaba: The seller of coal, a fuel obtained from the remains of dead and decaying plants
Ciabhan: A mortal in the Irish legend who fell in love with a beautiful goddess, Cliodhna, who was swept away into the sea by a great wave
Cian: The name of the mythical ancestor of the Cianachta of the Irish legend
Cianan: Derived from the name of a 5th century Irish saint
Ciar: Black, the darkest colour that absorbs light completely
Ciaran: One who is dark in complexion
Cibba: A considerate, responsible and a devotee
Cica: A coal seller, the son of the dark man
Cicca: One who makes a living by selling coal
Cicero: Chickpea, a pulse from the pea family; an edible seed
Cicil: Moonstone, a precious shiny gemstone
Cid: God, the almighty; one who presides over mankind
Cidambara: One whose heart is as huge and vast as the sky
Cidananda: Happiness beyond limits, ultimate happiness or bliss
Cidatma: Intelligence in it's purest form
Cidatmata: One whose thoughts are very pure
Cidd: God, the absolute being
Cidda: The seller of coal, a metamorphic rock
Ciddhatu: Soul in it's pure and original form
Cidghana: One who is full of knowledge on every subject
Cidrich: A humble cooperative and cunning human being
Cidrupa: One who is a knowledge incarnate
Cidullasa: The thoughts and thinkings of a wise person
Cidvilasa: One who has immense knowledge in illusion
Ciedda: A clearing in the hollow
Cifa: The one who sells coal for a living
Cihir: A bird named Chumchum
Cikita: One who is experienced, has vast knowledge about various things due to personal experiences
Ciksura: One who gives or inflicts pain to fellow human beings
Cikura: Mountain, an elevation on the earth's surface, is also another word for hair on the head
Cilciuhinn: An interesting, understanding, cheerful and likable being
Cilda: One who is a seller of coal, Son of a dusky man
Cilistinu: Sicilian form of Caelestinus. It means of the sky or heavenly.
Cilix: The son of Agenor, popular in Greek mythology
Cillian: One who is associated with the Church and its Ministry
Ciman: Curious, need to know more about something
Cimarron: One who is wild and free-spirited, one who cannot be controlled or tamed by anyone
Cimeilliauc: A candid, eager and insightful individual, alluring
Cimesetli: A soft hearted, considerate and lonely person
Cimorene: One who loves nature, responsible and diligent being
Cinan: Head, chief; one who is the chief presider
Cinbran: A normal, blunt, youthful and noble person
Cincenn: A noble, cheerful and independent individual
Cincinnatus: One whose hair is curly, curly hair; hair with curls
Cinco: The number five, one who is fifth born
Cingal: A self confident, independent and gorgeous person
Cingen: One who loves to sing. A surname
Cingeswell: One who lives for the praise of his king, who makes his king happy
Cingeswiella: One who lives for the happiness of his king, like the spring season
Cingetorix: One who is considered as the king of warriors, leader of warriors; best warrior
Cinglas: Measurement of a person's waist or girth
Cingual: An annular one
Cingualan: A round person
Cinguali: A curcle. A round man
Cini: A coal seller, one who is a bearer of Christ
Cinmarch: One who is annular, round
Cinmaya: One who is filled with knowledge,a knowledgeable person
Cinnhor: An optimistic, loyal, honest and reserved person
Cinnor: A temple of antiques in Jerusalem
Cinon: Head, chief; leader; king
Cintamari: A gem that fullfils desires
Cintan: One's thoughts, thinkings; perceptions; conception; one's views
Cintugnatus: A graceful, articulate and trusting individual, untiring
Cintusmus: A logical, patient, patient and methodical individual
Cinuchan: One who is a chief
Cinuedu: Person who is a leader, a chief
Cinuin: One who appreciates beauty and naughty, witty
Cinuoc: An English name associated with a chief
Cinwell: One who lives in his king's good books, one who always makes his king happy
Ciolla: He is layered like an onion
Ciorra: A comforting, inexperienced and responsible individual
Cipactli: Nahuatl word for crocodile.
Cipactonal: Production of the day
Cipio: A walking stick, something that helps a cripple to walk
Cippa: Coal seller or the son of the dark man
Ciprian: A martyr and a bishop under the emperor Valerian
Cipriano: One who hails from Cyprus, a place located at the left of Syria
Cipta: To create
Ciqala: Small one, tiny one; little one
Cirajusa: One who has been gifted with long life
Cirakari: Making process at a slow rate, slowly progressing
Cirantaka: Never-ending, something that doesn't have an end
Cirayu: One who has a long life to live, long-living person
Cirayus: One who lives for a long time, long- lived person
Circehyll: One who lives at the hills of the church
Ciriaco: Spanish name for Cyriacus, meaning God
Ciriacus: Something that belongs to the Lord, of the Lord
Ciril: The Lord, the almighty; God; diety
Cirilo: Godly, lordly; princely; stately
Cirini: Another word for Cyrus, the means God, the Almighty
Cirjivaka: One who is long-lived, lives for a long time
Ciro: Majestically, lordly; God-like; royally
Cirocco: The wind from Ancient Egypt, a warm wind from Egypt
Cirroc: Top of the summit, peak of the mountain or hill
Cisco: One who speaks French, a Frenchman
Ciss: Dimunitive for any name related to Christ, e.g, Christopher
Cistumucus: Celtic Boy name, one who is chief
Citadhana: One who is conscious, attentive, alert, perceiving, watchful
Citaka: Something that is worn on the neck, an ornament
Citana: One who is a star in the sky
Citapati: Considered as the God of intelligence, Lord of wisdom
Citayu: One who is born intelligent, the intelligent one
Citlalee: Star
Citlali: A star, an object of the space and universe
Citoc: One who is the son of a dark man, an intense person
Citrabahu: One who has lots of spots or patches on his arm
Citrabana: One who owns arrows of different colours and varieties
Citrabanu: Fire, Magnificient and Splendid Flame; Shining with light
Citrabha: Fire, Magnificient and Splendid Flame; Shining with light
Citracapa: One who owns bows of different varieties and colours
Citragu: One who owns cows that are brownish, with streaks of other colour
Citraka: Painter, an artist who is spealized in the art of painting pictures
Citraketu: Owner of a beautiful banner, that is, a strip of cloth bearing slogans or sayings
Citraksa: One whose eyes have small patches or small spots
Citrakuta: A wonderful mountain peak, or apex, or brow
Citranga: One whose body is made up of different colours
Citrasena: One who has a bright spear, a weapon
Citrasila: A Hindi Boy name
Citrasva: A horse that is painted with colours, a beautiful painted horse
Citravasu: One who is very rich and has lots of treasures
Citresa: The God of the moon, Lord of the satellite of the earth
Citrisa: The wonderful Lord of the moon, which is the satellite of the earth
Citrya: Sparkling, bright; effervescent; brilliant
Citta: One's thoughts and intellect, one's collection of thoughts
Cittaja: One who is not born of the mind, one who is born of the heart and thinks from the heart, not mind
Cittapara: Irreasonable, something that does not have any reason
Cittavata: One who is very kind hearted, who is kind, caring, and compassionate
Cittayu: One who is the son of the heart, one who is sensitive, and thinks emotionally
Cittin: One who thinks very wisely, One who thinks before he acts
Citvana: To glance at, to look at something hurriedly; to take a small peep
Citvata: One who thinks logically, with sound reasoning and sensibility
Ciuarheru: A creative, beautiful and goal oriented individual
Civarin: One who wears rags, old clothes that are torn from the large ones
Claas: Victory of the People, winning of the people
Clac: The bearer of Christ, the coal seller
Clacc: The son of a man who is dark in colour
Claec: Dark, not light; the shade of sky at night
Claeg: One who is subjected to death, mortal
Claegborne: One who hails from Claybrook, a habitational place
Claegtun: Mortal, one who can die; opposite of immortal
Claellus: A name of the Arthurian Knight
Claes: Derived from the name Nicholas, one who was a helpful bishop from the 14th century; another term for "victory of the people"
Claiborn: A stream flowing by a claybed, one who hails from the claybrook
Claiborne: One who is earth-born, one who is born from the earth
Claibourne: One who hails from the earth, born from the earth
Clair: One who is clear, bright, shiny, one who is famous
Clamedeus: Name of a king in Arthurian legend.
Clancey: A warrior who is healthy red coloured, a soldier's son